Cook Crew Main Event, Jan. 27 @ 12pm, Kitchener



  • Wes, Tye and Ryan are out, and we are in the money. Blinds are going to 1200/2400(400).
  • 6th - "Pinhead" Brad $60
    5th - "SeekTheGrail" Steve $120
    4th - "DrTyore" Mark - $175
    3rd - Shopsy $235

    Jeremy is now heads up against Joe. Joe is the chip lead with $167k to $123k.
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    6th - "Pinhead" Brad $60
    5th - "SeekTheGrail" Steve $120
    4th - "DrTyore" Mark - $175
    3rd - Shopsy $235

    Jeremy is now heads up against Joe. Joe is the chip lead with $167k to $123k.

    Come on Jermey...don't let the Donk beat you :)
  • It's over, and Jeremy is champion. A partial chop gives Joe $400 for second, and Jeremy wins $460 and a rung on the Triple Crown ladder. Congratulations to both for playing so well.

    It was a great day. Lots of good poker and a great atmosphere. Tye put it best when he said that despite good (and sometimes bad) play, and the suck-outs, everyone was laughing the whole time. Thanks to everyone who came out and made this such a fun day!
  • Thanks Trevor for hosting a great event. I have to agree with Tye, I spent a whole lot of today laughing. Great game everyone, congratulations jeremy on the win.

  • Hmm? I think taking a partial chop changes the play and violates the spirit of the Triple Crown. I'm surprised you permitted this Trevor.
    $860 and they play off for just over a buy-in? I don't know how other people feel but I disagree with this.
    beanie42 wrote: »
    Originally Posted by g2
    Tye's post about Bristol points reminded me, I meant to ask...

    If a KWTC event is chopped, can one player receive the KWTC 'win' in exchange for less money or whatever?

    I vote for no, if a KWTC event is chopped, no one should be awarded the win. Just my opinion.


    I agree, and from the OP:

    Originally Posted by stpboy
    iii. Win a BSNC, KPS or CC tournament.

    I think winning (not chopping when heads-up) is consistent with both the posted guidelines and the spirit of the Triple Crown.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Come on Jermey...don't let the Donk beat you :)

    Love you too .... it was a great day.

    Thanks Jenn and Trevor for hosting. I honestly felt the table I started at ( which was the final table) was the toughest. Jeremy played a great game as did shopsy and others. We did play it out, but basically the chop was the chop. Sorry Moose I don't belive Trevor could say anything about it given that that's what the 2 left agreed too.

    We played it out and Jeremy won. Nuff said. GG Jeremy I knew you were going to be tough when you went on that card roll to go from short stack to a fairly large stack before I got moved.

    Again Thanks to the cook crew for hosting.
  • And an FYI...

    I'm the triple crown monkey.. I said it was okay!

  • moose wrote: »
    Hmm? I think taking a partial chop changes the play and violates the spirit of the Triple Crown. I'm surprised you permitted this Trevor. $860 and they play off for just over a buy-in? I don't know how other people feel but I disagree with this.
    I'm not sure what you think I should have done here Moose...

    Ignoring the Triple Crown, while I personally hate chops, I won't prevent 2 players from doing this. I don't encourage it, but I don't ban it either. Also, this is not the first chop at Cook Crew, and probably not the last.

    As for the Triple Crown, I can't speak for it, that's Mark/Shannon's baby. While I love the concept, since it's inception it has been considered a private side-bet and not directly involved with the actual tournament. So Cook Crew has no official involvement or say over how it is run. That said, my personal understanding (as a player, not as a host) was that chops void the Triple Crown. However, Mark was dealing at the final table and approved the deal as acceptable for the Triple Crown.

    So basically, if players want to chop here, they can. How that applies to Triple Crown isn't my decision. I also hope that any problems players have with the handling of Triple Crown doesn't change how people view Cook Crew events. I do my best to host a well run and enjoyable event, and am always open to feedback on how I can improve our tournaments. But personally I think today went off pretty well...
  • Trevor:

    I think that Saturday was the most fun I have had at the poker table. The tournament was well run and the poker was very good. I repeat the sentiment that it was a great day with lots of laughter. Congratulations to everyone who made the money.


