Parking Problem

Hi all,

Great game last night and congrats to Derek. I had a pleasure of busting out before the break and going home quite early in the evening, but on the way out... I have stumbled onto a very unhappy and quite pissed off neighbour who lives quite close to AJ's place. He was not french but quite fluent in this particular language... In fact, it was not enough that he has labled all of us as !@#%$^$* and more, but he has sworn to take some sort of revenge and/or action to discourage us from showing up on thursdays. As far as I could catch he said: "next time I will scratch those f..king cars..."
Is this something we should be worried about? Maybe we should work out some sort of solution for this 'problem' before it escalates further? I don't want to make AJ's life miserable by getting his neighbours angry at him. AJ, is there somewhere else we can park??? I don't mind walking a bit just to make the life easier on your street. What do you all think guys???



  • As long as you're adhearing to the parking bylaws there's really nothing this goof can do about it, however his threats are something to keep and eye on. Do take note of his address in future so that if something happens you can call the cops on him. You didn't do anything wrong by parking on the street [providing you're not blocking his driveway] but willingly doing damage to someone's car is a criminal act. FYI
  • Well when Eleanor and I arrived there was as dude trying to drive his large cube van into his drive way and ended up driving it over and getting it stuck in the large pile of snow in the middle of the court.

    There was more then enough room for him to get it around but he still got it stuck.

    I think every one should just try and make sure they park on the side as much as possible but the road can get narrow with the snow. (Or people can park at the near by school)

    Also it might be wise to let that neighbour now that if any car has any kind of scratch on it we are all going to hold him responsible.
  • Maybe AJ can speak to him and work something out, I certainly don't want any trouble for AJ or any of our cars getting scratched regardless if we can get him in trouble by the cops. Is there a seperate visitors parking elsewhere? I don't mind walking like ACDC said.
  • None of my neighbours has yet to confront me with this issue, and they are more than welcome to voice their opinions and concerns. I WILL look into this matter.

    As far as damaging anyone's car, if this DOES happen, legal action WILL be taken. And if that doesn't change, I'll get nasty!!!

    Parking has always been a small issue, but this is the first time I have heard it escalate to this level. Some people just can't be pleased no matter what, and I won't be changing anything to suit them. I can have friends over whenever I want, and I will NOT be dictated to as to what I can or cannot have on my property.
  • To be honest, it was quite crowded last night on the entire stretch of the street, and. I personally think it will be way *easier if we all (kind of) give in and try to look for alternate parking spot. Again, I have no problem walking for a few minutes to get to the game. Chris, where is that school you are talking about?


    *easier --> also see easy --> as well as Amanda --> and Damanda
  • I spoke to Elenor briefly on this matter at Westside and it could be possible that the guy with the van stuck in the center snowbank be just a passerby But I was just wondering where exactly this school parking lot is located. I rather avoid this guy if he is part of the neighbourhood than having it turn ugly if there is damage done to any of our cars.
  • If leaving AJ’s place you go down his street and turn left, at the stop sign turn right and there is a school right there, not close but not too far either.
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