Kwgm 3

No reason to not run it now brother, let's do this!



  • ....except that Mark needs to qualify for his tournament!
  • ... and Greg is in Ottawa!

  • g2 wrote: »
    ... and Greg is in Ottawa!

    Maybe we all need to make a ROAD trip.... Got room to put us all up Greg?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Maybe we all need to make a ROAD trip.... Got room to put us all up Greg?

    Jeff, you can alway bunk with one of Gregs' sexy roommates!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Jeff, you can alway bunk with one of Gregs' sexy roommates!
    Or maybe one of their mothers! lol.... I do want to live a little longer you know....
  • Allright.. you're right Shannon.. there is no reason... I have to work out a thing or two, and I have a question

    It was put to me that (aside from pre-KWGM qualifiers), I should make this an invitational event, is there any disagreement to this? Do you guys trust me to pick players that would make for a challenging, but fun event? Namely my criteria would be:

    A: Skill - player must have shown a relative level of competance
    B: Competitive, but not asshole - pretty simple
    C: Availability - no subs anymore.. all or none

    Sound good?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Do you guys trust me to pick players that would make for a challenging, but fun event?
    Yes, this makes the most sense to me.

    Now get on with it ;)
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Allright.. you're right Shannon.. there is no reason... I have to work out a thing or two, and I have a question

    It was put to me that (aside from pre-KWGM qualifiers), I should make this an invitational event, is there any disagreement to this? Do you guys trust me to pick players that would make for a challenging, but fun event? Namely my criteria would be:

    A: Skill - player must have shown a relative level of competance
    B: Competitive, but not asshole - pretty simple
    C: Availability - no subs anymore.. all or none

    Sound good?


    I guess Shannon can't play under A , B and C..
  • folded wrote: »
    I guess Shannon can't play under A , B and C..

    Meh.. he monied last time, so he's earned his was in already. ;)

  • Cory funny.

    I actually didn't money, I bubbled which still qualifies ;) I trust your judgement Mark, let's do this!

  • stpboy wrote: »
    I actually didn't money, I bubbled which still qualifies ;)
    You won the first prelim, which I believe paid money ;) , and grandfathered you in.

    Glad you're back! You were instrumental in helping me to win the last one :p
  • IF you guys do run KWGM 3 all I ask is GET IT DONE BEFORE MAY :D

    So I can [bats eyes at Mark] play in KWGM 4!

  • g2 wrote: »
    IF you guys do run KWGM 3 all I ask is GET IT DONE BEFORE MAY :D
    Let's get this STARTED before May ;)
  • Yeah, let's get er done!
  • I want to play.

    But will Mark judge me worthy or not? Should I submit a resume?

    Do I need references?
  • I want to play.

    But will Mark judge me worthy or not? Should I submit a resume?

    Do I need references?

    I think a lot of us want to play, I love playing against the best in KW, we have an abundance of talent here...but it's Mark's thing and with such a deep pool of talent whoever he picks and however he picks them, they will all be good choices. Satellites and all that just prolong things, pick the group and then may the bets player win!

    p.s. that're WORTHY!
  • pick Me Pick Me Pick Me Pick Me
  • Haha...

    I"m not sure how I'll pick people, but I'd love to see a poker resume! :)

    Mark Breaton
    Education: Super System series, Harrington on Hold ' Em series, Phil Gordon's Green and Blue Book, Sklansky's theory of poker

    Experience: 2 years of "serious" playing

    Notable accomplishments
    Winner - Bristol Street Championship (XXIII?)
    Winner - KPS Tournament of Champions
    Winner - Westside Poker Club January 2007
    Runner-up - KWGM I
    Runner-up - KPS "Grudge Match Rip-off"
    Hobbies: Man-flirting, online-donking, and pants-free poker.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Notable accomplishments
    Winner - Bristol Street Championship (XXIII?)
    Winner - KPS Tournament of Champions
    Winner - Westside Poker Club January 2007
    Runner-up - KWGM I
    Runner-up - KPS "Grudge Match Rip-off"

    KPS TOC should be in BOLD due to its ridonkulous prestige. And it's Grudge Match WANNABE, rip-off makes it sound cheap ;)

  • Let me know. I believe I qualify.
  • I have a feeling that there will be a lot of Resumes.

