Jan 2. In guelph?

Hey everyone...looking to see if there is interest to hold a game on tuesday...
10 + 5 (i haven' won one 20 dollar game...so i'm makin' it cheaper! :) )....5000 in chips, 7pm start time..i'll pm you the addy if you need it...

looking for like 8 people to play


1. Mark
2. Haren
3. Nigel
4. Timmeh
5. Mir (tent)
6. Tim + 1
7. Big Mike
8. Jay
9. Cowboy Mike


  • I'm in, Mark. I have another guy - Mike Powell from Doogies - who might wanna play. I'm sure you would know him if you saw him. OK if I invite him too?
    Cheers and happy new year.

  • that is fine timmeh! :)
    looks like mir might come out as well!
  • you can count me in. hopefully, I wont smear too much rust on the cards.....

  • If there's still room I'm in
  • for sure there is room...i can even run 2 tables if there is interest......wicked, glad we have this much interest! :)
    game is defiantly a go!
  • Put me down as tent.
  • hey man, for some reason i though you were already in vegas!
  • Haddon and I are in if there are two spots.
  • yup, should be fine.....i'll PM you details
  • due to circumstances beyond my control I have to back out of the game...sorry all

  • no worries....hope you can make it next time...it's looking like we're going to have 2 tables tonight..so it should be a good game!

  • Quiane wrote: »
    no worries....hope you can make it next time...it's looking like we're going to have 2 tables tonight..so it should be a good game!


    Yeah...it sucks...It sounds like one of the best turnouts you've had in recent attempts. Watch out for Kristy...she's a force to be reckoned with...good luck all...wish I could come but you know how it is. Plans get made without me being told, at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it, aparently I was told about it last week and was expected to remember it all the way to this week. I can't remember what I had for breakfast for pete's sake. It's tough being a guy ;)
  • tekguy22 wrote: »
    Yeah...it sucks...It sounds like one of the best turnouts you've had in recent attempts. Watch out for Kristy...she's a force to be reckoned with...good luck all...wish I could come but you know how it is. Plans get made without me being told, at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it, aparently I was told about it last week and was expected to remember it all the way to this week. I can't remember what I had for breakfast for pete's sake. It's tough being a guy ;)

    Classic! They never ever actually tell you, they just know you are never listening and can plan things on a whim.
  • haddon wrote: »
    Classic! They never ever actually tell you, they just know you are never listening and can plan things on a whim.

    Well, all I know is I'm now going to have to settle for playing on-line during my off days... thankfully she can't make plans for us when she has to work, so I'm sittin' purdy.
  • Mark,
    Just me tonight - I could not reach Mike P.
  • Leaving in ten minutes. We may be a very little late.
  • good game, thanks for hosting Quaine!
  • N/P kirsty!! it was a good time! :) Hopefully you and haddon can make it to the next one! :)
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