Comments, suggestions and proposed changes for Crown Casino Events

Having just wrapped up the first ever TOC Congrats SOS for taking it down. I am soliciting others opinions.

We tried a 2 deck system (one being shuffled while one being dealt) which has worked fine in other events I"ve played including Ching Hill. For some reason it didn't work well at all. So I am going to get rid of that for future events.

Most events are a $25 with a $25 rebuy if you go broke. How do people feel about that? Should it be a freeze out or x rebuys in the first 4 blind levels etc. Should the rebuy stop after a certain blind level. I am happy with the current format.

For these events it's 1,500 chips with a 1,500 rebuy if you go broke with a pretty lax blind schedule. 10/20 starting point. Most events go approximately 5.5 hours but we have had some go as long as 7.

Smoking????? Currently winter events held inside are smoke free and events held in the garage allow smoking. Should every event be smoke free?

Several people have indicated that they wouldn't object to paying a rake for the games since we do provide non alcoholic drinks and food. I am against that but am considering a "feed the poker players" jar on the food table for donations to that fund. I guess it would be similiar to g2's chips and chairs fund he had to help him out. Other suggestions to offset that cost would be appreciated.

Points system for the TOC. I am considering using a point system to determine the top 16 for next years TOC. Any suggestions? I could use something like Zithal's or simply make it one point for every player with 2 points being added once in the money. Almost everyone plays on stars so I could use their tournament point system.

Any other suggestions are certainly welcome.



  • Suggestions:

    As I run my own Tourny's and like you do not like to charge a rake to offset any costs for snacks, The Jar on the food table is a good idea.

    Your $25 buyin with a $25 rebuy is excellent, but I would change it to unlimited rebuys to the first break.

    Smoking, well I don't smoke, so I would suggest no smoking inside, when in the garage, I would say if you would like to smoke please leave the table and stand outside the garage, or wait to break.

    I have a pretty good formula for points that takes into account, how many people in tourny, the place the player finishes, and the round the blinds are at. It is a little complicated but I have it all set up on an excel spreadsheet, and if you like I can send it to you.

    I hope to make it out to some of your tourny's in the future.

  • I always use a 2 deck system but I always have the small blind shuffle. Whenever I have seen the 2 decks used elsewhere the cutoff shuffles. Is there a reason for that?

    In those tourneys I found it awkward to be passing the deck in front of the dealer to the small blind after the shuffle, also awkward figuring out who cuts, and if the deck has in fact been cut. With the dealer being in the most advantageous position, they are most likely to be scooping the pot and the small blind the least likely. It is a nightmare to be gathering the pot and the cards and shuffling for the next deal.

    It makes more sense to me to have the sb shuffle, as they are the next dealer anyway, they usually have an easier decision on what action to take on their cards than the cutoff, plus the current dealer is always the one to cut the deck. At the end of the hand the current dealer only has to worry about awarding the pot and not also gathering the cards to shuffle. Basically it is a very convienent 3 person system. As soon as the hand ends, the new sb posts, gathers the cards and shuffles, the new dealer starts dealing, the old dealer awards the pot.

    I have never had any problems with doing this way. Again I ask if there is any reason why (as I have seen in other tournaments) the cutoff shuffles?
  • The reason for having the cut off shuffle is that they were just the dealer. They already have the deck, been raking in the mucked cards etc. It's a natural carry forward in my opinion for them to shuffle, then the dealer only has to cut and deal once given the deck.
  • Ahhh...makes sense. However, having played now with 2 decks both ways, I like my way better. Mostly I just hate passing the deck in front of the dealer after the shuffle.
  • Hi Joe, glad to see the tournaments will continue into 2007. Here are my comments:

    - two decks - seemed to work ok at our table on Saturday; definitely kept the game moving at a faster pace with minor interruptions;

    rebuys - personally, don't like rebuy tournaments. Can result in an all-in fest until the rebuy period is over. Since you usually have 2-3 tables max, the rebuy puts some tables at an advantage if one or two players are playing on tilt and rebuying over and over again vs a table playing tight. I prefer a larger buyin freeze out;

    - starting chips; like the 5,000 format with more aggressive blinds; 1,500 seems a little short stack. As long as the starting M is above 60, should be fine;

    - smoking - being a former smoker, outside in the summer is fine. Doesn't seem to be an issue for players;

    - rake - maybe you could ask people to bring some munchies along vs spending your own cash; if you want to charge a small fee for snacks, maybe ask everyone what they prefer so people won't mind contributing. Ordering pizza is also an idea then people that are hungry will contribute.

    - points - I guess it depends on how many tournaments you are planning on holding; if its one per season, then you could take the top 4-5 from each tournament and they could be invited to the TOC; not sure how often players repeat in the top 4-5? points are probably better if more tournaments are held. Like the wildcard idea as well.

    Hope this helps!
  • I've never played in your tournaments. Where are you located? It sounds good.
  • I agree. In the tournaments I help direct, I try to use two decks with the SB shuffing. There is sometimes one or two players who get totally confused and are not interested in the benefit of getting more hands per hour. At the last Royal Cup, I would be in a table that uses the SB shuffling, then in the next table, a player would insist that the cut-off do the shuffling.
    moose wrote: »
    It makes more sense to me to have the sb shuffle, as they are the next dealer anyway, they usually have an easier decision on what action to take on their cards than the cutoff, plus the current dealer is always the one to cut the deck. At the end of the hand the current dealer only has to worry about awarding the pot and not also gathering the cards to shuffle. Basically it is a very convienent 3 person system. As soon as the hand ends, the new sb posts, gathers the cards and shuffles, the new dealer starts dealing, the old dealer awards the pot.
  • I play a lot with some poker newbies and it doesn't usually take more than an orbit for everyone to figure it out.
  • im a clown wrote: »
    I've never played in your tournaments. Where are you located? It sounds good.

    The tournaments are located in Bradford, Ontario which is about 11 km north of newmarket right up hwy 11 (yonge street).
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