Rocks also may be in need of replacement!

Ok, just got back from Vegas to find out we may need a replacement as well. (Trip report to follow, promise!) I have been trying desperately to find someone without success up to now.... Hopefully I can get a last second fill-in but if anyone has a suggestion at this late date, please contact me.... Jeff...


  • I've sent out a request to all the players on my league list, mostly for Joe's request. If I get more than one interested, I'll PM you the contact details, but at this late notice, it's not going to be easy.
  • Ok, we're good, got a young up and coming Milton rookie (read --- ringer) playing for us. Full up again.. Thx..
  • Jeff, have you got a name for the new player, or who dropped out?

    Just printing out the table sheets so I'm trying to get as much accurate info as I can :)

    Edit: Nevermind, got the info from the other forum :)
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