Guelph Tuesday?!

Hey everyone!

First, sorry i'm posting this so late...i though i had more time...
Second...we had a great turn out last week, and hopefully will have a similar situation this week..

The game is NLHE....20 dollars with a 5 dollar bounty. 5000 starting chip stack, 20 min blinds....should be a good time. The game will start at 7pm on the 19th (tomorrow)....

sign up today! (cuz may be too late!)

1. Mark
2. Haren
3. Pat
4. Pat (?)
5. Cowboy Mike (conf!! he is coming!@)
6. Timmeh
7. bro mike
8. Barry


  • I'm down with the program after christmas, exam this week then back out of town until the 27th, then i'm down for some holiday poker!!

  • I'm in. See y'all tomorrow.
  • can't this time...working nights...hopefully next time

    Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to you and your families!!
  • sorry but i can't make. sorry about this guys.
  • that's shitty dude, everything okay?
  • this game is still on as of now.....we should have a total of 7.......with no cowboy, and the addition of haren's friends....i will post confirmation as soon as i have it!
  • Hello. I'm fairly new to the Guelph area and would love to play some poker. When is your next game scheduled for?
  • i will hopefully be running a tourney next thursday the 28th of december!
    Hopefully you can make it out..we've had some luck the last few weeks wtih getting games it's looking good! :)
  • Next Thursday should be good. Where do I go? I'm lookign forward to it.
  • there will be a dedicated post probably on sunday..just sign up there...i live close to the corner of grange and long have you been playing? welcome to the guelph scene! :)

  • I've been playing online for about 2 years and have played in a few tournaments back in Cornwall and 2 times at the Real Deal sports bar in Guelph. I will play next week on the 28th and will sign-up on the post when it goes online. When you have confirmed the game you can email me your address:
  • Im interested in playig tonite but for some reason i cant seem to PM you. Could you email me the directions for tonite or give me a shout at 5197312679 with directions. thnx
  • Hey eagle...I was hoping to play tonight however the organizer cancelled because of lack of interest. Tonights game was being hosted by CanadianCuse+.
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