$25 Tourney Friday Feb 2nd, Kitchener

I've got a table to break in and Friday is as good a night as any so:


$25 No limit Holdem Tourney
Cards in the air at 7:30
Near Ottawa and Fisher-Hallman
5000 chip starting stack
50/30/20 split
Reasonable blinds

If you enjoy a relaxed game you are more than welcome.

1. Nik (me)
2. +1 TIM
3. +2 Mike
4. +3 Mike
5. JAY
7. liquidfire
8. Ian

BYOB and of course rake free.
I'll PM directions.


  • anyone.......anyone....Bueller?
  • I'd attend however I work on Friday till midnight. I heard Labeach Steve was looking for a game though....

  • No problem Shannon we'll get ya out next time. And Steve (or anyone for that matter) is more than welcome.
  • how many ppl are goingto this?
  • how many ppl are goingto this?

    Joe I've got 6 so far......want ten. If I get enough I'll push it to 16. Let me know if you want me to put you down.
  • Hey can you sign me and my brother (Ian) up??

    also please PM me for directions.

  • awesome game tonight! I definetly had a great time. if anybody is looking to play with a bunch of friendly people, come to this game. I will definetly go again!
  • Thanks for the plug Liquid. I'm glad you had a good time. Next time you'll be the one laying the bad beat.
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