No shows?

One word of completely obvious advice. If you are coming from out of town leave yourself plenty of time to get here for Saturday morning or stay the night in KW at a hotel or another players house.

Now, my question. If a team has a no show and cannot find a replacement is that team disqualified or will that player get last place points in each event they are not there for? I don't like the idea of blinding a player out. I think the best idea is to have them get last place in that discipline. Hopefully by the next event they will be able to find a replacement.



  • Good question. In the past, correct me if I'm wrong, if a team had a no show, there was a small pool of teamless players that we could choose from. Will this be permitted this time, or will the team have take the last place point?
  • If they whole team is out, they should get last place, at least.

    Blinding them out implies that they paid their entry, which I'm assuming they won't have.
  • stpboy wrote: »
    If you are coming from out of town leave yourself plenty of time to get here for Saturday morning
    what time do you think i should head out?
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    what time do you think i should head out?

    Well the way that most men your age drive, I'd say you should start scraping those windows off now. I also give advice on reminding people to breathe, eat food and have a beverage now and then...

  • We have had it pretty good the first couple of times as there were subs available. I am assuming there will be some again but no one has officially said anything to me. The rule in the past has been to post and fold until a player arrives. I have had a couple ppl already contact me about being a bit late for the beginning of the event and I decided post and fold was how it would go.

    Almost forgot to throw in a jab. If the HBK had all post n folds they may finish a bit better then last time ;)
  • stpboy wrote: »
    Well the way that most men your age drive, I'd say you should start scraping those windows off now.
    ROFL, you just made my funny forumers list!

  • g2 wrote: »
    ROFL, you just made my funny forumers list!

    hey when you get up off the floor, go ahead and ship those cpf $ over, funny boy
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    hey when you get up off the floor, go ahead and ship those cpf $ over, funny boy
    Ha, you think your "mathematical" proof of that +EV was good? It had like 2 numbers in it. I call BS!

  • g2 wrote: »
    Ha, you think your "mathematical" proof of that +EV was good? It had like 2 numbers in it. I call BS!

    so that's how it's gonna be? ok fine then
  • First of all, this is a Team tourney so there are no individual buyins. Obviously most teams will split it evenly, but that is up to them and has no effect on the overall tournament. If the $400 is paid in full by the 7 players who arrive, then officially that seat/chips have been purchased.
    From what I remember in talking last time when a couple players were going to be late was that they would be blinded in until they bust as they have technically paid for their chips.
  • pokerdro wrote: »
    Almost forgot to throw in a jab. If the HBK had all post n folds they may finish a bit better then last time ;)

    Only in the HU portion of the tournament. 1-7 Baby!!!!
  • stpboy wrote: »
    One word of completely obvious advice. If you are coming from out of town leave yourself plenty of time to get here for Saturday morning or stay the night in KW at a hotel or another players house.

    that is not always possible. I've already contacted Sandro about the possibility of us being late. Aimee works till 9 am that morning and we will leave soon after that. Don't worry about how I drive I'm worried about the other idiots on the road. This idiot knows how to drive.

    Now on a more serious note, we have lost a player (I'm on Tilt) and need a replacement. Please pm me if anyone is willing to play.
  • I am not sure but Brent isn't playing maybe he wants to defect to the enemy?
  • Pinhead wrote: »
    First of all, this is a Team tourney so there are no individual buyins. Obviously most teams will split it evenly, but that is up to them and has no effect on the overall tournament. If the $400 is paid in full by the 7 players who arrive, then officially that seat/chips have been purchased.
    From what I remember in talking last time when a couple players were going to be late was that they would be blinded in until they bust as they have technically paid for their chips.

