

  • What. A. Donk.

    Congrats man, now go win Bahamas.
  • Thanks guys! Pinhead, you will be happy to know I ran a huge squeeze with J9 at the final table. What's that line you guys told me to use again? Oh yeah,

    "Thanks Mike Sexton, this is almost as prestigious a title as the Bristol Street Tournament of Champions I took down last month."
  • Congrat's Mike. I knew you'd be a Bristol street Champ soon. GG
  • Congrats Watts!

    Now you know what it's like to win on a suckout. jk bro...well done.

    Good job to the other money finishers aswell. Talk about a tought table.

    And thanks to Rob for another outstanding year at Bristol Street!

    Happy Ho Ho to all, see you at MXM!!

  • Congratulations Mike! Well deserved I'm sure (except the final hand hehe).
    I'd love to hear you say that to Sexton after winning Bahamas LOL.

    Nice battle Greg, it would have been crazy for you to have won as the wildcard winner. I was secretly pulling for you, great job though.

  • Zithal wrote: »
    as well as details on this year's Merry Xmas madness coming very soon.

    Save 4 seats for the Rocks, we are back, and I am the defending XMAS madness champion! Does that get me any special favours? Guess not, nor would I expect any. My crown will be tough to take away.

    Dr. Larry L, Dave D, Bob S, Jeff C.

    P.S. Congrats everyone on what sounds like a very well played championship, well played Mike, even if you sucked out lol. That's what Bristol is all about! Don't fret it at all Greg, that's the only way they can beat a Rock. we always get in with the best of it (well most of the time anyways). Great playing both of you.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    First hand after colour up..

    Blinds at 1,500-3,000(500)

    Greg raises to 9,000
    Mike re-raises to 20,000
    Greg pushes all-in and is called!

    Mike shows AJ, Greg shows AQ and the first two cards off the flop are AJ! No Q comes and the game is over.

    "SirWatts" Mike becomes the 2006 Bristol Street GRAND CHAMPION!!!

    Congrats to an awesome heads up match between these two players. Lots of aggression and lots of mind games made for an OUTSTANDING heads-up match.

    (Amusing aside; we we're running two decks/two dealers and for shiggigles ran a second board using the other deck. The flop.... AJx...)

    It's been an amazing season and I'd like to thank everyone for another great year. I'll have a season ending post coming soon, as well as details on this year's Merry Xmas madness coming very soon.
    Great tourney Rob. LOVED the structure!

    Congrats to Watts on taking down the Grand Final.

    Little correction for the numbers:

    Blinds 1500/3000 w/500 ante
    I raised to 9000
    Mike raised to 30000
    I pushed for about 78000 total

    Watts would have been crippled to about 23000, but still in it for sure. Oh well.

    Thanks Jeff for the support.

    Shannon, I totally wanted to take this one down to continue the tradition ;)

  • Great tournament. I agree with Watts, the blind structure was amazing.

    I am happy with my 3rd,(even though I am apparantly not on Shannon's list of 10 people that he felt could win it) I feel I played pretty well. I was just pwed by Greg. I hit top pair, he hits two pair. I have Kings he has two pair, I have top pair, he has a boat. I did get him once in a while but in the end he killed me. It was quite appropriate that I went in with AQ to his AK. That sums up the night against him.
  • thanks rob for the good tourny as always congrats mike
  • Rob,

    Just wanted to thank you for another great year! As always, your tournaments are first class. Congradulations to Mike on the victory, and good luck in January. Greg, I really thought you were going to take it down. Not that you needed any extra motivation, but I think I picked the wrong person to try to rattle. Good job on coming in second. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, and looking forward to Xmas madness!!!

  • 2BULLETS wrote: »
    Greg, I really thought you were going to take it down. Not that you needed any extra motivation, but I think I picked the wrong person to try to rattle. Good job on coming in second.
    Thanks, I really thought I was taking this down too, but Mike is always a tough opponent. Also, I have a history of getting sucked out by jacks, lol.

    For what it's worth, you are really good at rattling me... way better than anyone else.

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