Best Heads-Up Hand Story

I think this might be the best heads up story of the night (or biggest donkey move of the night). I was playing one of the ladies from Ching Hill and thought I would mix my play up a bit as we seemed to be going back and forth in chip count. So I decide to check blind in the BB. Flop comes KK6 so I check blind again. CH also checks. The turn brings another King and I check once more. CH comes out with a small bet so I decide I better look at my cards. What do I have but a pair of sixes (I had checked down a full house on the flop with no betting; nice). Talk about slow playing. The river brings a queen and so I make a small bet, doubtful she has a six, king or queen. CH comes back with a 3x raise to my initial bet. Now I am stuck. If I call, I am left with only around 1,500 in chips but how can I fold a full house heads up? I call and what does show but the fourth king. Well done I must say!! Looking back, if I had looked at my cards pre-flop or after the flop I would have gone all in for sure and she would have to call me with the trip Kings, putting me out of the match. I guess it was a god send that I checked blind. I was able to battle back after this hand back up to 4,900 (from my 5,000 starting chips) but in the end it was not meant to be.

Any other heads up stories from the Ryder Cup?


  • Aimee and I were playing our 4th or 5th hand. She raised preflop to 350, I look down at JJ and reraise 600 more. Aimee calls. Flop is K62 or something like that but def a K, I bet 750 she calls, now I have to think she has a K, turn is an A, I check, she checks, river is another A. I am now definitely thinking she must have either an A or a K as my original thought process went.

    I check.

    She bets 1000.

    I reluctantly fold and she turns her hand over and says "I figured my 9s were good."
  • Well, hell MDSGUY\

    It was a very good hand for me.. Apparently, I am getting better at this poker thing!!.. :)
    See what lots of reading and playing does for one. :)

    Best hand for me was the one where I get pocket aces, and larry sitting beside me get pocket aces. I have the black he has the red. I min raise, hoping someone will bet large after me. Larry does, everyone folds back to me. I put Larry all in. and we chop.

    It was a great heads up game, see ya next year.. :)
  • My best heads up hand came while playing Dr Larry from the Milton team with Moose watching Dr Larry's cards.

    It was the first hand in game 5 with me up 3 to 2 in games. I am dealt Q 8 offsuit, the Dr dealt JJ. Blinds are 1/2 and I raise to 5. The good Dr re-raise to 10 and I call. We each have 30 chips left. We can only see the first card and when I see that it is an Ace I go all-in. Dr Larry shakes his head pulls the rest of the cards and continues, apparently he doesn't get what he is looking for and announces I guess I have to fold. He shows me JJ. I show him my Q8 off, so he will feel a little better.

    Prophet 22
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