Feb 11 NL tournament in St. Catharines

Sunday February 11 2007 @ Noon
Howard Johnson’s – St. Catharines

Lake Street (Exit 46) @ QEW – St. Catharines

$60 Entry

No re buys – No add ons

Tournament Registration: Tournament day registration begins at 9:30 and runs until 11:30 – or until the field fills (200 players max) whichever comes first. First 200 players to post their entry are guaranteed to play. No phone entries or promissory notes accepted. Tournament registration will be held outside of the tournament room – located in the Howard Johnson’s hotel in St. Catharines, conveniently located at QEW exit 46.

For more information, contact: niagara_poker@hotmail.com


1st: $3500 or 35%
2nd: $2000 or 20%
3rd: $1000 or 10%
4th: $800 or 8%
5th: $700 or 7%
6th: $600 or 6%
7th: $500 or 5%
8th: $400 or 4%
9th: $300 or 3%
10th: $200 or 2%
Payout monies listed based on full field of 200 players. $50 to payout schedule - $10 to cover expenses = $60 entry.

Registration night was on February 1 with over half the field filled. “Open” seat registration begins at 9:30 on tournament day and is available on a first come first served basis – limited to 200 players or balance of “open” seats available – judge your entry accordingly. Entry fees are to be paid to: Stuart Kerr or Jeff Murphy. Cash in hand is your entry – NO promissory notes will be accepted. Contact: niagara_poker@hotmail.com for tournament information. First 200 players to pay entry are in tournament. Players must be 19 years of age as of tournament date to play. Photo ID may be required – as deemed necessary by the Tournament Director(s).

To help eliminate tournament administration, when entry fee is paid, you are committed to play, no refunds will be given to those entrants who do not attend event once entry fee is paid, nor will any refunds be issued for those entrants who arrive past the first blind passing (30 minutes). Seating and tables will be predetermined – players will be seated randomly as per “tournament director” computer program as entries are received.

Each player will receive $2000 in chips for their buy in (8 x $25, 8 x $100, 2 x $500). The chips used in this tournament are clay composite 11.5g professional wager chips. This is a no limit texas hold ‘em event. You are eliminated from the tournament when you lose all your chips – there are NO rebuys in this tournament. The final table will not stop until one player holds all the chips.That player will be declared the 1st place finisher. The last player eliminated will be the 2nd place finisher, the second last player eliminated will be the 3rd place finisher, etc. Each table will start with a new virgin deck of Casino Quality playing cards, the final table will play with one deck of COPAG® or GEMACO® 100% plastic professional playing cards.

When the tournament begins, each player (at each respective table) is internally dealt a single card. The high card is seated at the button, the player to the left of the button is the small blind and to the left of the small blind is the big blind. High card ties are broken by a second dealt card until a high card is declared. Blinds will increase every 30 minutes as shown on a screen by the “Tournament Director” computer program. See the blind schedule below.

Players leaving during game play:

If a player leaves the table for any reason and will return before the blind(s) pass his seat, he can opt to drop every hand that occurs during his absence. He will be responsible for all blinds but can not win any hands. Players remaining at the table, or another person designated by the absentee, will post all blinds for the absent player. Any player who does not return within 30 minutes forfeits all his remaining chips, to be split evenly among the remaining players at that table. Odd chips are entered into the pot of the next hand in play. There will be no refunds or cash-outs given to players who leave after the first hand of the tournament is dealt nor will there be any refunds or cash-outs to players who arrive past the first blind increase (30 minutes).

The Tournament Director(s)

The Tournament Director(s) is/are responsible for all table, seating and dealer decisions. The Tournament Director(s) is/are responsible for the handling of the blind timer. In the case of disputes and rules interpretations, the Tournament Director(s) will have final authority.

Tournament Director(s): Jeff Murphy and Stuart Kerr

Most tournaments allow players to cut ‘side deals’ to split payouts. For example: the final two players might agree to split the first and second prize payouts between the two of them. The Tournament Director(s) is/are never responsible for anything to do with side deals. Any such side deals are strictly between the players.