    Andrew Salter

    Education: Sklanky's Tournament for Advanced Players, Phil Gordon's Black Book, TJ Cloutier, Sklansky's Theory of Poker, Harrington on Hold'Em, Mark Beaton's Poker Articles!!!!, Devin Armstrong on the recently cancelled but still loved PNL

    Experience: Learned poker as a child but started playing for real 3 years ago.

    Accomplishments: Bristol Street Champion (XXIV??)
    Bristol Street Runner Up (XXsomething)
    Bristol Street 10 Ten Players of 2006
    3rd Bristol Street Tournament of Champs 2006
    3rd KPS event at some point
    Eater of Babies
    Winner of a Poker Stars Tournament for $430 or so
    Made Mark Beaton Fold pocket 5s and he would have flopped quads
    Member of HBK
    Beat the Pants off my friends at home games (fits into pantless poker)

    Hobbies: I Act as recently seen in "Moonchildren" playing TONIGHT, Tommorrow and Saturday in St. Jacobs. We were reviewed in the Record. I even sort of get mentioned! Well my character does. I have recently been addicted to World of Warcraft. I eat babies, but I mentioned that above.

    Why I would be an asset: Someone needs to be first out at the first match. That'd be me. But I'll win the second one. I have a lovely singing voice that I have showcased at Cook Crew events. My rash has cleared up and the doctor says I am no longer contagious as long as I keep applying the cream. I know that 78 is a great hand.
  • lmfao... that posts needs a 'Don't drink coffee and read this post at the same time' warning!

  • Hmm...

    Impressive resume, but I believe you may get points docked for calling me "Mark Beaton"... it's BREATON dammit. :)
  • So Freudian slip again. I was thinking about ...naw I'm just dumb.

    P.S. I am also seen in "Moonchildren" see for more!!!

    Will this post get deleted? We will see.
  • Just an FYI...

    Persons already qualified for KWGM III

    1. beanie42 (KWGM II Champ)
    2. Haddon (KWGM II Money place)
    3. Metro Tom (KWGM II Money place)
    4. stpboy Shannon (KWGM II Prelim winner)
    5. 8ball Tye (KWGM II prelim winner)
    6. Waltsfriend Sandy (KWGM Wannabe winner)

    Which means there are 4 spots left.... and two have already been selected.

    1. Me - it's my damned tourney, and everyone says I should be in
    2. Secret... :)

  • I know the purpose of the grudge match is to be a series of matches against the same people, but is there a way to increase the # of participants and keep the flavour the same, borrowing a bit from PokerSuperstars

    For example;

    18 people start, each put in $20 to play three pre-lim matches on dates pre-determined.

    Each night the group splits into 3 groups of 6 and points are awarded each game (10, 7, 5, 3, 1, 0). Each winner of each pre-lim gets $40. This leaves us break-even cashwise when we get to the finals.

    The top ten point earners, move on, and KWGMIII starts in earnest. Pay your $120, play three matches to earn chips for the final game, etc.

    To play devil's advocate, is this too much poker for the money invested? Should the pre-lims be a little more pricey? Why can't I leave a perfectly good tournament structure alone?

    Anyway, regardless of how you choose to run, it, my recommendation is to pick dates before you accept "applications" and see who's really available to play.
  • ...or have prelims for the remaining spots if cash spots carry over from year to year.
  • Although I like idea of having a larger field and the recommendations present would work well, I would put my vote for the same format.

    I like that we play 4 consecutive games against a table of all the same players - I think that is what truley makes it a grudge match. By the Final Game nearly everyone has made at least one donkey call against someone else and sucked out huge - which adds to the flavour of the final game.

    Can't wait for it to start - this will be my 3rd and it is a hell of a series!
  • Zithal wrote: »
    I know the purpose of the grudge match is to be a series of matches against the same people, but is there a way to increase the # of participants and keep the flavour the same, borrowing a bit from PokerSuperstars
    I think you're correct - the whole purpose of the KWGM is to be against the same players. However, "taylodan" is trying to organize a 24-person SuperStars-style league (see
  • Hey Zithal...

    Thanks for the input... I brainstormed a lot with you when first setting this up, and although I do like the idea of a bigger field, I have to admit that the SNG aspect of the game makes it unique...

    This doesn't mean that someone (cough cough Bristol street cough cough) couldn't run something similar.... a friday night league perhaps?


    P.S. BTW Zithal, if you want in KWGM 3 that bad, just put up a resume! :)
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