Bristol St. presents -- "Merry Xmas Maddness 3" - Fri Dec 29th @7pm (Waterloo)



  • Nice win Josh...figured you had it. I'm quite happy with my third place finish though...up against you two, I was in dire straights from the start, and the cards were simply NOT coming my way.

    But if I had known that first place would have meant a night where YOU were...well...I might have had more incentive to win ;)

    Well done to all who worked on making this event such a great hit. It was my first time at Bristol, and I doubt it will be my last. Great event, Zithal, I had a blast.
  • Final 8
    King Mob

    4th Moose
    3rd STR82ACE
    2nd DataMn
    1st Haddon
  • moose wrote: »
    Final 8
    King Mob

    4th Moose
    3rd STR82ACE
    2nd DataMn
    1st Haddon

    Lets see if my memory serves me right...

    5th Nordique
    6th Compuease
    7th King Mob
    8th DDmilcan
  • I had a blast.. It was great fun playing the merry christmas tourney..
    Even though i didnt make it to the final.. Cause that is just bristol street for me and Joe .. lol . Was great fun bustin Joe out and a few others..

    Great time Rob thanks for having us..
  • I should have thanked you sooner Rob, but it was a late night of drinking. I liked everything but the omaha chip (mostly because it busted me and then didn't help me when I had it). It was a well done tourney.

    For me cashing at Bristol is like winning the powerball LOL.

    BTW Congrats Josh they way you were sucking out you HAD to win.
  • Congrats Josh - it was fun playing with you at table 6!

    Thanks Rob for a great night....we'll definitely be back to Bristol St.
  • Who doesn't get lucky to win a $5 crazy rebuy!?!

    Thanks Rob, I had a tits time.

    And to all the victims of is not my fault you didn't have enough chips to push me off. :D:D:D:D
  • Congrats to Josh -- winning this madness is mucho fun!

    Thanks Rob for an amazingly run, awesomely fun tournament once again! Your hosipitality is second to none. Next year I think the host should get a 10,000 chip as our gift to you at the start of the tournament and one at the break.

    I was on 2 hours of sleep for the past 48. While I wasn't drunk it felt like it and I had the same fun. My highlight was flopping a straight and busting (almost busting) pkrfce.

    There's always next year. Happy new year everyone!!

  • The MXM tournament is one of the highlights of the year and I just wanted to thakn everyone that made it a success.

    First goes to Beanie and Moose for donating chairs and tables to the events.

    Next goes to "23" Brad, the Rocks and DataMn Al for the prizes that came out tonight. There were a lot of great prizes, and there a few people that were exceedingly happy to get the prizes they got.

    Lastly, I wanted to thank everyone that made 2006 a grand success. I've welcomed you into my home and you've respected it and made it one of the funnest places to play in the KW region. I think the KW region is one of the best collections of poker players in the world and I can't wait to continue our adventures into 2007.

    The 2006 MXM was our biggest cash evet and I;d like to extend a special thank you to everoyone who kept it cordial.

    I really, honestly, believe that KW players are some of the best in the world and I can't wait to test my skills against you in 2007!!!
  • Thanks Rob, you really should be proud of what you offer and provide for all in the KW area, your events are really second to none for people like me.

    Congratz Josh on the win, as much as it is crazy 'bingo' you still have to have skills to take it down....suckouts are part of the game...most are closer to coin flips anyways, well done.

    I agree with Rob, there are some very talented players in the KW area, finishing ahead of all/any of them is not easy.

    I took it prison style on many rivers...going in with the best hand was disaster at our table but it was all in fun and a great time as always and I can't wait for MXM4!!!

    Can I reserve my seat now?

  • First off, thanks to Zithal for another fabulous event. I had a blast - and not just because I came in 2nd.

    Haddon, don't discount the win. I may have taken some luck at one point or another - but all tourneys do. People were playing bingo style before the break, but I don't think there was anyone at that final table that was thinking more about fun than taking the tourney down.

    Even though I had the chip lead going into heads up, I give you enough respect that I was happy with my 41% chance of taking the tourney on the first hand of heads up play.

    Congrats Josh - you earned it.
  • magithighs wrote: »
    My highlight was flopping a straight and busting (almost busting) pkrfce.
    ya. ouch. i take solace in the fact that this was THE highlight for you...

    for sure i misplayed that hand. it cost me any shot i had at going deep in the tourney. i don't think there is any way i can put you on 75o, calling a raise pre-flop, even if he is the BB. for sure i put you on very likely a better hand than mine but thought i could push you off it. oh well, pwned by lou again. i think i should change my signature.

    i still want to know how i should adjust my play when one of the shrewdest players IN THE FRIGGIN HOUSE is on my left and has a magic card that allows him to change his hole cards into AA (any suit, even the same if needed) whenever he wants or he can hold onto it until the break and cash it for 2k in chips.

    thanks for hosting rob. great tourney. i wanna put in my request now for a non-furnace room table next year.
  • This was my first Bristol event and I just wanted to thank you was an amazingly well-run, organized and most importantly FUN night. I can only imgaine how much work it takes you pre-, during, and post-event, but it is greatly appreciated by all I am sure. I was MOST 'exceedingly happy' to get my prize...many thanks to you and "23" Brad, the Rocks and DataMn Al for donating.

    Great people in attendance too, a fun bunch and some impressive poker too.

    My luck in the first four levels may inspire me to go play some actual bingo :)

    Cheers all, and thanks again Zithal!

    Jordo 'melikebeer'
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    ya. ouch. i take solace in the fact that this was THE highlight for you...

    for sure i misplayed that hand. it cost me any shot i had at going deep in the tourney. i don't think there is any way i can put you on 75o, calling a raise pre-flop, even if he is the BB. for sure i put you on very likely a better hand than mine but thought i could push you off it. oh well, pwned by lou again. i think i should change my signature.

    i still want to know how i should adjust my play when one of the shrewdest players IN THE FRIGGIN HOUSE is on my left and has a magic card that allows him to change his hole cards into AA (any suit, even the same if needed) whenever he wants or he can hold onto it until the break and cash it for 2k in chips.

    thanks for hosting rob. great tourney. i wanna put in my request now for a non-furnace room table next year.

    So the question for you Greg is what did you have? You said you would tell me later but I didn't see you after you got busted out. This was right after the re-buy period.

    You raised on the button, Lou folded and I called, flop came Q-J-x. I bet 1000, you asked how much I had back which was about 2800 and then you re-raised to put me all-in at which point I fold saying "Why did you have to be on the button?"

    I think either you had a monster pre-flop, hit a set or made two pair.
  • Hey Chris. I had a Jack. I put you on either a weak queen (and could be pushed off since you had left yourself some chips) or you were trying a stop and go play. Thankfully I was right! Not so much with my read on Lou...
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    Hey Chris. I had a Jack. I put you on either a weak queen (and could be pushed off since you had left yourself some chips) or you were trying a stop and go play. Thankfully I was right! Not so much with my read on Lou...

    Foiled again.....

    Yup, if you were not on the button this would have been a much easier hand for me but you putting a raise on the button seemed a little fishy for me at first and I suspected you may have been stealing, but then thought you may have had a real hand. (Don't know why I thought this; I guess I should have stayed with my first instinct). So when you put me all-in and me thinking you have a real hand caused me to fold.
  • if it makes you feel any better, my kicker was a Q
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