
Did I miss something but I can't find the results of the big event?



  • I will get the results posted as they are on another computer at the moment.
    as for the Guelph team. Let's just say 3 players out in the first 10 mins of the Omaha section and 22 points in the first round. You be the judge.
  • How the hell does that happen? That is damm near impossible, so what you are telling me is that the three first people out of omaha where guelph people

  • Umm Yeah that about covers it.
  • First of all, thanks to pokerdro, Nadine, Pinhead, the other captains, etc. for another fun Royal Cup. Below is MY summary of the day's events.

    Disclaimer: Any errors, omissions or my personal opinions are not meant to offend anybody or to create post-event drama/trauma. ;) Participants should feel free to post their own opinion, hopefully without hating on anybody.

    All nine teams managed to arrive by 11 AM. All four of the 7-Card Stud players from my defending champion GTA Piranas team could not return, :( but I eventually managed to find four replacements willing to play, including two "Studettes." :) Thanks to my last-minute teammate Terra for bringing in her poker table tops. I think she will be the new Tournament Director for the Pirana Poker Tour in Kitchener-Waterloo.

    Cards flew after 11 AM. As has always been the case, all teams had the full 8 members and this time, nobody was late as far as I know. It seemed not too long after that there was already a break for the Omaha players. The first event was scheduled to end by 2 PM, but one Stud table took much longer. The final two were my new player, Haydn, and Waterloo's Dom, with first place at stake. Eventually, pokerdro, Pinhead and I agreed to raise the capped blinds. Haydn emerged victorius, so the GTA Piranas and Team Waterloo were the first round leaders at 70 points each. For the second Royal Cup in a row, the GTA Piranas were on top with at least 70 points.

    Ching Hill was in third place with 62 points. Other Stud winners were the Lunatics' Mario, Milton's Judy and Newbies' Joe. Omaha winners were Piranas' Cory S, Waterloo's Moose, HBK's Tyson and Milton's Bob.

    While most players had a long break and some were playing side games, Haydn and Dom had to play right away for the late Limit event. It was again Haydn's table that lasted past the 5 PM scheduled end all the way past the dinner break. It was an epic battle between HBK's DrTyore and Haydn, which Haydn eventually won. With the late NLHE event about to start, they had no time for dinner and Haydn had to quickly eat the remaining now-cold pizza that I had bought for the team during the dinner break.

    After the Limit event, Ching Hill moved into first place with 123 points. GTA Piranas were second with 117, and Waterloo was third with 114 points. HBK had the most points of 69 for the Limit event, winning three of the tables: beanie42, TNORTH and Tyson. Other winners were Ching Hill's busdriver and Dan, Guelph's Ken, and Piranas' Cory S again.

    When the heads-up selection sheet was handed out to the captains, I noticed that the last selection was GTA Piranas against Team Waterloo. With half of the Ching Hill players playing side games after getting eliminated early during NLHE, I proposed to Waterloo's captain Pinhead that we select each other for the final match. With possibly the championship at stake, it would make an even more exciting finish than the g2 vs. BBC Z finale of the first Royal Cup. Pinhead decided to put himself against another team. I then asked Kitchener II's captain, "The Prophet 22", if he wanted to play the heads-up match and he agreed.

    Piranas' Cory S won his table for the third time in a row. Congratulations to Cory S for being the first player in Royal Cup history to win all three SNGs! Just like the previous Royal Cup, the Piranas were again #1 heading to the Heads-Up event, with 173 points. Waterloo was in 2nd place with 172 and Kitchener II moved into 3rd place with 162 points. The Lunatics won the NLHE event with 85 points, with captain 2bullets and AcidJoesHoe winning their tables. Other NLHE winners were Kitchener II's WolFFhound and Ken, Waterloo's Dave and Moose, and Newbies' MDSGuy.

    Milton Rocked the Heads-Up event, winning 7 out of 8 matches, for a final total of 209 points. Ching Hill was second with 60 points, for a final total of 218 points. Waterloo won 5 matches, and was currently in first place with a final total of 222 points.

    The captains of the Lunatics and Kitchener II opted to delay their match with the Piranas until Mirmir reminded us that it was almost 11:30 PM and that we had to get our matches going. With Pirana Haydn involved in his third marathon match of the day, I decided to sit in the same table and asked my teammate John to sit in the same table so that everybody can watch the final three heads-up matches in one table. Three Piranas side-by-side, three Royal Cup captains all in the same table that would decide first to fifth place. The Piranas had 193 points so far. We needed to win all three matches to win the championship, or two wins to make it to third place; otherwise, we would be out of the money.

