Season 4 party

Hey kids - as season 4 comes to an end, it's time for another season-ending party! We're happy to host a night of cheap SNGs & Polish poker.

For Ching Hill newbies....Polish poker is easy to learn, and vodka consumption is not mandatory (but highly encouraged).

Since Chris was the big winner this season, the beer & vodka is on HIM.

How is next Saturday, Jan 27th for everyone?


  • Not good for us we are playing a deep stack tourney in KW that day.
  • I should be able to make it
  • Cheap SNG's? Polish Poker? VODKA?!?!?

    I'M SO THERE!!
  • I am snowboarding that day, so I might not make it/be very late.
  • Sorry but I won't be able to make it, I'm writing an exam Monday looks like I'll have my face in a book all weekend

  • garryc wrote: »
    Sorry but I won't be able to make it, I'm writing an exam Monday looks like I'll have my face in a book all weekend


    Drinking + Poker = Good Exam Results

    In case you didn't know.
  • I'd like as many of the regulars as possible to be able to come.

    Is there a better weekend for most people?

    Feb 3rd is out, but what about Feb 10th?
    Would a Friday night work better (i.e. Jan 26th or Feb 2nd, or Feb 9th)

    If you could either post or PM or email me what dates would work for me, I'll try to find the date that works best for most people...
  • I'll be there this time!!!
    Thursday, friday or saturday is ok with me... Also, I wouldn't mind adjusting the date so that all regulars can make it.

  • I'm okay with date change as well I think. Whatever works for everyone else. I'm just looking forward to getting hammered!! ;)
  • Feb 3 is out for Aimee and I as well. A Friday night should work better (for me), maybe an early night for us as Aimee will be getting up for work at 3:30 am Saturday morning. Thursday nights probably won't work for most people as this thing called work will take place on friday.
  • A different weekend would work for me (fridays are better), I'm extremely interested in learning about this polish poker I've been hearing so much about.

    Chris, I agree poker + alcohol = interesting exam results but this is one of those "fail and you're fired exams" so I should try and put some effort into passing

  • garryc wrote: »
    "fail and you're fired exams" so I should try and put some effort into passing

    Wish they would offer ME that kind of incentive...believe me, I would get sooooooo wasted.
  • Beleive me I thought long and hard about this and the idea of a couple of months off had me contemplating but the minor things like mortgage payment, groceries and divorce swayed me back to the dark

    I just noticed that I'm now a "full CPF member" WOO HOO :D
  • garryc wrote: »
    I just noticed that I'm now a "full CPF member" WOO HOO :D

    You're no longer the NEW GUY! Congrats! Now go change that silly FULL CPF MEMBER to something a bit more

    Getting Aces Cracked at the Hill for 12 weeks! ;)
  • well if it is not going to happen on Jan 27th, then I vote for Fri Feb 2.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    well if it is not going to happen on Jan 27th, then I vote for Fri Feb 2.

    Yeah we are trying not to make it on the 3rd because we know that week-end is when you have your game Steve and also Joe has his TOC.
  • Ok - since so many people can't make it, it's definitely NOT this weekend.

    Still trying to find the right date....let's try Friday, February 2nd.
  • Hi guys, it's Greg

    Baby pending anyday should work for me.
  • Hi Greg. Keep us posted on the arrival!!

    And yet, another great reason to get TOTALLY WASTED! ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Hi Greg. Keep us posted on the arrival!!

    And yet, another great reason to get TOTALLY WASTED! ;)

    It sounds to me like you don't need a real reason, anyone will do. :)
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    It sounds to me like you don't need a real reason, anyone will do. :)

    Hey, these days...waking up ALIVE is reason enough!
  • The wife has banned me from any heavy drinking until after the baby is born. Something about needing to be able to drive to the hospital when labor starts. My getting wasted will only have to be in spirit for now.
  • I dont think feb 2nd will work for us. Not with me working and then are tourney of champs the next day. But who knows maybe Joe thinks we can. besides it will be him who drinks and gets dumbass drunk. Not I. I got to do da drinkin last time. And we had to leave early then too. :(
    OH well. IF we cant do it, we cant.
  • So I am assuming that feb 2nd is that date of this ??? No one has replyied. So you can count Joe and I out of this one. :(
  • You're the only one who has said for sure either way on Feb 2nd, Aimee. So I'm not sure if this date works for the majority or not.

    I'll send out an email this weekend for those that don't check the forum regularly to see if this is the new date or not.
  • I've said it before, I'll say it again...

    Cheap SnG's? Polish Poker?? VODKA?!?!?!?!

    I'M IN I'M IN I'M IN!!!!
  • i already put a vote in for the 2nd, and greg said any date would be good
  • Friday february 2 is ok with me

  • I going to need a drink on that day. I'm in.
  • Ok - the 2nd it is then.

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