Bristol Street 2007 Top 10?

With the 2007 season beginning tommorow, I thought I would post a thread on players predictions for the upcoming season. Interested to see who has a bullseye on them already.
Of the 2006 Bristol Street Top 10 in points, how many of the following players will repeat into the Top 10 for 2007 considering that only 2 repeated from the previous year.

2006 Top 10

Rob "Moose"
Ty "8Ball"
Tom "metro"
JohnnieH "JohnnieH"
Shannon "stpboy"
Rob "Zithal"
Wes "westside"
Andrew "flint bones"
Steve "SeektheGrail"
Mike "Ranger"

Who is your early season pick to win the points championship (out of all players of course)?



  • Metro - however you need a separate poll for q.2. He was the king of consistency last year.
    Dark horse: DataMn Al - it depends however how many events he plays.

    Also fyp to include the top 10 of 2005 for comparison.
  • Ok I searched it out:


    The final standings are based on your Top 4 points of 2005. In the event of a tie, the tie is broken with your next highest score (in backets). This list will be used to populate the invitation list for the Bristol Street Classic GRAND FINALS

    1 - "Redington" Tyson J. - 107
    2 - "beanie" Trevor - 104
    3 - "Dirty Whore" Mark B. - 103
    4 - "Slippery" Pete A. - 93
    5 - "ItsaMe" Mario - 90 (1:cool:
    6 - "batmankw" David Sin. - 90 (0)
    7 - "Zithal" Rob L. - 89 (16)
    8 - Kevin F. - 89 (15)
    9 - "8Ball" Tye Z. - 89 (12)
    10 - "Oragami" Jonathan C. - 87 (17)
  • /g2 <-- haha, no.
  • stpboy wrote: »
    Who is your early season pick to win the points championship (out of all players of course)?
    You heard it here first: 2BULLETS. That dude is on fire lately... and due for a Bristol win. I just hope he forgets to pay the KWTC buck ;)

  • Thanks for the vote of confidence Greg. I finally took down a Cook's Crew event and a Westside event. Next on the List is Bristol Street, followed by a KPS. See everyone on Wednesday!!!

  • Only Tye and Rob are top 10 for past 2 years, so I'll say those 2 and Wes will repeat this year (must be rigged for the residents ;) ).
  • While what Trevor is saying is correct...

    "The stage was set for heads up action. Tyson, at his 5th Final Table, the current Player of the Year leader and with a 3-1 chip lead, faced Tom in his first Bristol Street. It was David v. Goliath.

    "Redington" Tyson J. - $96,500
    "TNORTH" Tom - $38,500

    Instead of a using a sling to take the giant down, Tom was handed a steady stream of pocket pairs. One hand after another, Tom found himself in all-in situations with a pocket pair, using it to hack away at Tyson's chip lead.

    Eventually, the players found themselves all-in with another Tom pocket pair, 88 versus Tyson's 9T. With the board not being kind to Tyson, Tom took the pot, first place, $243 and the title of Bristol Street XIX Champion!"

    As you can see, my first Bristol in 2005 was not until September. I didnt play in the Grand Finale because I was in the Dominican. So I think I probably only played 3 Bristols in 2005 - making it difficult to make Top 10 - although I did make it to the Final :)

    But who knows what will happen in 2007!

    My vote is 3 players returning.
  • Ok I am going to put my predictions out there:

    1. Metro
    2. DataMn
    3. WaltsFriend
    4. 2Bullets
    5. SeekTheGrail
    6. STPBoy
    7. Moose
    8. 8Ball
    9. Zithal
    10. JohnnieH

    gl al
  • Well if Moose had balls enough to put his predictions out there I will as well!

    1. Metro
    2. stpboy
    3. Moose
    4. 2Bullets
    5. Beanie42
    6. SeektheGrail
    7. Zithal
    8. JohnnieH
    9. Prophet22
    10. Drtyore
  • Even though Metro says he won't be playing all events, I still gotta stick behind my man. However, since Prophet 22 is going to play more events, I gotta replace 8Ball with the Prophet.

    1. Metro
    2. DataMn
    3. WaltsFriend
    4. 2Bullets
    5. SeekTheGrail
    6. STPBoy
    7. Moose
    8. Prophet22
    9. Zithal
    10. JohnnieH
  • moose wrote: »
    However, since Prophet 22 is going to play more events, I gotta replace 8Ball with the Prophet.
    What? You're crazy! Tye is a monster at Bristol! Tye is a monster at poker period. No disrespect to Prophet (he's definitely in my top 10 bristol list), but to replace Tye is crazy.

    Crazy moose CRAZY!!!! LOL, back to the good ol' disagreeing :D

  • 2Bullets
  • I'll chyme in.

    Dataman Al
    Flint Bones (highly under rated)
  • beanie42 wrote: »

    I guess you will be in more events this year. Another person I had to discount because I figured you might be splitting time with your wife.

    8Ball is kind of like Wes - if he gets to final table he does well but he either busts early or does very well.
    Tye's finishes last year:
    With only 2 final tables, and the points bubble, I had to discount him.

    Seriously, I thought about my list quite a bit.

    It will be an interesting season. I still stand behind my girl WaltsFriend. She only has played in a few events but she either cashes in the tourney or destroys the side game - whatever the game, where ever the location.

    If SeektheGrail plays more events, he might even take down POY. He was crippled on at least 2 occasions, maybe 3, and came back from the dead to win last night. He handles bad beats and desperate situations better than anyone I know.

