Scrabble for money... side games 9pm ish

Hey guys,

After I donate my money to Ocean and haddon tonight we'll start up some side games if there is enough interest. Probably $20 SNGs or $0.50/$1 NL cash game.

Probably about a 9pm start.

The list so far:
- 'g2' Greg
- 'Ocean' Kristy
- 'haddon' Josh
- 'folded' Cory
- 'shopsy2.0' Jeff
- 'Prophet22' Brent

Located near University Ave & King St, Waterloo. Directions will be sent out at 6pm. If I don't have your email address PM it to me.



  • Come on guys, I'm donating. ;)
  • I'm in

    send the directions to apengelly at golden dot net

    if i can come early and watch the other game, then i will also be nice and offer my board and official dictionary (the true one - not the expunged one that is sold in stores) so that you can play the 'naughty' words. ;-)
  • I'm in, timing could be tricky though (I may not be available till 9:30). Please PM me the address and phone # - I'll call to confirm timing later.
  • Also - do you have wireless - just in case I'm still in a tourney ;)
  • Yes, do have wireless.

    Al, directions on the way.

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