Thursday JAN 11th. $20 SNG's. WATERLOO

Thursday Jan 11th in Waterloo.
$20 NLHE SNG. Bust outs are welcome to play side games.
Starts at 7:30PM.

PAYOUT WILL BE 50%/30%/20% should we get 10 people.
Payout will be the same for up to 11 players.
12-14 players - TOP 4 Pay.
15-16 - TOP 5 Pay.

I can accomodate up to 18 players!

1. Haddon
2. The Prophet 22 - Brent
3. Greg M. (My roommate)
4. Sandy.
5. Beanie (Trevor)
6. Mandy (PQ)
7. Jeremy (2Bullets)
8. Alex N.

9. Pkrfce9

This is a RAKE FREE event and is BYOB and BYOS.


    Let's try to not have a bust out first level haha.

    Starting Chips - 5,000.

    Blinds, 20 Minutes.
    25-25 (M=100)
    10 MIN BREAK
    100-200 (25)
    10 MIN BREAK
    150-300 (25)
    200-400 (50)
    300-600 (50)
    400-800 (50)
    5 MIN BREAK (Colour Up 25's)
    500-1000 (100)
    600-1200 (100)
    800-1600 (100)
    1000-2000 (200) CAPPED

    If anyone sees a flaw in this structure let me know.
  • Sign me up please.

  • haddon wrote: »
    Reserved for me.
    I'm in if this goes. Please PM me directions.
  • I'll run it if we get 8 people who are 100%.
    So far I think those signed up are firm.
  • me and my bro may be able to go... ill let u know by tomorrow if we are able to make it or not
  • Sounds great, just let me know!
  • does that mean kirsty and you will make an appearance at my place tonight for some pineapple.....?
  • Add Mandy, Nicole and myself!

  • List is current, please let me know by tomorrow if you can't make it.
    Directions will go out tomorrow evening.
    I may need someone to bring two cases of chips, if side games do develope, we'll need them. I have a case, but I know some of you are weary of mixing chips.
  • if you still have room in your stanky hole, i'm in josh. guide me in.

    tentative? ha!
  • We are now full.
    I hope to know if there are any cancellations by tonight.

    If anyone wants to sign up, I'll put you on the waiting list.
  • Directions sent to pms.
    Since many of you don't have emails in your profile.
  • If there is more interest from Liquidfire et al, I can add a second table.
    Unless there are objections.
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    if you still have room in your stanky hole, i'm in josh. guide me in.

    Won't Kristy get jealous? Or is she into that?
  • Hey Buckner,

    People actually playing can only post in this thread.

    Thanks! ;)
  • haddon wrote: »
    Hey Buckner,

    People actually playing can only post in this thread.

    Thanks! ;)
    Don't you mean:

    Only people actually playing can post in this thread.

    HA! Someone tells me I can't do something and I DO IT!

  • Whatever, it keeps getting in bumps.

    Just wanted to razzle Johnnie.
    Greg, you should drive down for the game.
    If you win, it will cover the costs.
  • haddon wrote: »
    Whatever, it keeps getting in bumps.

    Just wanted to razzle Johnnie.
    Greg, you should drive down for the game.
    If you win, it will cover the costs.
    LOL, no it won't. Gas is $60 each way, plus I'd be missing a couple hours of work, that's another $60. I am tempted though. The field just looks so weak, especially seats 1 and 8.

  • Yeah, but your definition of 'weak' is skewed.
    You think a monster is 93s in MP.
    That's why noone can read you. You give off all these tells that you are huge...when really you have mid pair. Sure, you THOUGHT it was huge.
  • Please take Nicole off of the list!

  • List Updated.

    Unless a flurry of players sign up in the next 12 hours we are going to have one table of 9.
    If you didn't get the pm/email with directions.
    Email me at

    P.S. Mr. Email bot on this site, feel free to spam me since I was stupid enough to put my email without using 'at'. Love, a gmail user.
    (We don't get spam)
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Won't Kristy get jealous? Or is she into that?

    LOL..we're FRIENDS...ok there was that unfortunate slip when Josh and I were playing naked twister but that was an accident!

    Anyway Johnnie, if I remember the last Bristol, stanky holes are YOUR specialty-not mine.
  • One table tonight.

    See you all tonight.
  • It's about 9:45 and I was wondering if I could join in any side games after players dropout of the tournament. Email me at if it's ok. I'll need an address.

    Dave Kostis
  • Hey Josh....

    Thanks for the game......It was a good night....except for how all my big pairs got forward to more ;)

    Next time where double socks so ur prepared for footsies ....lmao
  • beanie was right - A9 is a friggin monster! sorry brent...

    thanks for hosting josh. it was fun in your stanky hole
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