$20 Sit and Go in Kitchener. Wed. 7PM.

The 2nd Annual Haddon Open.
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 @ 7PM.
$20. Optional rebuy if you bust in the first level.

Max 10 handed. 25 Minute Blinds.
10K Starting Stack.

Great blind structure, nice atmosphere. It will be hosted at The Shop.

Confirmed Players:
1. Haddon
2. Al
3. Trevor
4. Tom North with a couch comp ;)
5. Liquidfire
6. Liquidfire's bro.
7. Mario.
8. King Mob Dave
9. Nik - 800Over

PM, email or call me to confirm.


  • 10K Starting Stack.
    25 Minute Blinds.


    10 min BREAK

    100/200 25
    150/300 25
    200/400 25

    10 min BREAK

    250/500 50 (YEAH THAT'S RIGHT...bring on the play)
    300/600 50
    400/800 50
    500/1000 100

    10 min BREAK

    700/1400 100
    1000/2000 200
    1500/3000 200
    2000/4000 200
    2500/5000 500 CAPPED
  • If I can get directions I'd love to play.
  • joshwritesstuff@gmail.com

    email me and you are in!!
  • Sign me up.

  • When will you be installing sleeping quarters?

    I am in.
  • sign me and my bro up!
  • put me down for a spot. Could you pm were it is going to be held.
  • Mario, it is being hosted at The Shop, you've been there twice.
    If you can't remember where it is, PM me.

    And anyone else who needs directions.

    3 spots left.
  • Sign me up. I'll be a couple minutes late - I close the store at 7:00.

    Can you give me a confirmation call (at the store) around 6:30 just in case. I'll get your address then.

  • Whats your number at the store? haha.
  • I'll be there.
  • hmm curious, how long is one allowed to blind in for? I'm interested but would be pretty late (like 10 :) hahahaha) and for those that know, when I'm 3 hours late for a tourney I ALWAYS WIN :)

  • May I reserve the seat to Graham's Right?
  • I gotta cancel like a little b*tch. I have plans to go to diner with my wife and her friend. (replace "I" with "I was told by my wife"). I can't get there till 8pm.

    Nik The "Can I go out and play with my friends please?" Canceller.
  • ItsaMe wrote: »
    put me down for a spot. Could you pm were it is going to be held.

    Nice to see you got your internet back up bro!
  • List updated.
    8 players as of now.
    Nik, you can blind in if you can be there by the end of the 3rd level.
  • haddon wrote: »
    List updated.
    8 players as of now.
    Nik, you can blind in if you can be there by the end of the 3rd level.

    I'll be there.
  • One spot left...and what an easy field...I'd play if I were you.

  • So which of these donks won the game? :)
    haddon wrote: »
    The 2nd Annual Haddon Open.
    1. Haddon
    2. Al
    3. Trevor
    4. Tom North with a couch comp ;)
    5. Liquidfire
    6. Liquidfire's bro.
    7. Mario.
    8. King Mob Dave
    9. Nik - 800Over

  • 11 players in, top 3 paid

    3rd... KingMob
    Split for 1st... DataMn and Metro

    It was 62K to 58K, the blinds were 250/500 and it was 11 at night. There was going to be no pressure from the blinds for hours, so we just decided to chop it.
  • Actual List of Players...

    1. Haddon
    2. DataMn
    3. Beanie
    4. Metro
    5. Liquidfire
    6. Liquidfire's bro.
    7. Itsame
    8. King Mob Dave
    9. Kristy_Sea
    10. Bobby
    11. Two Bullets
  • Never mind, I was too late!

  • King Mob Dave took 3 rd place.

    Al and I chopped for 1st.

    It was a heck of a game.

    Just to give you and indication - during the 25-25 level - we had a 3 way all-in (with 10k starting stacks).

    Bobby raised 150 from MP, Haddon called in SB, I raised it to 700 from BB.

    Bobby called, Haddon raised all-in, I re-raised all-in, Bobby called.

    (Me)tro: AA
    Bobby: KK
    Haddon: 9-10

    Flop: 10-10-X

    And that was that.

    Haddon didnt have me covered so although I lost to him I did get chips from Bobby.

    Few hands later. Liquidfire hit top set (KK) when Haddon pushed him all in on a draw - A gut shot draw - and once again 10's were good to Haddon.

    **We did allow re-buys during the first level - which accomdated such play**

    There were a number of suckouts through the night - and I claimed at least one of them.

    Incredibley, Al and I were heads up with the blinds only at 250-500 50 ante. Al and I both had about 60, 000 chips.

    We played a few hands and Al offered the chop and I gladly accepted.

    **In my mind Al always has Aces, I cant compete against that**
  • Sorry, It would be remiss to not thank Josh for graciously hosting the game last evening.

    Thanks again to everyone who played.
  • Josh was a great host..but I refuse to give him credit for it.

    eff him and his 5-6s call!

    (seriously though, thanks guys..it was fun!)
  • Hey Kristy, I take it you weren't lucky last night? LOL
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