Kwgm 3



  • If there's only two spots left just run a Grudge Match Wannabe SNG and the top two players qualify. I'd suggest making the buyin a little pricey though, like $30 or something. Isn't this what was done to fill the last spot or two for KWGM 2?

    BUT pick the dates for the main KWGM matches first... that's the most important thing.

  • g2 wrote: »
    BUT pick the dates for the main KWGM matches first... that's the most important thing.


    BELIEVE me when I say I learned this lesson... :) I'm going to work out the schedule soon, and people will have to confirm / deny.... potential days will be (to keep this thing under a month in length)

    4 games - 4 Weekend days (Sat / Sunday)
    4 games - Non-Bristol Wednesdays, with a final on Saturday
    4 games - Thursday night x3 and a final on Saturday

    Any preferences? I'm leaning towards the Thursday night... and the final should stay on a Saturday for reasons of time and drinking.

  • Zithal wrote: »
    I know the purpose of the grudge match is to be a series of matches against the same people, but is there a way to increase the # of participants and keep the flavour the same, borrowing a bit from PokerSuperstars

    For example;

    18 people start, each put in $20 to play three pre-lim matches on dates pre-determined.

    Each night the group splits into 3 groups of 6 and points are awarded each game (10, 7, 5, 3, 1, 0). Each winner of each pre-lim gets $40. This leaves us break-even cashwise when we get to the finals.

    The top ten point earners, move on, and KWGMIII starts in earnest. Pay your $120, play three matches to earn chips for the final game, etc.

    I really like this idea! I'd love to be one of the 18 as well :)
  • I vote for Non-Bristol Wednesdays or Thursday Nights - lets not kill every weekend in a month.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    This doesn't mean that someone (cough cough Bristol street cough cough) couldn't run something similar.... a friday night league perhaps?

    I'm going to go ahead and steal this idea for my Season 3 with the hopes of running this on my deck throughout the summer....and as I know I am no where near the top 18 in KW I'll not waste anytime posting my short resume which would have zero accomplishments...well I monied at g2's, beanie's, Wolff's, and my house...but I suck at Bristol and really have nothing to show for my few visits there.

    However I did sit with you Mark, that whole night your were ill at the drunken Olympics....well at least I was playing poker near the bathroom you passed out in but that minor detail should not deter from the fact that I stuck by you that night...ok I left when the pizza ran out but still? Hey that does remind me of one accomplishment.....Silver Medallist at the first Lazy Man Olympics (under dispute as the gold medallist did not drink a single alcoholic beverage and I am still fighting to have his gold medal stripped!)
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    4 games - 4 Weekend days (Sat / Sunday) - NO
    4 games - Non-Bristol Wednesdays, with a final on Saturday - YES
    4 games - Thursday night x3 and a final on Saturday - YES
    As Tom said, don't clog the weekends, please.
  • So... Thursday nights work? Say all prelims on Thursdays at 7:30ish?

    I'm also hoping I can depend on the good old Cook Crew / Bristolians to host? Either that or the nine other guys drive to Guelph, and play on my bed.

  • I also agree that we shouldn't clog up the weekends however I would perfer a two weeknight (Wed or Thurs) and one Sunday and the finale on a Saturday. I also have a bit of a bias as I work 2 weeks of days and 2 weeks of evenings. Right now I am on my 1st 2-weeks of evenings so if you started this thing on Feb 8th (thurs) I would be good for the first two weeks and...OH snap! I'm off on Feb 22 (thurs) as well so I'd be good to go for all Thursday games. Or if you wanted Wed, Wed, Thurs starting on the 8th...I'd be good to go!

    Anyway, I also liked Zithals Ideas but for Erics summer league as this one table tournament format is super fun and does cause some year long grudges (Beanie!!). Also, a Friday night league at Zithals would be sup-tacular!

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I'm also hoping I can depend on the good old Cook Crew / Bristolians to host?
    I can host, and Jenn probably won't mind dealing some of them.
  • I can sort of only do wed and sun...

    But meh...blind me in.
  • Well I'm starting a no KWGM3ERS club. It's gonnna be WAAYYYY funner and the bestest! oh and no KWGM3ERS allowed!!!!!

    ps. Cool kids only.
  • Can I join your club? It says "No KWGM3erssss" (plural) you're allowed one! :)

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Can I join your club? It says "No KWGM3erssss" (plural) you're allowed one! :)


    You're in!!!!

    Tell your friends!!
  • Resume:


    (Translation: 2nd place in each of the prelims, tied for biggest stack in the finals, didn't make the money. How could you not want this fish playing??)

    As always weekends are usually bad, and I don't have a life until Feb 5th. i'll need to see the actual dates before I can say yes or no. :(
  • stpboy wrote: »
    Anyway, I also liked Zithals Ideas but for Erics summer league as this one table tournament format is super fun and does cause some year long grudges (Beanie!!). Also, a Friday night league at Zithals would be sup-tacular!


    I love the idea of a league as well...and regardless I still want to do this over the summer, there's nothing better then cold beer on the deck playing poker!!!!! Does anyone have the details of the format of the SuperStars?
  • p.s. Mark.....I'd gladly host any events.....

    if I was included :(

    ahhh fuck it, I'm starting the KWGrudgeMatchHatersLeague
  • Okay.. I think I'm going to call teh dates now...

    Thursday February 8
    Sunday, February 11
    Thursday February 15


    Saturday, February 17

    I think this was basically how it ran last time (though that went mon-wed-mon-sat). It gets it done in < 2 weeks. So.. will the following people please let me know ASAP if they can do these games, say at 7:30p.m. in Kitchener

    1. beanie42
    2. stpboy
    3. haddon
    4. metro tom
    5. 8ball Tye
    6. Waltsfriend Sandy

  • Doh.. 17th doesn't work.. how does the 18th (Sunday) sound? Or maybe the 24th? The Saturday after?

  • Isn't the 18th the day for that "Non-Royal" Royal Cup touranment at Philthy's? Or did it get canceled and nobody told me?

  • SOaB....

    Okay.. does the 24th for the finale work?

  • The 24th is my birthday...
    If it is on this date and I go back to drinking, like I think I will...I may just push in MP with 22...

    Whatever, worked last time!
  • theshop wrote: »
    The 24th is my birthday...
    If it is on this date and I go back to drinking, like I think I will...I may just push in MP with 22...

    Drinking and poker DON'T MIX?

  • I don't think that I am available on the weekend of the 24th either. The other dates are fine for me.

    By the way, I am very glad I qualified for this event, because I would hate to rely on my poker resume. I learned everything I know from online "play money" games. Those people really know their stuff and tell me what I am doing wrong all the time in a very positive and constructive manner.

  • Weekend of 24th is out.
  • Okay.. here are the dates for KWGM III...

    The three prelim games are going to be on :

    Thursday: February 8th
    Wednesday: February 14th
    Thursday: February 15th...

    FINALE: Sunday February 25th

    Who's available of the 6 pre-qualifiers?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Wednesday: February 14th
    Valentine's Day? Umm, don't think I can make this schedule...
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    Valentine's Day? Umm, don't think I can make this schedule...

    Obviously Mark didn't take that into consideration...not that he needs to anyways :D
  • The first dates posted (other then the 18th) and the second dates posted are fine for me however, I would rather not spend yet another Valentines Day with you Mark. One year at Molly's is enough...

  • Dammit.. okay

    Dates are a work in progress...

    Damned non-single people


    P.S. Shannon - we spent St. Patrick's day at Molly's...
  • and Valentines day....<verge of tears> you don't remember!

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