    Seems a little unfair that your team would be penalized if one of your players doesn't show up. Wouldn't it make more sense to just average out the placement of the remaining players on each team to come up with an average score for each event? not sure how a team that is short one player can come from behind if one of their players is guaranteed (mostly likely) last place in each event. Especially since the other players end up having to pay more to enter the tournament in the first place. Hopefully there will be some alternate players available on Saturday as in the past. I know most tournaments I have attended in the past usually have a 10-20% no show on the day of the tournament. KW based teams definitely have an advantage due to the location of the tournament.
  • This tournament is a bit different as we are not counting on typical poker players. This is an Event that people usually plan for and the planning that is done ahead of time is done with the thought that people will respect the Event for what it is. If this event had 10 to 20% no shows I wouldn't be running it and wasting my time. A team has the option to play with less players or not play at all. The players will be blinded out. No averaging of points will happen. It is up to the Captains to have a reliable team and alternates to fill in if need be. In some cases the post and fold usually doesn't finish in the bottom 3 anyways.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Seems a little unfair that your team would be penalized if one of your players doesn't show up. Wouldn't it make more sense to just average out the placement of the remaining players on each team to come up with an average score for each event? not sure how a team that is short one player can come from behind if one of their players is guaranteed (mostly likely) last place in each event. Especially since the other players end up having to pay more to enter the tournament in the first place. Hopefully there will be some alternate players available on Saturday as in the past. I know most tournaments I have attended in the past usually have a 10-20% no show on the day of the tournament. KW based teams definitely have an advantage due to the location of the tournament.

    It may seem unfair, but this is a Team Tournament. Right from the start, the buyin was always $400 per team, it was not a $50 buyin per player. Obviously nobody wants to have a team playing with only 7 players, but you can't just make a team of 7 and take some form of average score multiplier to get what they would have had with a team of 8. Why should a team with only 7 players get more points for each single table they played than any other team? Every table has 9 players so there is no reason to make first place worth more for one player than another.

    Also, I highly doubt somebody blinding out would be last place in each event as there are plenty of chips to play with and in my experience with the first 2 tourneys, there were not many tables which didn't kill off a couple players in the early blind levels, way before somebody would be blinded out.

    I know first hand what it is like to try to get a full team of 8 together at the last minute as I had players drop last time and only found a replacement player about an hour before RC 2. Our replacement player had never played PLO, played LHE a couple times but we made the best of it and got him as much info on the games as we could.
  • pokerdro wrote: »
    This tournament is a bit different as we are not counting on typical poker players. This is an Event that people usually plan for and the planning that is done ahead of time is done with the thought that people will respect the Event for what it is. If this event had 10 to 20% no shows I wouldn't be running it and wasting my time. A team has the option to play with less players or not play at all. The players will be blinded out. No averaging of points will happen. It is up to the Captains to have a reliable team and alternates to fill in if need be. In some cases the post and fold usually doesn't finish in the bottom 3 anyways.

    Hahaha I'm glad we're on the same page here :)
    It seems I may need to start typing a little faster though ;)
  • We will work something out, thanks for the clarification guys.
  • I understand the effort that goes into running one of these events; just giving my two cents worth. Hopefully all teams will have a full roster so this is not an issue at the end of the day. It just sucks that some teams may have an advantage from the start because other teams didn't have players show up. I wonder how the teams short a player in RC1 and RC2 did relative to the other teams?
  • Actually so far we have been lucky enough that no team had to compete with only 7 players. I know Kit 2 got a last minute replacement that worked out well for them in RC 1 and our replacement in RC 2 actually ended up leading our team in points, but still no results from teams that are shorthanded.

    As Sandro said though, a player blinding out will likely not finish in the bottom 3 all that often. Much more than I can say of my own results in these :(
  • Let's hope for some good weather and that everyone can make it to and from the tournament safely.

    Should be fun.
  • The only team with an advantage is Shannon's merry men and their pink shirts....(they'll say they are red)...

    pokerJAH...this has been and will be a great day. Take a deep breath, put your faith in those that run it, and have an AWESOME time.
  • We are once again full.... tilt is replaced with Todd..... The Toronto Rver Kings will take this down.....

  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    The only team with an advantage is Shannon's merry men and their pink shirts....(they'll say they are red)...

    The shirts are red. I think your vision may have been 'impaired' last time :D
  • I'm going to have to say Wolff's vision was a little bit enhanced last time :)
    Going for back-to-back MVPs or are you staying sober today? ;)
  • How many "beers" does it take to get your vision enhanced?
  • at least 14
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