Shopsy"s Saturday Night

There has been some interest in a game on Saturday night ( Jan 13th) so lets see if we can fill up a table or two. $50.00 Freeze-out, 25 min blind levels, 5000 chip starting stack. Doors open at 6:30 start at 7:00 1-2NL afterwards with 2 tables we"ll pay top 4 40/30/20/10% split

The Players :

1. Shopsy
2. Randy
3. Brent (Prophet)
4. Geoff (Carmaker)
5. Larry (Wineman)
6. Al (Dataman)
7. Cameron (Blazin72)
8. Dr Larry
9. Romer (Im-on-Tilt)
10. Mario
11. Haddon ?
12. Tyson (Redington)
13. Sandy
14. Jen
15. Dave (Buzzzardd)
16. Bruno
17. Kyle
18. Chico


  • which saturday? I may be in
  • Hey Shopsy
    I'm in buddy. The waters warm. Can't go ice fishin so might as well play some hold'em. Keep me posted. Thanks.
    The 'Wine Man'
  • liquidfire wrote: »
    which saturday? I may be in

    this saturday 13th
  • cant make it guys
    have fun
  • Are you in the KW area?
  • Are you in the KW area?

    Maryhill actually 10-15 min from K-W OR Guelph
  • Hey Shopsy I think I will be there. Are you going to have the Colts game on.

    I will be there around 4:30 for the Colts game.

  • BLAZIN 72 wrote: »
    Hey Shopsy I think I will be there. Are you going to have the Colts game on.


    Actually there is a Designer Guys marathon on that I kinda wanted to see :):)
  • Hey Shopsy...

    If you come to mine I'll come to yours ;)

    (That was supposed to mimick, 'I'll show you mine...'...but it didn't)
  • Hey Shops,

    I might be able to go....put 50% chance beside my name....need some of that money back you stole from me at Westside. (haha)

  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    Hey Shops,

    I might be able to go....put 50% chance beside my name....need some of that money back you stole from me at Westside. (haha)



    hope you can make it, come with Cam. It will be a great day!

    Prophet 22
  • Brent,

    I will know for sure on Thursday...I will call Cam tommorow.
  • Shopsy,

    Dr Larry is in as well as Redington, he emailed me. Randy from the Press Box is a maybe.
  • Shopsy2 wrote: »
    Actually there is a Designer Guys marathon on that I kinda wanted to see :):)

    If that is the case I will be late LOL.

    P.S. NO I will be there for KICKOFF

  • Put 50% beside Aimee and me. We will be in Cambridge that weekend. Our other plans are maybe 50/50 right now so we may be able to come.

    Edit: Our other plans are 100% confirmed now. We won't be able to come for the tourney. Maybe another time we can get out and check out your poker room.

  • i can't make this one. if you are planning a regular game - LET ME KNOW!
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    i can't make this one. if you are planning a regular game - LET ME KNOW!

    A little scared are we ;)

    Prophet 22
  • Sign me up please. I will need you to PM me directions.
  • Hi Shopsy,
    Sign me up please and PM me directions? thanks
  • Hi kris and I would like to try and make it for the NL game after the tourney. Can you please send us directions.


  • Sounds like a great way to spend a Saturday night. Please send directions and I will be there.

  • Bruno and Kyle will take those last two spots.
  • If theres still room my plans just changed and I want to play too.
  • ItsaMe wrote: »
    If theres still room my plans just changed and I want to play too.

    Glad you can make it Mario!

    Prophet 22
  • Come on over Mario, I"m not sure if Josh is coming but we can squeeeeze you in
  • Shopsy2 wrote: »
    Come on over Mario, I"m not sure if Josh is coming but we can squeeeeze you in

    Sweet dead money coming.
  • pls PM directions.
  • bruno and i need directions and possibly if anyone is heading out there from waterloo a ride
  • I emailed Brent since I can't find your email Shopsy. I need directions.
  • anyone going out from waterloo with 2 spots available?
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