Game 4 Player's List

Tonight's Game Has Been Postponed Due To Weather And Road Conditions.



  • hi everyone,

    just wondering where these gamesare? and am i able to join this league?
  • hi everyone,

    just wondering where these gamesare? and am i able to join this league?

    The games are in Brampton near the Bramlea city centre. It's never too later to join. Usually there are 15-17 players a game.

    Check the rest of the Chinguacousy Hill Poker League forum for more details on rules.
  • Joe, if you're interested in this week's game, send me a PM with your email address, and I'll send you all the information you need.

    Welcome aboard.
  • AJ,

    put me as 50/50....I may have to work late that night. Let you know tommorow night or Thursday noon.
  • Please count me out for this one.

  • Eleanor is in; she just hasn't had the time to reply
  • Hey AJ, school is busy right now and I might be at York late on Thursday so I am not sure If I will be able to make it to this weeks game. If you can put me down as a maybe, cause I wont know until last minute if I can make it.
  • JHJ wrote: »
    Hey AJ, school is busy right now and I might be at York late on Thursday so I am not sure If I will be able to make it to this weeks game. If you can put me down as a maybe, cause I wont know until last minute if I can make it.

    He just wants to see if the turn out is going to be low because if it is Justin will win. ;)
  • sorry, count me out for this one. see you guys at the Ryder this Saturday.
  • Looks abit light tonight, but still have enough for a game. Mind you, the pending weather may have a say in it as well. Let's play it by ear for now, see what happens.

    TONS of room for anyone who wishes to join us tonight.
  • It looks like it is going to get quite nusty weatherwise... Maybe we should bump today's game to next week?

  • ACDC wrote: »
    It looks like it is going to get quite nusty weatherwise... Maybe we should bump today's game to next week?


    I'm thinking the same thing. Maybe we should see about bumping the game?

    If only a few people can't make it then we will not have enough players for the game.
  • sorry, I meant to say nasty... and yes it is getting bad on the road.

    I say: Lets bump it.

  • ACDC wrote: »
    sorry, I meant to say nasty... and yes it is getting bad on the road.

    I say: Lets bump it.


    Nusty is just as good....when talking about the other drivers on the roads.


    Brenda...if you're reading this, please call Gus and inform him.
  • i just drove home from brampton.

    other then being a slow drive it is not that bad at all.

    I know I can still make it, and I am coming from weather belt orangeville.

    also it is suppose to turn to just normal rain later on.

    Myers just called he wants to come if it is still on
  • It took me over 3hrs to drive home (normal time is 30mins), and that was from Concorde. It's not so much the roads as it is other drivers. I must have seen a dozen cars spinning in place trying to go up the smallest incline. Really slowed things down. As well, the forecast called for freezing rain before changing to rain, and quite frankly, I don't like the thought of players having to drive in that just for a small game.

    It was just better to postpone it one week. No changes to points, just one week added to the schedule.
  • np

    I was just itching for some poker.
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