Guelph Tuesday, Jan 30th

Hey all, running my regular game this Tuesday. Last tuesday sucked, as we had a whole bunch of people signed up, and then, literally at 7pm, we got a bunch of cancellations and couldn't run the game.
I'm not blaming anyone, but i was all ready for poker, and then..BOOM. no poker.
What can you do eh? Hopefully this week we'll have enough player (at 7pm) to play!

Soooooo...5000 in chips, 10 +5 buy in (but i'm open to bumping it this week to 20 + 5 if there is interest....)...20 min blinds, should be a good time!

Sign up soon!

1. Mark
3. Timmeh
4. Tekguy
5. Cowboy
6. Brent
7. Pat
8. Patrick


  • If there's a game, I'll be there - either buy in works for me
  • Okay im in but there better be a game. A question for everyone. Who goes to a Country Concert instead of playing poker .
  • I'm in. Fingers crossed for the game to be on....
  • you open to letting a new guy in on the game?
  • always, post your email address, or send me an email at quiane *at*

    I will let you know where the game is and all that jazz!

  • i haven't heard from sammy yet, or bernie...if i dont have emails from these 2 by 4 pm, or some more interest i'll have to cancell the game.
    Pat (the guy who was at the cowboy concert last week) called me last night, but i missed the call. He said he was interested, but i'm hesitant to post his name without accually talking to him, and i'm not 100% on Patrick i'm hopeful (as if all these people come through we'll have plenty), but this game is not 100% yet.

    Soo.....keeping those fingers crossed...
  • I am interested to play in this tournament, please let me know if you got room for one more. my email address is thanks.
  • alright, provided no one cancels, this game appears to be on!
  • does anyone know what timeh number is???
  • Quiane wrote: »
    alright, provided no one cancels, this game appears to be on!

    Oh Man, I looked just after 4 and there wasn't anything posted so I figured the game was canceled. arrrrrgh. Sorry boys..hope you had enough
  • What happened?

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