Grinch Wins The Christmas Game

Well, BusDriver returned tonight and dominated the final table almost from the moment of the merge, and takes down the last game of 2006. Heads up against Eleanor, Jeff hits the ace on the turn to beat out El's 9s, and that left Eleanor with only 300 chips with blinds of 300/600. Eleanor doubled up once, but that was all. Well played game Jeff and Eleanor.

Amanda takes third place tonight for her second cash finish this season. But damnit, girl...STOP RAISING MY BLINDS!! Nasty!!

Tonights CHUMP was Igor.

TOP 16 List has now been updated as well.

At this time I want to thank everyone who has come out over the past year and made this league what it is today. 2007 will be even better. Next game is Thursday January 4 2007



  • Congrats Jeff! Great game :)

    AJ....not sure what game you were watching, but that's not the hand that crippled me. I had A10o and raised 3xBB, Jeff went all-in and I called. His pocket 2's looked rough when I caught my 10, but then a 4th heart came on the river and he won it with a measly 2 of hearts. wahh wahh.

    Merry Christmas everyone! See you all in the new year!

  • Pocket dueces? I don't remember pocket dueces...oh man, I think Santa needs to bring me some memory pills or something.
  • It was an exciting final table. I didn't really dominate that much, I was just getting really lucky, catching paint for hole cards. So it felt like I was raising in streaks of 5 hands in a row.

    At one point Justin and I were ploting how to avoid eachother until we could pick off the rest of them, and battle heads up. Then out of nowhere Vixon crippled me, and she was edging ahead. El was making strong moves, and doubled up on Justin. Then Justin crippled Vixon, I re-crippled Justin. It was nerve racking keeping up with the momentum shifts of the game.

    Once the dust cleared I offered El a deal, but a true champ never plays for second place or a tie. And El is a true champ. So I did what any player who knew he was lucky just to make it this far and was out matched. I summoned the power of the lucksack!

    Seriously, I always enjoy the challenge of a Ching. Hill game. Ever season the level of play is taken up a notch.

    Merry Christmas!
  • I summoned the power of the lucksack!

    Seriously, I always enjoy the challenge of a Ching. Hill game. Ever season the level of play is taken up a notch.

    Merry Christmas!

    It's like the movie Highlander one a player falls you took his power and there can only be one.

    I don't know why I gave away my secret it seems the Jeff was paying attention and used it well. I will never give away my secrets again.

    Last night was the night of the lucksack/suck out (which will now be known as the ‘Pierogi’ thanks Kris).

    I think it started with Kris when his trip 8's turned into a flush with an 8, then went to Justin where Derek's flush 'Pierogi' was no good against Justin’s monster J-6 full house, then it stayed there when his 8's Pierogi the flush on the river against Steve's trip Kings. (On that one I saw the future and even said "I hear a sucking noise" while standing near Justin.)

    Long Live the Pierogi
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Last night was the night of the lucksack/suck out (which will now be known as the ‘Pierogi’ thanks Kris).

    I think it started with Kris when his trip 8's turned into a flush with an 8, then went to Justin where Derek's flush 'Pierogi' was no good against Justin’s monster J-6 full house, then it stayed there when his 8's Pierogi the flush on the river against Steve's trip Kings. (On that one I saw the future and even said "I hear a sucking noise" while standing near Justin.)

    Long Live the Pierogi


    At the season ending celebration we'll have to play Polish Poker AND have pierogi's.
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