    Haydn finally won what probably was the longest heads-up match in Royal Cup history against the Newbies. The Lunatics' 2Bullets won his heads up match against Pirana, ending up with a total of 209 points for a third-place tie with Milton for the moment. It all came down between "The Prophet 22" and me. He wins, and my team would end up in fifth place and out of our $400 buy-in. I win and my team wins $720. A $1,120 swing on one heads-up match.

    Captain vs. captain. Mano a mano. Tête-à-tête. :) With so much at stake, two players from other teams volunteered to take turns dealing. In a 3,500+ pot, I had two pair but Brent got an "Ace on the River" and took a big chip lead. Terra gave me a back massage and it distracted me from hearing Brent's "all-in" declaration, but it started me off on my long uphill climb to get the chip lead. The lead changed a couple more times, but after almost 50 hands with the blinds at 200/400, Brent was the short stack with around 2800 chips. I raised with 8-8 and Brent re-raised all-in with K-Q. I said to myself, "I think I got this one." and called. A Queen came on the river, but I had already gotten a third eight on the turn. I won the match and shook Brent's hand.

    Congratulations to Team Waterloo and Ching Hill. Congratulations to Haydn for deservedly winning the Royal Cup III MVP, with 49 long-fought points. Cory S was the MVP runner-up. The GTA Piranas had the most table wins. Here are the final points standings.

    1) Waterloo - 222
    2) Ching Hill - 218
    3) GTA Piranas - 213
    4-5) Milton Rocks & KW Lunatics - 209
    6) Kitchener 2 - 172
    7) Guelph - 149
    8 ) Kitchener Heartbreak Kids - 145
    9) Newbies - 143.

    See you all at Royal Cup IV!
    Did I miss something but I can't find the results of the big event?
  • Thanks for the summary, Had a great time, met a bunch of new poker peeps
    got a few faces now for those poker forum names. More importantly, The "Fat Boy Poker Challenge" down 2 pounds already!!! At this rate I'll be 156.6 lbs. That should take it!!!!! The bad news, going to the Leaf game tonite, and as we all know, it is a Toronto By-Law that you MUST have Popcorn and an Ice CReam Bar at any Leaf game!
  • BlondeFish wrote: »

    8 ) Kitchener Heartbreak Kids - 145

    What is this Shannon? I could have gotten that many points myself! hahahhaha j/k =) Sorry I couldn't make this one, hopefully there will be a spot for me on HBK in the next RC, otherwise I might have to start my own team. hehe

    Buddy, I respect your Pirana Poker Tour and all it's accomplishments, but a word of advice....cut down on the gloating for the GTA Pirana's, it's not getting you anywhere.
  • Report from Kitchener II

    As per usual, we had trouble fielding a team. It seems there are about 5 guys who are interested and then I find myself finding players at the last minute to make sure we have a team. I felt really good about the team that I put together for this event. But then the calls came and players changed. I felt good about all the replacements but then an hour before the event found out I would have to play. I had chosen not to play this time to encourage players and keep on top of things as a captain.

    I was really proud of the players we ended up with and when all is done we were 11 points out of first place going into the heads up matches.

    My heads up match.

    After going 2-0 in the first 2 cups, and my enjoyment for this part of the game. I was really looking forward to playing Buddy. Other matches were still going on when we started. Teammates’ from Buddy would come up and whisper in his ear and I had had enough and said “what is going on”? Buddy final told me if he wins they get third if I win others move into the money.

    By now most people were gathered around the table. I decided in my mind, I will probably never get to play with pocket cam, so I was going to use this opportunity and allow all behind me to see the cards I was playing. I wanted to know the feeling In the end, I believe it cost me, although I will never know for sure.

    Pre-flop play I was raising with any 2 cards 83, 54, K2, etc and would take it down there or on the flop with a continuation bet. When I just called pre-flop I and hoping to hit, I would fire out a big bet and Buddy would come over the top for everything. My dilemma was that I never hit top pair when I did this it was always middle or low pair. And I folded like a cheap suit. I think it was because I didn’t want to look stupid calling an all-in with low or middle pair. This happened 5 times and after it was all over, I came to the realization I played scared poker for the second time in my life.

    I have know idea if Kitchener II will play the next one, I will think about it and let you know Sandros and my teammates know closer to the next day.

  • Ok Brent we have time to talk about that.
  • Sandro...

    Can you post the individual stats?

  • I decided in my mind, I will probably never get to play with pocket cam, so I was going to use this opportunity and allow all behind me to see the cards I was playing. I wanted to know the feeling In the end, I believe it cost me, although I will never know for sure.
    Don't know if it cost your or not, but watching your cards compared to your play, you gave a great performance considering what you were dealt (thanks for letting us watch). You may feel you played scared, but I only saw one post-flop fold I was really surprised with.