    She and Steve are the best two players not in the Royal. It is a serious shame.

    I'm glad to see someone agrees with me on DataMnAl.
  • I want to hear from Zithal since he is the only one to watch every final table to conclusion.
  • Even with Bristol #1 in the books my picks are (in no particular order):

    8ball tye
    Kristy Sea
    slippery pete
    DataMn Al

    Honorable mentions: g2, Drtyore, itsame, and some donk name Johnnie:D
  • Here are my picks:


    See you all at the final!!!
  • Zithal

    P.S. It sucks to miss 1/3 of the season...
  • Man, I can't believe SeektheGrail picks up two Bristol championships in less than 12 months and he gets no respect from anyone but me.
  • Being a Prophet, I will throw my hat in the ring for this, no particular order:

    1. Kristy Sea
    2. Haddon
    3. 2Bullets
    4. SeektheGrail
    5 8ball tye
    6. Moose
    7. Metro Tom
    8. DrTyore
    9. stpboy
    10. Prophet22
  • stpboy wrote: »
    Well if Moose had balls enough to put his predictions out there I will as well!

    1. Metro
    2. stpboy
    3. Moose
    4. 2Bullets
    5. Beanie42
    6. SeektheGrail
    7. Zithal
    8. JohnnieH
    9. Prophet22
    10. Drtyore

    I've re-thought my top 10 and added/deleted a few players and move myself from top spot, reason being that I have several high finishes usually however rarely win events. I think you need to be able to bag a few vicotories to win the overall points title. SeektheGrail has replaced Slippery Pete after playing with him for the first time, I was impressed. JohnnieH has replaced Haddon as I think more events/more consistent play will generally win out over less events/aggressive play. Not to say that Haddon won't make the top 10, him, Nik, Miranda (if she plays a lot) will be there close. One of my 'poker goals' this year is to commit myself to winning the points title, I think you need to believe in yourself to be able to accomplish such a feat.

  • Well, I'm not a math guy by any means but thought I would take those that had atleast 4 votes and calculate the average position that people had voted on. Still looking to find out who has the largest bullseye on them.

    Player Average Position
    1. 2Bullets 3.5
    2. 8ball 4.2
    3. Moose 4.5
    4. stpboy 4.86
    5. Metro 4.88
    6. Zithal 5.16
    7. Datamn 6
    8. Drtyore 6.2
    8. Beanie42 6.2
    10. Prophet22 8.75

    Now, I'm sure this isn't the best way to figure out the most accurate representation of what the group thinks thus far. I thought about just taking a persons top 4 votes however went with all of their votes as long as they had 4 or more. I only took those that posted a top 10 and took JohnnieH's as it was written even though he had said "in no particular order", so this isn't completely accurate.

    Here is the breakdown of how many votes each player mentioned above had
    (8 voters in total):

    2Bullets- 8
    8Ball- 5
    Moose- 8
    stpboy- 7
    Metro- 8
    Zithal- 6
    Datamn- 4
    Drtyore- 5
    Beanie42- 5
    Prophet22- 4

    For those of you that like to play with the numbers please feel free to make my basic math skillz look juvenile. I love this stuff!

  • Shannon, the one thing I would like you to keep in mind in terms of finish, is that like you mentioned, my list, along with Johnnie's list, is that we made it "in no particular order", so it might skew your average position, but definitely the breakdown of each player being mentioned is an interesting one.
  • 1. 2BULLETS
    2. Metro
    3. beanie42
    4. Waltsfriend
    5. moose
    6. stpboy
    7. 8ball
    8. DataMn
    9. Zithal
    10. DrTyore

    Honourable mentions: JohnnieH, ItsaMe, Kristy_Sea, haddon, Prophet 22, westside8, Flint Bones

    Bristol Grand Finale points bubble as usual: g2

    Haha, I only get to play 4 months worth of Bristol this year.... so I just need 1 win, either a real Bristol, or the Wildcard like last year.

  • 1. Haddon
    2. Haddon
    3. Haddon
    4. Haddon
    5. Haddon
    6. Haddon
    7. Haddon
    8. Haddon
    9. Haddon

    The ten spot is up for grabs though.
    Here are my honourable mentions...

    guest 4

    It's a tough field though so who knows.
  • I wanted to also let you know that my list was random. I haven't the slightest idea who will finish where, just that I believe those ten people will be there!

  • Is this what you are looling for Jeremy
  • Bump. How did everyone do?
  • stpboy wrote: »
    Well if Moose had balls enough to put his predictions out there I will as well!

    1. Metro
    2. stpboy
    3. Moose
    4. 2Bullets
    5. Beanie42
    6. SeektheGrail
    7. Zithal
    8. JohnnieH
    9. Prophet22
    10. Drtyore

    I did poorly but mostly because of lack of participation on 3 of those in my top 10. I didn't have Kristy or Mario anywhere on my radar, will definately rethink for next years poll. Hmmm, I only got 3 out of 10 correctly being in the top 10.

    1 'ItsaMe' Mario 184
    2 'Kristy_sea' Kristy 153
    3 'Zithal' Rob L 131
    4 'Dirty Whore' Mark 117
    5 'Ranger' Mike 116
    6 '800Over' Nik 113
    7 'stpboy' Shannon 110
    8 'Kanga' Jen 109
    9 'Peteski' Pete 107
    10 'waltsfriend' Sandy 103

  • Interestingly enough, only two players from last years top 10 made it into the top 10 this year. Noone picked the 2/10 option in the poll. FYI, the two players were Zithal and I.

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