Blind Schedule:
Blinds will be raised every 30 minutes during elimination play as illustrated on screen in the tournament room. At the final table, the blinds will continue at the level in which they were last played and increase every 30 minutes until the tournament winner is declared.

Email: niagara_poker@hotmail.com for more info!


  • Anyone from the KW area looking to attend this tournament? I may be interested but would rather not go alone.

  • stp:

    There is a group coming from the London area. Let me know if you hook up with a group. There are 124 players in so far, and we do expect to fill on the morning of tournament day.

  • Are you having dealers? Are you using banquet tables for the tournament?
  • And what is the blind schedule? You only said that they will be 30 minute rounds.
  • Only the final table will have a dealer, each table prior to the final table will deal itself. As for the blinds, the schedule is:
    Small Blind
    Big Blind
    Color up
    Color up

    For full tournament details, email: niagara_poker@hotmail.com
  • Sorry that didn't "copy & paste well". And we are using large round banquet tables that seat 10 comfortably.

  • starting M of 26... you might want to rethink your starting chips/blinds for your next tournament. You might find this will increase your forum response. 30 minute blinds is a start in the right direction.

  • pokerJAH:

    As for the blind schedule, we structured it similar to a Foxwoods T2000 tournament schedule as it promotes "action" - if you have the cards play them, if not, get out of the way... any more chips or any increase in blind amounts, would not change anything. What I mean by this, is if you start with 10 000 in chips, and the blinds are increased - there is no difference other than the amounts in play. To date, no player has suggested that we change the amount of starting chips, but we are always open to suggestions on how to make our tournaments more efficient.
    As for the 30 minutes for the blinds, it runs via a computer program and keeps the tournament running - in our experience, not too short, not too long. For a 200 player tournament, it lasts between 5 - 6 hours, not too bad.
    Any other suggestions to get us on the right track, you can email me directly at niagara_poker@hotmail.com.

  • I am interested in this tournament, but have never entered one before. Should I be there much before the 9:30 reg time and can you give me an estimate of when I should show?

    I am coming from KW and am looking to try my hand at my first tournament.
  • I would have to agree with pokerJAH. The Patience Factor is 4.5, for a Skill Level of only 2. There are many tournaments with a Skill Level of 6 or 5 with a similar buy-in or less, e.g., West Side Poker Club, Interactive Poker, McCann Poker, Pocket Rockets, etc.
    pokerJAH wrote: »
    you might want to rethink your starting chips/blinds for your next tournament. You might find this will increase your forum response.
  • this is my first tourney als, im from waterloo, im carpooling up there with 2 guys from guelph,
  • Stuart
    Very interested. Is there any way to register in advance? I'd like to reserve a seat if possible. Let me know ASAP. I'd be coming from Kitchener and don't want to make the trip if seat not available.
    The 'Wine Man'
  • Sorry I can't make it. I'm hitting the Pistons game Saturday night in Detroit and won't be back in time. Look for me behind the Raptors bench! Woo yeah! Gl to all that play.

  • Guys:

    If coming from out of town, I can "work" with you. Email me your first and last names to; niagara_poker@hotmail.com - reminding me of this post so I know who you are, and I will "sit" you in. As you guys are coming from out of town, I ask that you be there by 10:30 to post your entries. There is a Perkins Restaurant in the hotel so you guys can sit and mingle before the tournament starts. I hope this works for you, if not, email me your suggestions, but at least this way you will be seated. I have quite a few players coming from out of town, and they are under the same understanding, that if you do not show by 10:30 and there are players waiting (this has NEVER happened to date) that their seats will be sold. In saying this, I will give you my cell number via email so you can contact me should you be running late. The only thing I ask is that you contact me via phone should you change your mind and decide not to come (for whatever reason).

    Thanks and hope to see you Sunday.

  • Sounds like fun, I don't think you asked for feedback, but here are a couple suggestions for this or the next tournament, that would get someone like me to come.

    - If you're only expecting the tournament to last 5-6 hours, and an extra half-hour won't kill you, consider adding a 25-25 level to the tournament. It'll give the illusion that you're adding more play to the beginning of the game before it turns into it's inevitable game of bingo. I think your players will be happy with the extra room to make moves early on.