    Next year Brent ;)
  • Name Team Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Total Score
    Haydn GTA Piranas 15 15 9 10 49
    Cory S GTA Piranas 15 15 15 0 45
    Tyson HeartBreak Kids 15 15 2 10 42
    Bob S Milton Rocks 15 5 12 10 42
    Moose Waterloo 15 12 15 0 042
    Jen Lunatics 7 12 12 10 41
    Garry Ching Hill 12 5 12 10 39
    Jeff Ching Hill 9 15 5 10 39
    Mario Lunatics 15 1 12 10 38
    Ken Kitchener 2 2 9 15 10 36
    Derek Ching Hill 12 12 1 10 35
    Elliot Waterloo 7 9 7 10 33
    Dom Waterloo 12 2 9 10 33
    Amanda Ching Hill 9 9 12 0 30
    Jeff Milton Rocks 1 7 12 10 30
    Beanie HeartBreak Kids 1 15 3 10 29
    Wolff Kitchener 2 5 9 15 0 29
    Dan Ching Hill 2 15 1 10 28
    Jeremy Lunatics 2 1 15 10 28
    Dave B Milton Rocks 5 1 12 10 28
    Joe Newbies 15 12 1 0 28
    Todd Newbies 12 3 3 10 28
    T Bone Guelph Polar Bears 1 9 7 10 27
    Aimee P. Lunatics 1 1 15 10 27
    Dave D Milton Rocks 7 7 3 10 27
    Dave Waterloo 1 1 15 10 27
    Diddy Waterloo 12 9 5 0 26
    Eleanor Ching Hill 12 2 1 10 25
    Terry GTA Piranas 3 3 9 10 25
    Cam = Bobby Kitchener 2 12 12 1 0 25
    Jamie Lunatics 1 2 12 10 25
    Al Lunatics 3 7 5 10 25
    Judy P Milton Rocks 15 7 2 0 24
    Terra GTA Piranas 7 1 5 10 23
    Ken Guelph Polar Bears 7 15 1 0 23
    Metro HeartBreak Kids 7 15 1 0 23
    Mark Milton Rocks 9 3 1 10 23
    MDS Newbies 1 7 15 0 23
    pkrfce Newbies 9 12 2 0 23
    Miranda Guelph Polar Bears 2 3 7 10 22
    Laura GTA Piranas 12 2 7 0 21
    Cowboy Mike Guelph Polar Bears 1 1 9 10 21
    Sandro Guelph Polar Bears 7 7 7 0 21
    Eric Kitchener 2 5 7 9 0 21
    Jon Waterloo 5 5 1 10 21
    Xuan Waterloo 9 1 1 10 21
    Brad A. Waterloo 9 5 5 0 19
    Ron Kitchener 2 3 12 3 0 18
    Larry Milton Rocks 1 5 2 10 18
    John A GTA Piranas 9 7 1 0 17
    Ryan GTA Piranas 7 1 9 0 17
    Randy Kitchener 2 5 9 3 0 17
    g2 Milton Rocks 5 1 1 10 17
    AJ Ching Hill 3 1 2 10 16
    Buddy V GTA Piranas 2 3 1 10 16
    Mark P Guelph Polar Bears 2 1 3 10 16
    Mandy Lunatics 1 5 9 0 15
    DrTyore HeartBreak Kids 1 12 1 0 14
    Pat Newbies 9 3 2 0 14
    BBC Newbies 3 9 2 0 14
    Brent Kitchener 2 3 1 9 0 13
    Geoff Kitchener 2 1 5 7 0 13
    JohnnieH HeartBreak Kids 1 5 5 0 11
    Shannon HeartBreak Kids 5 3 3 0 11
    Haren Guelph Polar Bears 1 2 7 0 10
    Labeach HeartBreak Kids 2 3 5 0 10
    Ron Lunatics 3 2 5 0 10
    Pat Guelph Polar Bears 1 1 7 0 9
    Jim Newbies 5 1 3 0 9
    Chris Ching Hill 3 2 1 0 6
    Flint HeartBreak Kids 2 1 2 0 5
    SOS Newbies 1 2 1 0 4
  • Team Points Round 1 Points Round 2 Points Round 3 Heads Up Final Points
    Waterloo 70 44 58 50 222
    Ching Hill 62 61 35 60 218
    GTA Piranas 70 47 56 40 213
    Milton Rocks 58 36 45 70 209
    Lunatic Fringe 33 31 85 60 209
    Kitchener II 36 64 62 10 172
    Guelph 22 39 48 40 149
    Heartbreak Kids 34 69 22 20 145
    Newbies 55 49 29 10 143
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