Newbie Interested in Joining Ching Hill

Hi everyone, I found this forum tonight and I was pleased to see that there is a Brampton poker group, being a Bramptonian myself. I was hoping that I could either join or come by one Thursday evening to say hello. Thanks for your reply.


  • Hi Gotcha....we have just finished our last season this week, and the next season is to scheduled to start in a couple of weeks. I'll send you some info if you would like, and add your email to the mailing list so that you get notified on upcoming games in the future.

    Meanwhile, look over the board, check out the postings and the league players who post here and elsewhere on the forum, read over our rules on the sticky thread...and Welcome to The HILL!

  • Hi!

    New players are very welcome to join! Also....there's no requirement to join for a whole season. You can join any Thursday game just to check it/us out.

    Hope to see you at a game soon!
  • Hey AJ,

    New season starting?! I'm interested as well.......although I may not be able to make it every week. Please PM league structure, registration, etc. Are you coming to Westside tourney on Jan. 20....if so, maybe you can give me the info there.

  • ElElliott wrote: »

    New players are very welcome to join! Also....there's no requirement to join for a whole season. You can join any Thursday game just to check it/us out.

    Hope to see you at a game soon!

    While there is no requirement to join for a season, isn't joining the league joining the league? Also if he has any desire to play in the season ending tourament then he should be prepared to make a committment as he won't end up in the top 16 off several appearances unless he takes down every one. Click the link in the sticky and read the rules.

    Welcome Gotchacard.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    While there is no requirement to join for a season, isn't joining the league joining the league? Also if he has any desire to play in the season ending tourament then he should be prepared to make a committment as he won't end up in the top 16 off several appearances unless he takes down every one. Click the link in the sticky and read the rules.

    Welcome Gotchacard.

    My point was that you don't have to committ to 12 weeks if you don't want to. 12 weeks might seem daunting to a player who has never come out to a game or met any of the players.
  • Tilt and Gotcha....

    I want to apologize for my lack of communication lately. New tasks at work and new responsibilities have given me limited time this past little while.

    Gotcha, if you can please forward me your email address, I will forward you all the necessary information to you.

    Tilt, I will add your email to the list as well, however, the next Season isn't scheduled to start until Feb 1 2007. Just need a break to realign myself.
  • Gotcha!! Please give me your email address, preferred through a PM here on the forum, or you can email it to me at STR82ACE@POKERFORUM.CA

    Hope to hear from you soon.
  • Hey AJ,

    I still haven't got the email, can you email it again please.

  • Romer, it shows you as being added, not sure why you didn't get the notice.

    You should be getting game notifications starting soon. Keep checking this forum for upcoming games though, and I'll add you manually until I can figure out what Home Poker Tour is doing again.

    Next game is Feb 8
  • Hey AJ,

    just wondering what time does the game lasts?

  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    Hey AJ,

    just wondering what time does the game lasts?


    OK I beleive you mean how long do the games last??? Most of the games seem to be done by about 12am, maybe a little later. We start at 8pm sharp.
  • Yea, usually end by midnight Romer, but don't worry...CHUMP usually can leave LONG before that ;)
  • I'm anticipating this league. Should be alot of fun to compete with the original Ching Hill members. Hopefully you got room for a chump! Good luck y'all and see you on Feb.08!
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Yea, usually end by midnight Romer, but don't worry...CHUMP usually can leave LONG before that ;)
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