Bristol Street 2007 Top 10?



  • I think your count is wrong Shannon - Ranger Mike is on both lists, and that would make three people repeating.

    Congratulations ladies - three in the top ten.
  • Only one honorable mention for poor ItsaMe and he shows everyone up by taking down Player of the Year!

    (I think it should also be mentioned there's been only one player now to crack the Top 10 list in '05, '06 and '07... Bristol Street is rigged!!!)

    PS> My apologies for the dreadful loading times on my site. When I fixed the player of the year point calculations, I introduced a serious performance hit. I figured I'd take a look at that one when I wasn't full 'o beer.
  • A quick analysis of the predictions.

    Nobody put the Player of the Year winner - Itsame - in his top 10. Four people had the runner-up Kristy in their top 10.

    The best predicted players were stpboy (8 votes), Zithal (7 votes) and DrTyore (6 votes).

    Clearly many people lost players in their predictions during the year - Prophet22, 2Bullets, and MetroTom were popular picks that played very little during the year. Number 11 on the list - Moose - had 9 votes.

    Three players in the top 10 had no votes in their favour - RangerMike, 800Over (although he did get one honourable mention on a list) and Peteski.

    The best predictors were 2Bullets, westside8, and g2 - all picked four of the top 10.
  • Number 11 on the list - Moose - had 9 votes.

    Top 10 bubble sucked. All I needed was one higher finish in one tournament to make it.

  • Three players in the top 10 had no votes in their favour - RangerMike, 800Over (although he did get one honourable mention on a list) and Peteski.

    As this is probably the only chance I'll have to pat myself on the back, here goes:

    What bitches? What? Don't hate the player, hate the game! Why ya'll dissin the King? I take care o mine ! Ya'mean? Fo' shizzle.

    (my best Kanya West "I deserve the award /Ray Lewis "I ain't saying shit about that dead guy"/Alan Iverson "we're talking about practice" immitation <which we all know would be a painfully akward white guy imitation>)......

    Oh and congrats to my peeps RangerMike and Peteski....both members of the NR3.* (Mario is the alternate should one of us not be able to fulfill our duties)

    *No Respect 3 (formerly the "Ranger and Who Dat 2 Crew")(and yeah I like brackets....what?)
  • Just got "internet". Thought it fitting to say BAM that just happened, PLayer of the year in the house. Just like to say thanks to everyone that vote for me....wait no voted for me :( Like to give big props to kristy who keep the race intresting.

    Fun year! had great time with everyone and probely will keep having fun next year when i come in last.

    P.S. It will not only be PLOY but also Champ of 2007.
  • ItsaMe wrote: »
    Just got "internet".

    welcome to the real world Mario.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    ItsaMe wrote: »
    Just got "internet".
    welcome to the real world Mario.

    The bad news is, according to sources, you only have another two years to access the internet.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    As this is probably the only chance I'll have to pat myself on the back, here goes:

    What bitches? What? Don't hate the player, hate the game! Why ya'll dissin the King? I take care o mine ! Ya'mean? Fo' shizzle.

    (my best Kanya West "I deserve the award /Ray Lewis "I ain't saying shit about that dead guy"/Alan Iverson "we're talking about practice" immitation <which we all know would be a painfully akward white guy imitation>)......

    Oh and congrats to my peeps RangerMike and Peteski....both members of the NR3.* (Mario is the alternate should one of us not be able to fulfill our duties)

    *No Respect 3 (formerly the "Ranger and Who Dat 2 Crew")(and yeah I like brackets....what?)

    WOW, that <recently> happened.

    800OVER has taken posting to a whole new level that I don't believe the rest of us can hope to keep up with.

    I petition to shut down CPF immediately, this forum has clearly peaked.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    WOW, that <recently> happened.

    800OVER has taken posting to a whole new level that I don't believe the rest of us can hope to keep up with.

    I petition to shut down CPF immediately, this forum has clearly peaked.

    "That boy sure can post! Too bad he can't play poker for shit!"
  • Let's see.....I didn't make the top ten this year. I wonder why...oh right I played twice. Damn work getting in the way.

    Hopefully 2008 will be a year where I can play.
  • Sorry...can't make it.
  • //////////////////
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