Poll; Changes for Season 5

I've created this poll for Chinguacousy Hill Poker League members to cast a vote to see what changes, if any, they would like to see for the upcoming season.

Please vote for one option only. I am making this post a sticky, as well as sending a notification email with a link to all members to cast their vote by Feb 5 2007.

Majority will dictate the direction of the league for the upcoming season.


  • AJ - the option I want to vote for isn't there...

    $10 each game, 4 (or 6) minimum attendance, two tier SET.

    Is that an option, or should I just shut up and pick one of the ones available? :D
  • Sigh...figured I would miss one of the options. Sorry.

    If El's option is your choice, please post here saying so. I will consider it as part of the poll.
  • The thing about the last season which I would like to see carry on every season is the level of competitiveness.

    The last few seasons before we would have a few people just show up to the last few games to make sure they got their four games in so they could play in the final game, not really caring how they did in those games.
  • I agree with el .. I was looking for that option, but i picked one that was there . :(
  • Hey all,

    sorry to sound stupid, but what is a two tier system? Please if someone could answer this one for me so that I can make an appropriate vote, I would appreciate it. I would like to take part in next season from start to finish if my work and time permit. I did not last season because my schedule could not permit it and I started well into the season. Thanks.


    Stay good and play good!
  • Two tier SET game...

    There would be two tables. One table plays for roughly 60% of the SET pot, qualifiers place in top 10 of the point standings

    Second table would be for the remaining players and they play for roughly the remaining 40% of the SET pot.

    This is just an example, and if this is the way the league goes, the percentages will be made known to all. Basically, it gives the players lower on the points chart a chance to play for some of the SET pot as well.
  • AJ -- Stupid me. I voted for the top 16 set game instead of the 2 tier set game. I can't change my vote so I"m posting. I should be in with garryc and the hoe.

  • All posts will be considered as your choice.
  • Isn't the option "No Changes; Keep it the way it is " the same as "Top 16 SET game; Minimum 6 games played; $100/game SET contribution "

    If so, you can add up those two catagories, 4 votes for not changing a thing. Lets move on.
  • AJ - we should be sure to ask Max, Gus, Tony, Allen, Wyndham, and Igor what they think. They don't come to the forum, but they are regulars and should have a say.
  • What about this. Lets say you need to make at least 5 or 6 games to make it in the tournament of champions or the last game of the season + any games you miss you have to pay the extra $10.00 to catch up the following week you show up. So the people that come out all the time has a chance.

    It seems that you have about 16-20 people that come out all the time but lets say that 10 of them never make the money, it would be hard to get enough points to finish in the top 16. Is it fair to have 3 or 4 people not make it to the the final game, even though they make most of the games.
    Put in the rule that 5 or 6 games min and any games that are missed that player needs to pay the $10 that was not put in for the final pot for the championship game. Just my thought as a knew player coming out. But I think it would be a really good Idea for the $10.00 rake back thing to be instituted instead of $100.00 per game

    Please let me know what you think


  • Cam that was basically how it was before the last season started...$10 per buyin per game, with a minimum amount of games required to play the final. And then you had to put up $10 very every missed game IF you wanted to play the final. Built up a hell of nice pot for the final game.

    What we wanted to do was make the Points Earned throughout the season somewhat more important for the final game. We thought it would be a good way to increase turnout (which it did) as well as a way to measure player improvement. A player could see if he/she was improving, or their play was sliding.

    I haven't voted on this poll yet, but my preference would be $10/buyin/game, minimum 6 games played, Two Tier SET final with open seating to all members to be allowed to play.
  • I talked to Wyndham, Allen and Igor and this is what they said.

    Wyndham said he would like to keep it the way it was last season with the top 16 with the idea that you really don’t need a certain number of games to qualify to make it in.

    Allen said he doesn't care but would like to see either the top 16, or the $10 a person, he doesn't like the two tier idea.

    Igor says he likes the top 16 idea but would like to see the top 16 with 4 games to qualify but the average points per game not the total points for the top 16 people. So that people that play solid poker but cant' show up as often still be rewarded for their skill.
  • Who is BadBeat? I'm not familiar with that member, if he IS a member.
  • The Poll has closed. After all the corrections and additions from those who wanted to be involved, the outcome is...


    I included changes to the poll as per Joe, Derek, Wyndam, Max, Allen, and Igor, but not from BadBeat, whoever that may be. Regardless, this option was clearly the most popular with a total vote of 6 against the second highest of 4 for a Two Tier SET game.

    I'm going to make the changes this week and have copies of the revised rules for Thursday's game.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    The Poll has closed. After all the corrections and additions from those who wanted to be involved, the outcome is...


    I included changes to the poll as per Joe, Derek, Wyndam, Max, Allen, and Igor, but not from BadBeat, whoever that may be. Regardless, this option was clearly the most popular with a total vote of 6 against the second highest of 4 for a Two Tier SET game.

    I'm going to make the changes this week and have copies of the revised rules for Thursday's game.

    Joe suggested that you should print out and have the rules for the league available to all players when the league starts and I would agree. I would suggest that on the first game and to all new players that there are rules available and they can have a copy if they wish, that way it will avoid any confusion as to what the rules are.
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