Who will be Top 2 for RCIII



  • DrTyore, remarks about my fellow forum members such as you are usually tongue-in cheek :) and no offence or "drama" is ever intended. Both you and Haydn were engaging in verbal psychological warfare and it was a lot of fun to watch. I remember your teammate joking to Haydn, "I know Mark's my teammate, but damn he's irritating me so much, I hope you win soon!" ;)
    DrTyore wrote: »
    But TonyG Analogy? Damn.. that's harsh.
  • so the fish got 3rd? guess the poll was correct then. what's the biggie?

    buddy, the people on your team i saw played very well. except for one, anyway but she was kinda cute and polite so i'm not complaining. i didn't play against hadyn so i can't comment on his a-hole-iness.

    congrats on fielding a good team with the late entries.
  • The Milton Rocks poured it on in the headsup round, going 7-1 and nearly tied for 3rd overall. And we only got 4 votes. I am sick of this. ROCKS 4 LIFE!!!!!!!!

  • Huzzah!!!

    Asbestos suit man AWAY
  • Thanks, stpboy. Since you said you never played with Haydn, I assume that you got that mistaken impression with the incident at the Stud table. It had been a long stressful heads-up battle between Waterloo's Dom and Haydn, so when Haydn felt that somebody not in the hand kept making remarks during play against the rules, he lost his cool and said something back. After you and I spoke to our respective team member, I believe that things de-escalated and there were no further incidents.

    Haydn's games lasted much longer than mine, so I watched most of his matches and know that he played with both class and skill. Dom, DrTyore and the Newbies' Pat played for an extremely long time with Haydn, and I'm pretty sure they would agree that Haydn was a class act just like the Heartbreak Kids.
    stpboy wrote: »
    The Piranas were for the most part a class act, you can't control one a-hole player on your team. You guys are awesome for the most part.
  • Geez, they were class acts like the HBK's? Maybe they were jerks... ;)

    Wait a sec... the cruelest thing we did was HBK on HBK violence.... and yes, I am sitting on a pillow today BEANIE

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    .... and yes, I am sitting on a pillow today BEANIE

    I didn't know beanie swung that way.


  • Blondefish,

    if you want to do better in popularity contests, buy your teammates beers next time around and get some of them to drop the confidence/arrogance.


    Edit: I should also say, I played Cory (of the Piranhas) heads up and I respected his attitude and demeanor very much.
  • I commented on a hand to someone NOT in the game. Big deal, I wasn't coaching Dom, just talking to another player. EVERYONE was talking about the hand, not just me.

    I don't think it's a 'rule' that I can't comment, just poor etiquette. I immediately apologized, and he promptly swore at me again.

    I certainly didn't need to be swore and yelled at TWICE by some arrogant prick.

    You talked to him Buddy, but I didn't get an apology.

  • I 100% believe he folded QQ.... here's a new strategy i've been working on:

    A: Get into a situation where the villain has only 2 outs
    B: Within the rules, make it VERY obvious he's drawing stupidly slim
    C: Beg and plead after the flop for him to think carefull why I keep raising him pre-flop, and on a Jack high board - tell him there's only say, 1% of all hands I'm willing to do this with
    D: Watch him fold
    E: Apologize to him profusely when I show my KK and his set of Queens gets made on the turn

    now THAT'S good poker.... psychic bluffs!

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    now THAT'S scared poker....
    I fixed your post. If you really believe he had QQ and you had him horribly beat but wanted him out of the pot to avoid a slim chance of a suckout, are you really that happy with your ability to convince a beat player not to pay you off?
  • Haha...

    I knew this was coming.... what can I say? He made a great laydown, and my patter was true this time! I think I used the same patter against Xuan, but I had a better hand than KK that time.. 78 SOOOOTED... and yes I went runner runner there.. my bad

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