We are just 40 minutes away from gametime for the Bristol Street 2006 Grand Final!

Throughout the day this thread will be updated with live updates from the tournament.


  • The seating has been drawn, players are ready. Shuffle up and deal will be taking place within the next 5 minutes.
  • Seating assignments:

    Table 1

    1: "The Prophet22" Brent
    2. "Westside" Wes
    3. "nordique" Kevin
    4. "moose" Rob
    5. "Metro" tom
    6. "SirWatts" Mike
    7. "Zithal" Rob
    8. "JohnnieH" Johnnie H
    9. "DirtyWhore" Mark B

    Table 2

    1. "PokerQueen" Mandy
    2. "Ranger" Mike
    3. "peteski" Pete
    4. "8Ball" Tye
    5. "g2" Greg
    6. "Flint Bones" Andrew
    7. "Oragami" Jonathan
    8. "diddy" Paul
    9. "2BULLETS" Jeremy

    Still wait on Greg and Paul, who mentioned that they'll be late by and hour or so.

    Good luck all!!
  • Good luck to you all! I really think someone, something, some force is trying to keep me away from my work party. I just got offered leaf golds for tonight against the Rangers. UGH!!!

    Tough first table!

    I think Tye may win this although I wouldn't be surprised to see Tom, Watts, Mark, Rob, Rob, Jeremy, JohnnieH or Greg take this down. It's a very competitive field!


  • Rangers Are Winning The Cup...................... Babyyyyyyyyy
  • Twenty minutes in we have our first elimination as "PokerQueen" Mandy, flops a set of 3's, vs. "peteski" Pete's flopped set of 9's.

    Flopped set over set gets all the money in and Mandy is crippled to 125 chips. A few hands later, she's out in 18th place
  • We're now on first break and have lost one other player. "Ranger" mike goes down when his trips loses to a rivered flush. "Ranger" hit 17th place and "DirtyWhore" Mark goes to table 2 to balance tables.
  • Top stack sizes look to be..

    "peteski" Pete ~20,000
    "Prophet22" Brent ~18,000
    "8Ball" Tye ~17,000

    Player of the Year, "moose" Rob is sitting on the short stack with about 1,400 chips. Still waiting on "diddy" to arrive.
  • stpboy wrote: »
    Tough first table!

    I think Tye may win this although I wouldn't be surprised to see Tom, Watts, Mark, Rob, Rob, Jeremy, JohnnieH or Greg take this down. It's a very competitive field!



    Boy Shannon you mentioned half of the people LOL

  • Hey Rob Z if you could get Brent to give me a call that would be great.

    Good Playing to all that is left.

  • BLAZIN 72 wrote: »
    Boy Shannon you mentioned half of the people LOL


    He's got to cover his luck somehow doesn't he?
  • I'm out.

    Blinds 100-200(25). Sirwatts raises UGT (600), I raise over Mike for 4K with 10-10, and Brents pushes with Kings. Of course, Mike folds, and I get no help.

    And don't flame me, I know I misplayed the hand.

  • We're into the dinner break and have had a few more eliminations...

    16th - "moose" Rob
    15th - "JohnnieH" Johnnie H
    14th - "2BULLETS" Jeremy

    With 13 players remaining, and blinds about to go to 150-300(50) here are the dinner break chip counts...

    "8Ball" Tye - $24,100
    "g2" Greg - $22,850
    "The Prophet22" Brent - $20,800
    "DirtyWhore" Mark - $19,925
    "Zithal" Rob - $18,125
    "peteski" Pete - $17,500
    "SirWatts" Mike - $12,000
    "Westside" Wes - $12,000
    "Oragami" Jonathan - $8,200
    "nordique" Kevin - $7,650
    "Flint Bones" Andrew - $7,075
    "diddy" Paul - $5,500
    "Metro" Tom - $4,100
  • Zithal wrote: »
    We're into the dinner break and have had a few more eliminations...

    16th - "moose" Rob
    15th - "JohnnieH" Johnnie H
    14th - "2BULLETS" Jeremy

    I guess MOOOOOSE finally ran out of luck. Great run moose
  • stpboy wrote: »
    Tough first table!

    I think Tye may win this

    Thanks for the vote of confidence Shannon!
    stpboy wrote: »
    although I wouldn't be surprised to see Tom, Watts, Mark, Rob, Rob, Jeremy, JohnnieH or Greg take this down. It's a very competitive field!


    Like I said, thanks for the "vote" of confidence. ;)

    Yes, a VERY competitive field.