    P.S. Jeremy - let me know if you want those Raptors tickets now that you have the cash :)
  • Congrats to 2Bullets and the other money finishers. Once I get my roll recovered I'll be back to donate/donk it up again!

    My 2 cents regarding the KWTC chop: They only choped the prized money right? If Joe and Jeremy actually played it out, then there should be no problem. Jeremy is still the winner of the tournament, they just spilt the prize money.

    Mark/Shannon: maybe you should edit the OP for the KWTC to reflect this policy.
  • Thanks again Trev and Jenn for a great day, even though I really played horribly, I have no one to blame but myself...... I tried playing something other than my style and it sure didn't work well... lol... I'll be back!

    And Jeremy, congrats man..... I really like how you sucked it up early after Greg took some of your chips, controlled your emotions, adjusted as necessary, and took it down. Many of us could use some of your poise, myself included.
    And Joe, well played my friend, I always love playing with you at the table, however I prefer you as close to my right side as possible. I was somewhat uncomfortable with Greg on my left and you only 3 to the left.
  • compuease wrote: »
    I was somewhat uncomfortable with Greg on my left and you only 3 to the left.
    Somewhat? LOL, you had the worst seat in the house!

  • g2 wrote: »
    Somewhat? LOL, you had the worst seat in the house!


    Well I didn't want to build you up too much, after all you are a fellow Rock.....
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Congrats to 2Bullets and the other money finishers. Once I get my roll recovered I'll be back to donate/donk it up again!

    My 2 cents regarding the KWTC chop: They only choped the prized money right? If Joe and Jeremy actually played it out, then there should be no problem. Jeremy is still the winner of the tournament, they just spilt the prize money.

    Mark/Shannon: maybe you should edit the OP for the KWTC to reflect this policy.

    I don't care if it is decided that chopping will be allowed but when G2 specifically posts that "if a KWTC event is chopped, no one should be awarded the win" and Beanie agrees and AFAIK Zithal doesn't allow chops then I believe that means no chopping is allowed. I don't know how Mark can now suddenly permit chopping.

    So chopping is ok as long as:

    a) both players cut for high card after?
    b) both players fight it out for $1 Canadian Tire money?
    c) both players promise to try really, really, really, really hard to win?
    d) both players....?

    If you want to permit chops then fine but there has to be a limit. I thought more about this and actually both players put up $30 each for the heads up, which is less than a buy-in (0.6 actually). I think that is well past any line that can be drawn.

    I realize nothing can be done to prevent side deals being cut out on the street but don't you think that deciding a triple crown event over less than a buyin 1.) certainly must affect the play. 2.) Brings into question the integrity of the triple crown.

    I believe the intent of G2's post over no chopping was to protect the intregity of the Triple Crown.

    What happens in the future when an event is chopped but it also means the event winner wins the triple crown and hundreds or maybe thousands of dollars as well? Don't you think people would question that?
  • Thanks Jen and Trevor

    For another great day of poker. Had a great time, as always :)

    Congrats to all the money finishers. gg guys :)

    Congrats Jeremy (oh, my, captain, oh, my leader) I think this was were Mario was bowing to you (ROFL). And I was suppose to do the same, or something like that. :)

    Congrats Joe, for setting out to do what you wanted to. :)
    I was glad for the chop. IT meant I got to have a two hour nap before work :). I figured the way Jeremy and Joe where playing heads up, they were going to be there till after 1am. playing.

    Anyways, again thanks for having us to your place. As always, I had fun but didnt win any money. Thanks to Mark and Pinhead (Brad), for keeping me very amused all day long. oh and Mario too of course.
  • I'll try to touch base with Mark today and we'll come to some conclusion on what the ruling will be.

  • BTW Trevor. I will be gunning for you next time too. You have crossed the line for pushing at me ..... :) Again thanx for having us out. And congrats to Josh who played like a donk and still won his last longer bet.

    The only thing I know is with 2 decks and 2 dealers man the cards come fast heads up. 2bullets is the only player I didn't want to face heads up just because he always finds ways to beat me. He played a great game. Moneying in any event in KW is a good feeling given the competition is as tough as it is, exspecially for the cost of the events.

