Shopsy"s Saturday Night



  • k we don't need a ride anymore, we aren't going to be able to make it... have fun without us
  • Hey Jen I sent out directions on thurs. I just PM"ed them again to your in box.
  • Shopsy:

    Thanks so much for hosting. I think your place has a nicer poker room than most casinos. My only regret is that I didn't get a chance to play some shuffleboard.

    Congratulations on your win Brent. Some people might find it ironic that you ended up winning the last two big pots by calling the all-ins when you had the best hand :). I knew that I was in trouble though since I didn't have any flush draws.

    Thanks to Mario and Jen for dealing. Looking forward to my next visit to Maryhill.

  • Thanks Shopsy for a fun night of poker. Looking forward to doing it again, only better.

  • Thanks Shopsy for hosting! Nice poker tables and comfy environment! Couldn't stay long, besides I busted early. Looking forward to the next.
  • Thanks for hosting Shopsy. Great play from everyone. qtJen, how you made the call on the flush draw was amazing. It is easy I guess when you know it's coming, like when I took out Redington when I was open ended and knew the straight was coming;) sorry tyson.

    Mario what can I say, your read was better than mine. I thought for sure you had a big pair, QQ or JJ, to think your 7 kicker was good, was simple amazing, I am still stunned this morning.

    Thanks to Mario and Jen for dealing, I really appreciated it.

    Sandy, great job being short stacked, I really thought I was dead after you took out both Shopsy and qtjen and had me 5:1 in chips. The only saving grace was the blinds still at 300/600.

    Looking forward to the next one.

    Prophet 22
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