Steve Wins the Season Ending Game!!

Congradulations Steve for taking down the SET pot tonight!!


In a turn around from last week, Steve was headsup against Kris with a monster stack of almost 14000 to Kris's 2000. Kris doubled up a couple of times, but Steve always seemed to chip him down between double ups, and Kris never found any luck. Great game to you both.

Amanda takes third place tonight, and bubble went to Amiee. I knew you both were going to make it deep tonight, as you both had huge stacks prior to the merge. But funny things happen on the final table, don't they?? I still can't believe the boats Aimee was hitting early tonight...never seen anyone connect on so many boats.

Thanks to everyone who came out this season. As always, I had a great time putting it all together, but it's the players that make this league as fun and as competitive as it is. Thanks to everyone who came to play!


  • Congrats Steve,

    After watching your strong performance last week, it was like watching the sequel last night. I think everybody brought their "A" game which must make this win all the better for you.

    Great season, great season ending game.

    AJ, you always say the players make the league, but it's your hospitality that keeps us coming back. Thanks for letting us into your home week after week.
  • Great Game last night Steve......I realized that you have been placing higher and higher over the last few weeks.

    Way to go every one last night. It was a pretty good game all around.

    Now on a topic related to last nights game:

    Pimps Up, Ho's Down

  • Congrats to Steve, and to all the money finishers last night. It was an excellent end to a great season!

    Although I didn't money....this was my best season finale performance to date, so I'll take that as comfort (although a stack of $50s would have been more comfortable!)

    Can't wait for Season 5!!
  • Congrats Steve, you seemed to run over the final table. Getting lucky at the right times, and having cards at the other times. After you took a large chunk of Aimee's chips your smile said it all. After that I was sure you were going to take it down.

    Hopefully you can keep it up into Saturdays game, but I highly doubt it :)

    Thanks AJ for hosting us degenerate gamblers week in and week out.

    As seems to be the tradition at ching hill (for the 2 seasons i've played) the big money winner during the season is nowhere to be found in the pay outs. I just don't understand why I don't money then, cuz I'm never near the top :).
  • AcidJoe wrote: »

    As seems to be the tradition at ching hill (for the 2 seasons i've played) the big money winner during the season is nowhere to be found in the pay outs. I just don't understand why I don't money then, cuz I'm never near the top :).

    You got to share the wealth :)
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Great Game last night Steve......I realized that you have been placing higher and higher over the last few weeks.

    Way to go every one last night. It was a pretty good game all around.

    Now on a topic related to last nights game:

    Pimps Up, Ho's Down



    And I quote "Remember---never make eye contact with your pimp"!!
  • derksen wrote: »

    And I quote "Remember---never make eye contact with your pimp"!!

    OH and the other interesting point from last night:

    RITZ® Mock Apple Pie


    pastry for 2-crust 9-inch pie

    36 RITZ Crackers, coarsely broken (about 1-3/4 cups crumbs)

    2 cups sugar

    2 tsp. cream of tartar

    Grated peel of 1 lemon

    2 Tbsp. lemon juice

    2 Tbsp. butter or margarine

    1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

    PREHEAT oven to 425°F. Roll out half of the pastry and place in 9-inch pie plate. Place cracker crumbs in crust; set aside.

    MIX sugar and cream of tartar in medium saucepan. Gradually stir in 1-3/4 cups water until well blended. Bring to boil on high heat. Reduce heat to low; simmer 15 minutes. Add lemon peel and juice; cool. Pour syrup over cracker crumbs. Dot with butter; sprinkle with cinnamon. Roll out remaining pastry; place over pie. Trim; seal and flute edges. Slit top crust to allow steam to escape.

    BAKE 30 to 35 minutes or until crust is crisp and golden. Cool completely
  • Congrats Steve

    YOu used my chips well. And i bubbled :(... But I had fun, and set out to do what I wanted to do. I took out Chris. (YEA!!!!!!!)) Sorry Chris, I just had to do it.. :)...When I got to the final table my cards went totally dead. When I did have sumtin I pushed and Steve got lucky, the first time, The last time, I had over cards, But the JJ held up strong. I did try to make it to the money but when you have not been getting cards and look down to see AQo, YOu are gonna go all in. :)

    Great season everyone. And as Everyone else has said Thanks AJ for hosting another season. And puttin up with us crazy people.. :)

    Congrats to Amanda and Chris for making the money. I understand that as Joe and I were leaving Amanda went out to take the 400. GG all :)
  • Thanks Guys.

    Yes I did get very lucky when Aimee pushed all in after the flop and had me cover, when I flopped 2 pair. I got that smile on my face as I reallized or maybe just had that strange feeling that this was going to be a good night for me.

    I also got my revenge on Garry as throughout the season he must have busted me out 4 or 5 times when he raised pre-flop and I called and I flopped a set of J's and checked to him when he went all in, and I immediately called and busted Garry.

    The big hand of my night at the final table was against last season's champ Eleanor.
    She pushed all in with A 10 off and I called with A Q suited.
    Flop was K 10 x, Turn was A, and River was a K, making my Q play as the kicker and busted Eleanor, after that I think my stomach was uneasy as I just folded the next few hands.

    Thanks to all the members of Ching Hill and to A.J. for being an excellent host. See you all next season.
  • Best part of the game for me was when Garry had his straight against someone, can't who, and he's grin was as wide as the Chesire Cat...I point to a Kd in the other hand and said flush, and his mouth just dropped to the floor thinking he was beat.

    Of all the times I wish I had my camera ready, it was that moment I'm going to regret it the most. ;)

    I agree with what Chris said earlier, everyone brought their A game last night, and we saw very good play all night long. Its been a blast hosting this league, and hope you all continue to play in Season 5.

    But first........

  • Steve,

    Congrats on the win, you played a great game!!


    You're not kidding, I almost crapped myself when you said "Flush!"

    To everyone a Ching Hill,

    thank you for making my first season a fantasitc experience, I look forward to donating my money to the BigChrisEl retirement fund next season ;)

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