    Jeff, I never really figured I made you UNCOMFORTABLE at a poker table :) thanx man..... unfortunately you didn't co operate on helping push g2 out of a few pots where I think I'd rather have played you than him.

    It was a great day/evening/night of poker and I enjoy coming out there due to the comic relief....Tye/Mark/Mario/Shopsy/etc.

    And for all those who think on line poker is rigged you should play live more. Mark hitting the case J against my k's (apparently an AJ got out of the way). My 99 hiting a straight after the other 2 9's were folded. Set vs set, AA vs KK etc. Cook Crew is rigged just like the on line sites :).
  • moose wrote: »
    I don't care if it is decided that chopping will be allowed but when G2 specifically posts that "if a KWTC event is chopped, no one should be awarded the win" and Beanie agrees and AFAIK Zithal doesn't allow chops then I believe that means no chopping is allowed. I don't know how Mark can now suddenly permit chopping.

    I think Mark was just trying to be a nice guy, and didn't think about the consquences.

    Yes, if g2 and Zithal don't allow chops as far as the TC is concerned, the there should NEVER be a chop.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Well I didn't want to build you up too much, after all you are a fellow Rock.....
    I just meant due to mine and Joe's aggressiveness... which was on full throttle yesterday :)

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I think Mark was just trying to be a nice guy, and didn't think about the consquences.

    Yes, if g2 and Zithal don't allow chops as far as the TC is concerned, the there should NEVER be a chop.
    I personally have no problems with a chop, it was just my understanding that for a Triple Crown peg to be awarded it would have to be a straight up win. However, as the Triple Crown is run by Shannon/Mark, the decision is theirs to make, not the tourney directors. And I do believe the Triple Crown thread says something about a majority decision... hint hint ;)
    moose wrote: »
    I believe the intent of G2's post over no chopping was to protect the intregity of the Triple Crown.

    What happens in the future when an event is chopped but it also means the event winner wins the triple crown and hundreds or maybe thousands of dollars as well? Don't you think people would question that?
    Exactly. It will be especially important for the qualifications to be 100% clear when there are a couple people with numerous Triple Crown wins under their belts.

  • Not to be a pain, but if you guys want to continue KWTC discussions, could someone please start another thread. I don't want my events clogged down in this dispute. Sorry to be a pain...
  • FWIW guys, the actualy tournament directors (Rob, Trevor, and Greg) have NOTHING to do with the triple crown...

    I don't mean this is a negative view, I just want to make sure that it's clear that myself and stpboy are the ones that run the TC... and if there's any dispute / upset, well, talk to us about it... as Shannon said, we'll discuss this. I made a call last night that I thought was right, Jeremy won fair and square in my opinion, even though the money was chopped, they DID play out the game, and Jeremy DID win. Prize money has nothing to do with TC money either...

    Don't mean to sound mean, but please, don't be surprised "at (beanie / g2 / Zithal)" who BTW all allow chops if the players want it, but it's just never happened at Bristol. It was 100% my call.


    From the original Triple Crown posting ( )

    "To qualify as a TC EVENT"

    i. It must be a BSNC, KPS or CC run tournament
    ii. A minimum of 16 players
    iii. There is not a minimum buy-in required
    iv. The tournament takes place after April 30/06

    "To Win the TC"

    iii. Win a BSNC, KPS or CC tournament. Once you accomplish this, you no longer need to keep feeding the pot with the $1 at that particular tournament. You would still need to pay the $1 at each of the remaining tournaments that you have failed to win.

    As far as I can tell, these are the relevant official rules to this situation. As you can see, they do not address chopping. Last night, when asked about a chop, Jeremy did ask me about the TC, and he had proposed to Joe to chop a certain amount, and then play for the rest of it. IMO this constitutes a winner. As the iii qualifier for a TC states, no minimum buy-in is required, so the argument about playing for a smaller money amount seems moot to me.

    There is discussion at the end of the thread regarding chops, but simply asks if a player can chop for a lower amount and "award" the TC win to the other. This did not happen last night, and I think that there is a difference between a chop / game over, vs. a chop / play for remainder.

    I've yet to talk with stpboy, but we'll keep you posted.

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