Guelph, January 23!

Hey Ya'll.....These tuesday tourneis have been going alright, hopefully we'll get a few more out this week. Drtyore, we're not boycotting you, but thursday's are good tournies at the rock (if you want to come, just let me know) and sunday's weren't as successful as tuesdays have been.
Anyways....tuesday...5000 in chips, 10 + 5 bounty, 7pm start.....8 players minimum...15 max......
sign up soon! :)

1. Mark
2. Haren
3. Pat
4. Timmeh
5. Cowboy Mike
6. Techguy
7. Big Mike
8. Patrick
9. ATM


  • Okay since i have gotten over my cold and im feeling better, i guess it is about time to step up and play at the Tuesday Shoot out. See everyone there.
  • Geez.. you're never gonna change it now with the westside win under my belt.. ;)

  • I"m off this week so count me in
  • congrats on the win mark!!!! and you are correct ;)
  • Sorry I'm out I thought this was for Thursday and I'm chasing a ball around tonight and attempting to throw it in a hoop or something.

    Mark since the westside win you are more welcome to come and play seeing that you have some more cash to spread around!!

  • I am, indeed, in.
  • Count me in..if there's still a spot..and this time I'll try and be on time.

  • this is looking like it will be a great game tonight, and maybe even 2 tables....v/ cool.

    See everyone at 7pm!

    and, yes, there are still spots open!

  • My apologies folks, wife just got called into a business dinner tonight so I won't be able to make it...sorry.

    Next week :)

  • Just wondering if i could snag a ride off somebody. If not ill try to make it anyway.
  • Never mind
  • something's come up and I won't be able to attend...just can't say no to overtime...sorry time hopefully
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