Super Bowl And Poker at Shopsy’s

Super Bowl And Poker at Shopsy’s

• 10, 000 chips
• 25 minutes blinds,
• 16 players
• 80.00 buy–in, No add-ons or re-buys
• + 10.00 bounty
• 1/2 cash game to follow
• 1:00 pm start time doors open at 12:30 pm
• B.Y.O.B., B.Y.O.S. We"ll probablly order out at dinner break we can decide where on Sunday

The blind levels will be 25-25, 25-50, 50-100, 75-150, 100-200, 100-200(25), 150-300(50), 200-400(50), 300-600(75), 400-800(100), 600-1200(200), 800-1600(200), 1000-2000(300), 1200-2400(400), 1500-3000(500), 2000-4000(500), 2500-5000(500), 3000-6000(1000), 4000-8000(1000), 5000-10000(1000), 6000-12000(2000), 8000-16000(2000), 10000-20000(3000), 12000-24000(4000), 15000-30000(5000), 20000-40000(5000), 25000-50000(5000).

1st place - 40%
2nd place - 30%
3rd place - 20%
4th place - 10%

1. Shopsy
2. Joe
3. Jay
4. Mike
5. Michelle
6. Josh
7. Kristy
8. Larry
9. Folded
10. Pkrfce
11. Dave
12. Sandy
13. Romer
14. Kalon
15. Al


  • Great idea, wish I had thought of it!

    Prophet 22
  • Sign me up please.
  • what time do the rippers arrive?
  • Hey Shops,

    Sign me up plus a friend. Thanks.
  • Sign me up please.

  • is it 80+10 or is the 10 included in the 80?
  • would love to come but I'll be playing a 5/10 game that loooks sooooo juicy. And maybe watch some superbowl too.
  • Hey Jeff,

    Cam isn't going to be able to make now.

    Prophet 22
  • Still room for 2 more, For everyone thats already coming I"ll see you all Sunday
  • Hi shopsy its Sean, can you please email me directions at
  • I will likely be a bit late. Please blind me in.
  • Pls PM directions again.
  • Shopsy, I'm interested if there is still room. Can you PM me the address, it's been a while since I've been to your place.

    Ranger Mike
  • Still room shopsy?
  • Might just stay for the tourney as we might watch superbowl back in Toronto. Good luck everyone.
  • Still room Tom do you remember how to get here
  • Sorry Shops wont be in town.

    Thanks though.
  • Sorry I can't make it. It looked good when I got up this morning, but that change after taking the dog out and the cold air hitting my lungs. Good luck to all.

  • How about an update for those in sick bay?
  • Al had the chip lead but chopped with Greg. Kalon took third. I was sixth. Thanks to Jeff for hosting, to his wife for making pizza and to Josh/Kristy for pickin up Swiss Chalet dinner for everyone.

    How about an update for those in sick bay?
  • Thanks to Shopsy for hosting us all

    Thanks to Brent for thinking of the idea

    Thanks to Haddon and Kristy for running into town to grab supper

    Thanks to Michelle for dealing until the end, and to Sandy for dealing the other table

    Thanks to all of my opponents - as with most tourneys in the KW area, there is tough competition, but the players also play in a fun and (more important) respectful way

    just one clarification - it wasn't an even chop. Instead of 57.1%/42.9% we split the money 52.4%/47.6%. It was very nice to get a win under my belt against this field :-)
  • That was no chop, Al. That was the DEAL OF THE CENTURY! You played terrifically and made the final table your bitch. (You'll note I did not hem and haw too long over your chop offer...) Well played and a well-deserved win.

    I'll echo all those thanks and add Shopsy's wife for putting up with all the hoof prints on the nice clean floor.

    Great game boys and girls.
  • Thanks for hosting Shopsy..

    Oh yeah, you may want to run to Staples to get some more paper after "sheeting" Josh all night!! :):)
  • At least I didn't get sheeted from a guy I didn't know Cory...

    Good job grabbing Larry with that AQ call. Like I said, he is a vet and is used to dealing with donkeys.
  • Thanks again Shopsy. Another very well run tournament. Thanks also to everyone else who helped out during the day.
    Glad I got to meet a lot of you for the first time and I enjoyed playing with all of you. Is it just me or are there a lot of people in this Forum who REALLY like to talk it up while they are playing. Even though I got my ass kicked I got to spend the whole day laughing.
    Congrats to Al and all the winners for a well played game. Also Al, thanks for going over the top of me everytime I raised. I won't forget.

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