Chris FINALLY Wins One!

After coming in second for the last four games in a row, BigChrisEl has finally taken first in last nights game.

Finally three was Chris, Wyndham and myself, with me having the dominating chip lead. Wyndham goes all in with AK against my pocket 9s and sucks out to take a good chunk of my stack. Then a couple of hands later, I am dealt KJs and raise in the sb into Chris's bb. He goes all in (at least I think he went in first) after considering the odds, and I insta call. Chris flips over pocket Aces and I get no help whatsoever. So after doubling up BOTH opponents, I go all in with the first AceX I get but Chris once again sucks out for the rest of my stack and I settle for third again this week.

Heads up, Wyndham and Chris toss the blinds around for awhile...and to tell the truth, Chris will have to describe the hand because I was busy packing up the other table to notice...needless to say, Wyndham takes second.

Wyndham, don't let that get you down too much played a great game last night all night long. You tightened up and remained quiet all night...quite a different style for you ;)

If it's any consolation Wyndham...Chris did say afterwards that he really wanted to play YOU heads up instead of me...seems he beats you all the time ;)

AcidJoe was this week's CHUMP...seems like Joe is still suffering from too much online play, huh?


  • It was a good game over all, Wyndham played the best I had ever seen him play, he made some good lay downs but also got others to put there money in when they were behind.( My A-Q vs. Wyndham's Pocket Kings)

    The pocket Aces against AJ was a dream situation. The blinds were 300-600 and you made it 1800 to go. I look down and have Aces, after counting my chips I realize that if I call the 1800 I only have 2500 back and that if I push AJ (if he wasn't making a move) would have to call, so I push and he calls.

    The heads up against Wyndham I was constantly raising him out of the SB and he kept folding, so I was able to pick up enough blinds to get a slight chip lead.

    Once again I raised out of the SB and Wyndham re-raised all-in. I had A-K of hearts so I called. Wyndham had K-9 of diamonds, neither of us hit and I won.

    Great game over all.
  • congrats Chris it's about time you didn't donk off the chip lead.......

    Merry Christmas everyone and see you after the holidays.
  • Hey Chris,

    Nice job on finally getting the win!!!

    AJ: Where are the pics?
  • Seems I have lost a couple of functions on my computer...namely my sound card as well as my photo center. Once I figure out what the hell happened, I will upload the pics and what not.

    There IS a game next Thursday Dec 21, so Joe, you can still try to antichump yourself ;)
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