Superbowl Sunday in Guelph

Hey Ya'll.....
Soo....last year i got free pizza from pizza pizza, and had a poker game while watching the superbowl. This year.....i'm hoping to have a tv in the basement, and i'm hoping to have a pot luck thingy prior to the game (both poker and football). Plus, for those who go out, i do have a 42 inch screen to watch the game on.

Pot luck....i'm gonna be making chili, and maybe some dip with some tostito's.....mmm.....big mike, you better be bringing those shakes. Delish.

Anyways....i'm thinking 7 stud as well......i dunno..i'm open to options for this game..maybe dealers choice? that would be a good time.

I hope people can make it....i know there is another game posted but it's not for sure in guelph. this is for sure in guelph.......

Sign up now.....10+5 or 20+5, game will be decided on the night of! or on here with a poll......5000 in chips with 20 min blinds


1. Mark
2. Jimmy
3. Haren
4. River Mike
5. Timmeh
6. Brother Mike
7. Jen
8. Paul


  • I can play. I totally suck at stud, but will act as dead money for the Royal Cup stud players...
  • Already commited. Sorry :(
  • that sucks, is mir also commited somewhere else?
  • Sorry have my own superbowl pot luck and football game to go to. Gotta get back out one of these days soon though.

  • What is up with the Mike's not showing to anymore games. Big Mike is too busy and River Mike is GONE. I MEAN TOTALLY GONE Drop off the face of the earth gone. HEHEHEHE
  • lol...accually he said he was in!
    i forgot to add him!

    stupid poker being so popular that everyone is holding a pot luck/ superbowl party. is your superbowl party going to have the game on 2 different screens? one in the poker room and the other on a 42 inch LCD screen? huh big mike is it?
    if not do they want to come to mine?! lol

    i wish people still came to my games *sniff*
  • I heard poker is the devils game and that the government should protect us from the devil. :) Mir is commited too
  • Sounds good, as a possible game I suggest Omaha 8, but will play just about anything. Please send me directions and exact time to

  • due to me moving to Kitchener I have dropped off of planet poker. But since I am coming on sunday I have a couple of questions

    1. Mark what should i bring
    2. Do you want to play some 360?
    3. is nadine playing?
    Seeys on sunday
  • hopefully this game will be a go......i need at least 8 to play!
    also...yes you should bring your 360......definatly! :)
    as far as what to bring? no idea!!! chips and dip. mmmm....dip.
  • newellm wrote: »
    due to me moving to Kitchener I have dropped off of planet poker.

    I"m sorry, did you move from "planet poker" to "poker universe" then?

  • I'm interested but have another commitment I'm going to try and get out of. I'll post tomorrow afternoon if I'm a 100% go or no go.
  • sounds bout you drtyore? or are you goin to kitchener?
  • I guess the idea was that I haven't played poker in about 5 months. But I do agree K W is probably the poker universe of sw ontario. In other news i just bought fight night for my 360 ( for $40!!! go wal mart) so now i can school all your asses in it!!!!
  • I would love to play Sunday Quaine..

    But... I booked myself weeks ago without realizing it was Superbowl Sunday...



  • lol...
    this game is on...should be a good time...and the tv is definatly it's all good.....bring some drinks...i'm going to get the chili stuff right now, and yeah, if you want to show up but haven't posted here....i'm expecting people to show around 6pm.

    Hopefully i'll see you tonight!

  • Unfortunatly I can't make it. Next tourney for sure. Have a good time.
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