Season 4 party trip report

Here is my Season 4 party trip report. Now I know many of you are saying “Chris how can you have a trip report when it was at your house?”

Well even though it was at my house I was playing on another planet (for those of you that were there you know what I’m talking about)

I get home at 7 from having dinner and see that there is a phone message. I get the message and it goes a little like this (please note this is not a word for word transcript but more of a summary):

“Hi this is Jeff aka The Bus Driver”

At this point I realize that I only know one person named Jeff.

“The wife is working a little late and I am going to be late. I should be there at around 8:30. I am not sure if we are going to be playing a cash game, some Sit and Goes or if it going to be a drink fest so just blind me in or what ever.”

AJ said he would bring his table so I figured he would arrive between 7:30 or 7:40. The doorbell rings and it is Dan and Amanda (they’re not AJ) beer is handed out.

AJ arrives a few minutes later with the table and beer. Table is put in the dining room; beer is put in the fridge. Beer is handed out.

Chips start being set up. At this point Kris and Steve arrive (not sure in the order). Beer is handed out.

I explain that Jeff aka The Bus Driver called and said he was going to be late for the cash game, Sit and Goes, drink fest and ask what we want to do. Every one agrees to a $10 Polish SnG with blinds going up every 10 minutes.

Beers are handed out.

Game begins, on the third hand Eleanor limps in, a few player limp in as well, me on the button raises approx. 4x the BB, the blinds fold to Eleanor who re-raises, people fold back to me and I wondering what I should do, the Eleanor then says “Why don’t you go all-in?”

I go all-in, Eleanor calls, I show Ace King suited, she shows pocket Jacks. The Jacks hold up and I’m crippled early.

Beers are handed out.

Now at some point Max arrives with his girlfriend, then Jeff aka The Bus Driver also arrives not sure that order of the arrival.

Jeff takes a seat beside me and asks about the vodka. I give Jeff the bottle and a few shot glasses. Jeff pours a shot and looks at the bottle. Jeff (I assume being a glass is half full type of guy) sees that the amount of vodka left in the bottle is about the same amount in his shot glass so being the nice guy that he is drinks his shot and then drinks the rest of the bottle.

Now at this point details become blurry and confused.

Beers are handed out.
At one point I won a hand with K-9 by getting two pair, AJ won the same hand in the polish with the same K-9. I realize that either AJ is very tight or I’m very loose.

Beers are handed out.

I ended up crippling Kris when my Red Aces held up on a board of 5-6-2 of clubs when Kris had the Ace of clubs and a 7.

Beers are handed out.

AJ was kind enough to show me why pocket 7’s are called walking sticks when he busted me out with them. Not sure what happen after but I know AJ still continues the love of pocket Queens when Dan cracked his Kings with them when I queen hit on the river.

We discover that AJ is the master of Polish poker and will be writing a chapter on it in Super System 3.

Some one won and we decided to play a $20 sit and go.

Beers are handed out.

Some how I get short stacked but work my way back. Jeff raises a pot 5x to 200 then claims 5x is like two times more extreme then 3x porn, something with arm pits and eye brows, I say whoa I thought 5x was like sheep and trees.

I look at my cards and have aces and thinking I’m short stacked go all-in for like 1400. (just an over bet) everyone folds.

AJ raises to 120 (blinds are 30/60) and like the whole table calls. I am in the big blind and have crap but I’m getting odds to call, but I can’t figured out if I should polish it or not, so I regular call.

Flop come 5h-6s-7h. Jeff checks, I look at my cards, I look at the board. I look at my cards, I look at the board. I count on my fingers and then say all-in.

AJ says “What?” and I say “All-in”

AJ looks at the board and then looks at me; I look at the board and look at my cards. AJ still looking at me says call. Every one else folds. I turn over my 3-4 of hearts and crack AJ’s Aces and bust him out.

More poker happens more people get busted, Jeff gets busted and then becomes my consultant, advising me on my hands by suggesting things like, go all-in with that hand, fold that and so on. I listed to Jeff and he’s right.

Jeff then leaves the table and Dan bends me over the table prison style with his pocket Kings against my J-10. (I can’t sit properly for hours after wards.) Not sure what happens but I place 3rd.

I think either Dan or Steve wins.

We play another $20 sit and go, I get busted early and I am sitting beside Dan.

Dan after giving it to me prison style decides we should work together and we start playing our (Dans) hands together.


More poker happens, more drinking happens and some one wins.

People start leaving at this time.

Some one suggests we play 7 card stud and the rest of us do. I adjust tournament director and we have a crazy blind structure. Ends up the women are the real studs and Amanda and Eleanor chop at the end. By this time it is like 4 in the morning and every one goes home.

Over I think I was down like $30 to $50 but lost a lot more and then the money.(like respect)

Great time every one, I had lots of fun, not sure if any one else did but all I know there was not a lot of beers left.

I can wait for the new season.


  • Quite accurate report Chris..but I think you missed a couple of "Beers handed out"s, but that's okay.

    I can't believe you play, that's a Polish Poker hand if ever there is one. Think I won as much in Polish as I would have splitting the pot with you anyway.

    Dan hitting that Q on the river certainly brought back memories of my luck with Queens...only 2 outs and he hits one of them...damn queens!!

    Great night to everyone, had alot of fun. Nice to play loose and carefree when there's no points on the line. And that vodka went down very nicely.

    Thanks to Chris and Eleanor for hosting again. Great night guys, well done.
  • Look at what I found:


    Look closely at the names:

  • That was the first edition printing.

    The revised edition has my name ABOVE Daniel's ;)
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