It Was Easy!!!

Amanda takes down her first Ching Hill game tonight, facing off against the only foe she could truly intimidate at the table...Dan!!!


Amanda flops an eight to pair her up, but Dan flops a straight draw. Amanda threatens the dealer profusely, and her mid pair hold up to win the game.

Joe takes third tonight, and Steve took down fourth place. Derek had the bubble, and I was the embarrassing CHUMP.

It was a hell of a game all night, and everyone played their best game I've seen in along time (except me, of course, crazy move, knew better, oh well). Some great cards from the rest of us though.

I'll update the points board and the Top 16 list soon.


  • Congrat's Easy, I knew you'd win because Dan is soooooo whipped by you. I'd almost say afraid, but I doubt that.... :)
  • You played a hell of a game too Joe. Kinda figured it would be you and Garry at one time during the game, then Amanda made some moves, and thought it would be a hell of a fight between you two headsup. Just two bad community's for you back to back.

    Top 16 List has been updated! Joe made it in, bumping Wyndham back onto the waiting list.
  • Yea! I was so sad last season because I lost so much money to Eleanor...but now...I'm rich! Well, not quite.

    Thanks to everyone for playing so well, it makes the win all the more sweet.

    Also, Derek is not allowed to be all-in against me anymore - I just can't take my rockets losing to 63 again.
  • Congrats Amanda! Once it was 6-handed, I just knew it was your night.

    Not sure what was in the air last night - but it was a great game of poker. I made some stupid mistakes (aparently 120 isn't 3xBB when the blinds are 30/60...who knew?!?), but overall there was some great poker being played.

    The final table was a lot of fun to watch.
  • Great game amanda.

    Personally I was cheering for Joe who put me out. I always seem to go for the guys that are trying to get into the top 16.

    Over all every played a strong game, at 1 pooint at the final table I only had $600 in chips.

    I must thank Dan for double me up late in the final table that was what pushed me into the money.
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    I made some stupid mistakes

    You weren't the only one Eleanor! Worst mistake I ever made...and I knew better too. What the hell got into my head????
  • Good game last night.

    There was a real energetic vibe during the whole game last night.

    Maybe it was because of the holidays, maybe it was because people picked up some poker books and read them or maybe it was because Easy was playing footsie with me, I just don't know. (At least I hope it was Easy and not RJ)

    Good game last night. I thought the final was going to be Garry and I (how can I not be in the finals?) but then Garry had to go all-in when I had Aces so I had to reluctantly call. :(

    Good call by Dan with his Ace-Queen suited against my Jacks. I was not surprised by the call once I saw the cards but was surprised it took you so long to make it. As the time was passing I was thinking more and more you had either A-J or A-10 or pocket J's or 10's.

    Easy I had you to win last game, so my psychic powers must be a game behind (or is it a game ahead?).

    Well done Easy because it was way overdue.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »

    Personally I was cheering for Joe who put me out. I always seem to go for the guys that are trying to get into the top 16.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence..... I did post somewhere to expect me out with a vengence since I intended to make the final 16, which I am now in. I was personally hoping you'd hang around long enough to help me take either easy or dan out since you were doing a fine job of collecting chips after being so short stacked. Had to call you there.

    Dan hitting his 3 outter on the river pretty much sealed my fate. As it turned out I had another good shot at Amanda but again the board didn't co operate with me. 2 hands later gone from 11K to 1K with 400/800 blinds hurts.

    It was a good game and BTW Easy, my new years resolution is still intact, when I raise your blinds it means I have a big hand not stealing..... remember that.

    I guess this now means I have to play next week to ensure no one slips into the top 16. If I had chumped it would have meant a few off weeks.

    And YES Chris I did have a hand when I pushed against you, I was praying you'd call. If you call there that would have swung the balance of power on the final table my way. Good game everyone and please RJ leave my feet alone :)

    PS I've been asked so here it is.....

    (")_(") <
    the bad beat bunny that won't fit into my signature line
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I guess this now means I have to play next week to ensure no one slips into the top 16. If I had chumped it would have meant a few off weeks.

    Actually Joe, you, Max, and Greg are all sitting on the knife's edge right now for the Top 16. Wyndham, Derek, and Gus all have decent shots at bumping at least one, two, or all three of you OFF the list. Next weeks' game should be a real dandy as far as who qualifies and who sits out. Should be very fun to watch.
  • Congrats Easy

    I said to Joe as we were driving home. Easy is gonna win this one.. *cough* sorry but listenning to you talk all night about you and dan taking fist and second. I knew Dan would be whipped as JOe said by you. And you take it down .. Sorry Dan, you know you have to keep the woman happy. :)

    It was a very good night, I foolishly kept calling Dereks stupid 175 bet. I should have known he hit the flush. but NOOOOOOOOOO, I kept calling him. Oh well, He did give all my chips to JOe.. *wink*

    Good game everyone, was tough to finish where i did. but had fun.. See you next thursday, I have make sure I make it to the final. :)
  • Steve just brought this to my attention.

    For some reason, when I entered all the names into the Home Poker Site to record last nights game, Amanda didn't get registered as winning the game. For some reason, it recorded 2nd to 19th place, but not first. Never had this happen before, and I'm not sure if I can fix it or not. I will try over the weekend to do it though.

    The excel spreadsheet IS accurate and up to date, so in the worst case scenario, we will use it.

    Sorry Amanda, for the life of me I don't know what happened.
  • One game off the hometourney site is missing for Aimee as well. It has her as playing the same number of games as me when she has one more. I am assuming that this site is accurate.
  • I had looked into that one for Aimee before as well, and had trouble finding the problem. I'll go over it again.

    In the meantime, the excel spreadsheet IS accurate and I will be sending it out shortly.
  • gg Easy, I knew you had it going on. And I knew you brought your serious game after alot of guys left disappointed from seeing no bottle tricks.

    Dan!? grow a pair, put on the pants man. Ah well, I bet your reward for second was better than if you came first.

    Joe, good to see you living up to your word.

    Steve, well.. money is still money.

    Derek, after I gave you all my chips... You had some serious mojo the other night, but Easy is just too good at working hers.
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