Season Champ Wins the Final Game

I guess it's only fitting that the one guy who dominated the league this season should go on to win the final game of the season. BigChrisEl won it tonight, and adds another $400 to his winnings for the season. Congradulations Chris, you've had one HELL of a season.


Final hand of the game has Chris against Steve headsup. Both players limp in to see a flop of 10 5 X...Steve goes all in pairing the five, but Chris calls pairing the 10. No help for Steve, but he play a great short stack game all night. I don't think he had more then 4000 in chips the whole final table, but when he needed cards to stay alive, he seemed to will them to his hands.

Third place goes out to Derek, his first money finish of the Season, and fourth place goes to "Half Way There" Tony.

Great game one and all, and thanks for a fantastic season. I'll be updating the Top 16 very soon and will be notifying all who qualify. Remember, the SET game still has a $50 buyin as well.



  • Nice way to cap off a great season Chris...well done!!!
  • It was another great game last night and I saw lots of players playing their best game.

    I knew I was going to have a good night when on the first hand I have 10-5 in the BB and a few people limp. Off the flop I hit two-pair and on the turn I make a full house.

    The season was the best one so far; I think we averaged about 14 players a game which is great with most of them playing their best.

    I don’t think I played any different then from my usual play this season (my don’t chump & don’t bubble technique), it's that I just got cards when I needed them and I won more then my fair share of races.

    Great game once again.

  • Congrats Chris, you've elevated the definition of the title “Ching. Hill Champ”. Anyone can crush a season like the El Train, leaving all adversaries bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose and mouth. But BigChris, you managed to crush season 4, and at the same time, all the while, you had us all convinced you’re really not that good. :)
  • and at the same time, all the while, you had us all convinced you’re really not that good. :)

    He really isn't THAT good, but his own admission...just that LUCKY ;)

    I haven't had a chance yet today to update the points spreadsheet yet, but I hope to have it done later tonight. I will update the Top 16 thread at that time and send out the spreadsheet to everyone.
  • I had a lot of fun last night - even though I bubbled. Bah!

    Congrats Chris....remember this season when you lose more than your fair share of races ;)

    Congrats to Derek for officially breaking his losing streak, and to Steve for his best-ever Ching result!

    Can't wait for next week's season finale :D
  • Congrats Chris. Good game.

    Thanks El. I have been waiting for this day!

    See you in the top 16;)
  • CONGRADULATIONS to both Derek and Joe!

    You both made the cut!!
  • Congrats Chris, excellent season.

    At our table I think we saw two 4 of kinds and wyndam fold pocket 4's just to see rwo 4's show up. Hard luck Wyndam.

    Once Chris and I got to heads up, I really didn't have much to do but go all in and try to steal as many blinds as I could or hope Chris would call and hopefully double up as Chris out chipped me $15000 to $4000.

    Also congrats to Derrick and Joe for cracking the top 16.

    See you all next week
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    CONGRADULATIONS to both Derek and Joe!

    You both made the cut!!

    Sweet 16.... NICE!
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