    - I'd also consider paying out the top 10% of the field. (ie. if you fill up to 200 players, pay out the Top 20 players) Paying out the top 10% is a fairly standard thing.

    - I'm not sure what "Each table will start with a new virgin deck of Casino Quality playing cards, the final table will play with one deck of COPAG® or GEMACO® 100% plastic professional playing cards." means, but if you fill up and are taking out $2k in rake for expenses, there's no reason you can't get a deck of COPAG's per table. Alternate plan; buy an extra few decks each tournament to spread the cost out over multiple tournaments. If you're playing with quality chips, why skimp on the cards when they're dirt cheap now. Your players will apprecate it!

    - Lastly if you're charging a rake, this post really belongs in the Clubs section, not the Home Games section.

    Good luck with the tournament and let us know how it went!!
  • I agree with Zithal about the cards. Having such a no frills tournament and pulling in $2000 for expenses is a little off putting.

    Also, I am surprised the Ho-Jo is on board with this.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Sounds like fun, I don't think you asked for feedback, but here are a couple suggestions for this or the next tournament, that would get someone like me to come.

    - If you're only expecting the tournament to last 5-6 hours, and an extra half-hour won't kill you, consider adding a 25-25 level to the tournament. It'll give the illusion that you're adding more play to the beginning of the game before it turns into it's inevitable game of bingo. I think your players will be happy with the extra room to make moves early on.

    - I'd also consider paying out the top 10% of the field. (ie. if you fill up to 200 players, pay out the Top 20 players) Paying out the top 10% is a fairly standard thing.

    - I'm not sure what "Each table will start with a new virgin deck of Casino Quality playing cards, the final table will play with one deck of COPAG® or GEMACO® 100% plastic professional playing cards." means, but if you fill up and are taking out $2k in rake for expenses, there's no reason you can't get a deck of COPAG's per table. Alternate plan; buy an extra few decks each tournament to spread the cost out over multiple tournaments. If you're playing with quality chips, why skimp on the cards when they're dirt cheap now. Your players will apprecate it!

    - Lastly if you're charging a rake, this post really belongs in the Clubs section, not the Home Games section.

    Good luck with the tournament and let us know how it went!!


    Thank you for your input, it is appreciated. As for the playing cards, we put that in our tournament description, as when we first started hosting tournaments, quite a few players asked what kind of cards we were using. This is the wording we came up with, but in reality, each table starts with a new deck of Bicycle playing cards. We have an abundance of cards for our tournaments, and are looking into getting plastic cards - if you have a "line" on plastic cards, email me.
    As for payouts, this looks like the first tournament that we will sell out. Word of mouth has taken some time to expand our tournaments, and now that we use "Tournament Director", we will be paying out more positions in our next tournament (May-ish).
    As for the 25/25 blind level, we used to have that, but the majority of players complained, so we removed it. We will be looking at changing the entire blind schedule for our next tournament - keeping the tournament a T2000 tournament and keeping the blinds in line and possibly introducing antes when the tournament progress'.
  • I don't seem to understand why so many new players would be interested in a rake tournament with this blind structure, when there are plenty of tournaments advertised on this site with better structures and more money in the prize pool (see home game section). And for those coming from K-W, it would save you a long drive. "The majority of players complained about a 25/25 blind level", can someone explain this to me? I don't get it. Blondefish is on track and most home games on this site use COPAG quality cards so this isn't really that relevant for most players.
  • Thank you to all who attended.

    We had 192 players, coming from London in the West, Barrie in the North, and Ajax in the East, with one player even coming from Vancouver!

    The top 10 were:
    1st: Scott B
    2nd: Marty S
    3rd: Jeff D
    4th: Cathy W
    5th: Rich M
    6th: Nick M
    7th: Betty D
    8th: Cory S
    9th: Scott R
    10th: Beverly H
    The tournament lasted 7.5 hours including the 2 breaks.

    We will do it all again sometime in April.

    thanks again.

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