Kwgm 3



  • Only Mark would choose to have a game on Valentine's Day. If we change that date and do the Sunday 18th. I am good, very hung over - but good.

    I am good with the other Pre-lim dates.
  • My schedule is fairly open, with weekends always being the worst. Feb 18th, I'm going to be exceedingly hung over as that's my b-day and I'll have a party at my place.

    I'm out of town the following weekend, but should be back in time as I have a play rehearsal until about 2pm I think.

    I'm also away the first weekend of March on vacation.
  • Pick Me, Pick Me, Pick Me, Pick Me
  • can't do Thursdays, but if you have to run them on those days I will blind out and win the finale anyway.

    Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are awesome.
  • *clears throat*
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