Bristol St. present.. "Casual Friday" - Feb 9th, 7pm - Waterloo

I'm still recovering a bit from the month long play thing, and I really thought I'd be ready for the first event of the year this week, but, instead, I'm keeping things relaxed with a casual evening of poker at my place this Friday. Here's what's on tap...

- Start things off with a $10 tournament.
- Break into cash/side games. ($0.10/$0.25 NL, $25 max buy-in is likely)
- Determine an alternate format event for later in the night (suggestions welcome)
- Drink beer and, perhaps, Pepi's may come into the picture at some point.

Doors open at 6:30, we'll start at 7 with whoever shows. Please RSVP so that I have a rough idea on the numbers.

RSVP'd: (17 of ?, so far)

Zithal, 8Ball(?), Westside(?), JohnnieH, DrTyore, Oragami, Waltsfriend, morty, 800Over, 2BULLETS, PokerQueen, liquidfire, liquidfire+1, nordique, Prophet22, SeekTheGrail, FASSman


  • Sign me up please.

  • I'm definitely in.

    I'm also pre-suggesting PLO as an alternate format game.
  • I'm good with PLO and/or Stud.

    I'd like to try a $1 "winner take all" Blackjack tournament. Basically, I'd be giving away a dollar, but WTF.

    If anyone needs a lift, PM me since I'm not drinking.

  • Can I get in on this? Please put me down if there's room!
  • Please add Mandyand me to the list!

  • sign me and my bro up!
  • liquidfire wrote: »
    sign me and my bro up!

    AHHH! The psychic twins...

    Must remember tinfoil hats..

  • put me done for a spot if the first game is hold'em, I can play a game
  • Looks like I can make it tomorrow night. See you then...Steve
  • Please add me to the list.

    I'm up for PLO or a HORSE cash game after I bust out.

    PM me the address or email me: duane_frost at hotmail.

    I will be putting the kid to bed so I will be there around 7. Blind me in if I'm not on time.
  • Kris and I will be there for the tournament and side action.

    bye for now

  • I haven't heard from Zithal yet and I don't know if he's checking the post tonight. If anyone out there can help me I need the address.

    Please email to duane_frost at

    Many thanks.
  • Email sent.

  • still room? like to know if I can get in with a friend or 2? here for a few more minutes....let me know where...thanks
  • Hey Rob...take Jeremy off the list...but im coming :)

    See you soon
  • nevermind, I missed the boat on this one.....another time perhaps...found a game at 8pm tonight....have fun guys..
  • Hey Zithal,

    Looks like you're too full for WebHead..wanted to take the chance to pimp The Shop. They've got a game as well tonight, if James or anybody else is interested. 519-568-3309.

    I really hope this is ok to post here Rob. (WebHeadJames does NOT have PM yet.)
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