Derek is one Happy Guy NOW!

Derek takes down Game 2 tonight, and finally pulls out of his season and a half rut!!


Three handed saw Derek, Sal, and Dan all in on the same hand preflop. Derek turns over QQ, Sal turns up JJ, and Dan flips over AKo. King on the flop almost triples Dan up, and Sal leaves the game in third place. Nice finish Sal, you played very well.

Heads up between Derek and Dan was some of the best heads up action I've seen in a very long time. Almost two full blind levels to play it, and alot of chip passing. Derek actually flopped the nut straight once, only to have the board hit the straight on him to split the pot. That was harsh! Final hand of the night was a dandy too...Dan raises with AA, Derek pushes and Dan instacalls, flipping over his rockets to Derek's J6c. Flop comes down J67 and Dan gets no help for his aces and Derek wins the game.

Great game everyone, thanks for coming out. Nice to see more and more new faces turn up as well. You're welcome to come back anytime.


  • Great game Derek, you deserved the win.... its been a while. Going into heads up we were pretty much equal stacked, until I slowplayed my two pair off the flop and Derek hit his nut straight on the turn to double through me and decimate my stack. I made it back to 4000 and thought to double up with my aces but was cracked. Again great job Derek.... Ill get ya next time :(
  • :wav:
    Congrats Derek!
  • congrats! you made a suckout on me (AJ vs. 99, Ace on river) HOWEVER you played VERY well! congrats again. Thanks to AJ for beating my AQ with A10. Had a great time!!!!!!!
  • Way to go Derek, it's been a while.

    I guess with all the suck outs against your Aces you realized the secret and figured out how to suck out against Aces.

    BTW I wanted to thank every one that was seated at my table for the class I taught on "How to get busted out in 3 hands". Thanks for attending.
  • Derek

    Congarts on the win....You played real good and deserved to win...
    see you next week and will try to de throne you.
  • Thanks guys. It felt really nice to win. I tired to be humble about the win, but that went out the window in about 1/4 of a second;) Yes, I made a couple suck outs to win, but I got sucked out on just the same. 2 nut straights down the tube. A made hand got sucked by a draw.... blah... blah.... blah!

    Dan, you knew that suckout was coming to your bullets the way you were sucking out on me. You sucked out your K with AK when I had Q's. You sucked out a board straight when I flopped the nuts.... god only knows why you went all in there with nothing but a Q high (JQ os???) ;)

    Regardless, I had a blast as usual. Maybe a little bit more than usual!

    Thanks again AJ. Can you please put be down as tentative for the next game? If my business boarding trip wraps up early enough, I'll be there to defend!!
  • congrats derrick

    glad my last few chips paid off well for you.

    hope to see you next week
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