Game 10 Player's List

The final game before the holidays and it's looking to be a good game. This is the list of players to date:

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2006-12-15 13:37:19
GregHartwick - Seat Reserved - 2006-12-15 13:42:25
Nutcracker - Seat Reserved - 2006-12-15 14:29:22
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2006-12-16 07:06:47
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2006-12-16 10:23:27
GarryC - Seat Reserved - 2006-12-17 13:11:12
SteveKerr - Seat Reserved - 2006-12-17 15:34:35
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2006-12-18 09:53:48
Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2006-12-18 10:09:51
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2006-12-18 10:27:55
TheMadRussian - Seat Reserved - 2006-12-18 10:28:26
BigGus - Seat Reserved - via verbal
GutWagonMaster - Seat Reserved - via verbal
JHJ - Seat Reserved - 2006-12-19 10:26:11
Highflyer - Seat Reserved - 2006-12-19 13:14:49
EASY - Seat Reserved - under assumption
BusDriver - Seat Reserved - via posting
T.O.N.Y. - Seat Reserved - via phone call

I have also updated the Top 16 post as well. Please check there to see if you qualify for the Season Ending Tournament.

Also, there may be some early gift giving...IF I can get ahold of Big Red! ;)

See every on Thursday.


  • When are we starting up again after the holidays? As I need a couple of decent finishes to make the top 16 and will not be playing this week.
  • First game of the New Year will be Thursday Jan 4 2007.
  • I am indeed coming! Yay!
  • You hear that guys???

  • So correct me if I'm wrong, but #1 and #1 seems to be a clinch for the Elliotts again. Big Whiny just couldn't leave it alone, he had to try to out do his other half. I can just see the conversations at the Elliott house. "Well I've won more money than you" , "Well, I've gotten more first places than you." Then after she kicks him out of the bedroom for the night, he says "Fine, I'll just use the pile of money as a matress", and she says "Fine, I'll just cuddle up to my 1st place trophies"

    I'm coming also (but not with easy). I got to play just to protect me 10th place spot. The battle at the back of the pack to make the SET, is way more interesting than the leaders at this point.

    will AcidJoe live up to his word and make a couple of decent finishes....

    Will Nuctcracker make it up the ladder to the coveted 16th spot, or will GregHardwick hold him off.

    Will Derksen pull out of his slump and make a mircle comeback to glory...

    We'll see...
  • Well last Thursday I said to Wyndham it was ok if he won as long as I took second. When we got heads up I raised with my A-K and he pushed all-in.

    I felt like he had Pocket Aces so I called. I was surprised when he showed K-9 and I won.

    Now Wyndham has to work to try and make it into the Top 16.

    I have a basic strategy.... <Edited to protect the innocent> ....and it has been working.
  • I had figured his second place finish last week would have put him in the top 16, but he's JUST a bit light right now.

    Actually, it COULD be quite the interesting race for the bottom of the list and waiting list, fighting it out to see who gets to play in the SET. I think BusDriver is right...that's the real show this season.
  • I think that is all wrong.. but that is just my opion. IF someone comes out and pays to play they should be able to pay the amout to play in the season end tourny.. Not just the top 16 people. That is just my opion. And it is not my league so guess i just have to live with it.. :(
  • Think of the Season Ending Tournament as an invitational that you have to earn a seat for.

    Playing every week, you earn points based on your position for each game. The points are accumulated, and of course the Season Champ is crowned. The Top 16 Point Earners face off for the SET Championship separate from the regular season, where the juice collected all season is then awarded as the payout.

    The Juice from the season amounts to $1200, and with the added buyins for this game, the payouts would be up to an even $2000 with a 50/30/20 split.

    The SET game AWARDS players for doing well all season long, and not just for getting lucky once or twice. There is also the four game mandatory rule, so every player must have played four regular season games to qualify, as well as place in the top 16. This prevents someone like Daniel N. or Zithal or Dave Scharf to come in and drain the pot. (yea, I know, long shot at best...but it COULD happen)
  • it still is not right for those of us who pay every week or the four weeks we do play or however many we play to have to finish in the top. So what I am paying for the top 16 people to play.. Not right. you already have the four game rule . So others can't come in and steal the end of season.. And yes granted I got lucky, being in the top 16. But there are others who have played just as much or more then I have and are not in the top 16.. It just does not seem fair that Everyone pays into something and then are told they have not only play four or more regular games. But also have to be in the top 16 to play in the season ending. Like I said before it is not my league. So I have to deal with it, doesnt mean I can not what I feel or think. I think it was better when you did it the old way. But, I am figuring that some people got pissed when at the last final they busted out before some of us who had not placed in the money and there for the changes. If not then oh well. If so that is poker, and in all fairness anyone who plays the four games should be allowed to pay to play in the season ending. Just my two cents, about it and how I feel.. I dont mean to cause problems ... But it has been bugging me for a while now.. now I am done with it...
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