    GL to ALL!

  • Recent eliminations

    13th - "Metro" Tom
    12th - "diddy" Paul
    11th - "peteski" Pete
    10th - "Dirty Whore" Mark

    Final table formed a few minutes ago. though there have been some big swings already, here was the final table as it started

    Seat 1 : "Flint Bones" Andrew ($10,200)
    Seat 2 : "Zithal" Rob L ($21,075)
    Seat 3 : "Westside" Wes ($16,575)
    Seat 4 : "The Prophet22" Brent ($14,100)
    Seat 5 : "8 Ball" Tye ($13,050)
    Seat 6 : "SirWatts" Mike ($27,450)
    Seat 7 : "Oragami" Jonathan ($26,675)
    Seat 8 : "nordique" Kevin ($13,125)
    Seat 9 : "g2" Greg ($36,625)

    Quick additional update: "8Ball" Tye is out in 9th place.
  • 8ball Tye was the first player eliminated from the final table. Followed by Orgami Jonathan and westside8 Wes. 6 players remain at the final table with the blinds at 600/1200 and 200 ante.
  • Eliminated in 6th place is Brent, so we're now on the money bubble. The chip count of the remaining players are...

    "Flint Bones" Andrew ($60,200)
    "SirWatts" Mike ($55,900)
    "g2" Greg ($40,600)
    "Zithal" Rob ($13,800)
    "nordique" Kevin ($10,900)
  • Go Rock Go! Take it down Greg........
  • Take it down WATTS!

    GL the rest of the way all, wish I was there again this year
  • GO FLINT BONES!!!!!!!!!

    I'm out in 9th, Andrew was shorter than me (5400) I'm out, He's final 5.

    Go (former) short stack!

    Final 5 is on!

    Honestly, Good Luck to all! (go andrew?)

  • GO FLINT BONES!!!!!!!!!

    I'm out in 9th, Andrew was shorter than me (5400) I'm out, He's final 5.

    Go (former) short stack!

    Final 5 is on!

    Honestly, Good Luck to all! (go andrew?)

    But wait ... Rob (Zithal) is at the final table.

    GO ROB! GO ANDREW! (I'm hedging my bets!)

    All in all ... Great Tourni!

  • nordique Kevin just became the fourth place finisher for $90. He was short-stacked and called /g2 Greg's raise from UTG with 10-7. Greg's A4o held up and the Legend of Bristol Street is out.

  • "Flint Bones" is out in 3rd place when his AQ ran into Greg's AK. We are now...

    HEADS UP!!!

    "g2" Greg ($92,800)
    "SirWatts" Mike ($87,100)

    It's a very close match going into heads up. Blinds are 1,200-2,400(400), so it's anyone's game.
  • Go Rob Go! We can't have the best tournament director on Ontario, hell, all of Canada with no one cheering for him. Rob and Greg heads up? Flip a coin.....

    edit... oops, missed Robs post, where did you go out?
  • Wild card entry HAS to win, right? Bristol is rigged isn't it?
  • We're taking a quick break to colour out the 100 chips, heading to the 1,500-3,000(500) level.

    Mike has 101,000 to Greg's 79,000.
  • And it is over.

    I'll let Rob post the details later...
  • Thanks to everyone who didn't make it out. it allowed me to sneak into the tournament.

    i thought our frst table was a little bit tougher than the othe table. I sat between Mark and Wes. Things were going along great. After the first break lost a lot of chips and it turned out that other than /g2, the top chip ;eaders nad come to the middle of the pack.

    It seemed like I couldn't win a race al night. and Sir Watts owed me everytime we played a hand, well done.

    Thanks for having me Rob.

    See next year!

  • First hand after colour up..

    Blinds at 1,500-3,000(500)

    Greg raises to 9,000
    Mike re-raises to 20,000
    Greg pushes all-in and is called!

    Mike shows AJ, Greg shows AQ and the first two cards off the flop are AJ! No Q comes and the game is over.

    "SirWatts" Mike becomes the 2006 Bristol Street GRAND CHAMPION!!!

    Congrats to an awesome heads up match between these two players. Lots of aggression and lots of mind games made for an OUTSTANDING heads-up match.

    (Amusing aside; we we're running two decks/two dealers and for shiggigles ran a second board using the other deck. The flop.... AJx...)

    It's been an amazing season and I'd like to thank everyone for another great year. I'll have a season ending post coming soon, as well as details on this year's Merry Xmas madness coming very soon.
  • Congrats Sir Watts!!!!!!
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