Crown Casino TOC February 3, 2006 Bradford 2 pm



  • Thanks for everyone for coming out. It was a great day. You know people are having a good time when they are asking when your next one is as they go out the door. That one will probably be late March/early April weather dependant as I do like using the garage.

    SOS seemed to have everything going his way. He took a HUGE chunk of my chips then gave more back 3 hands later. My K 2 off wasn't enough as his 3 5 of spades out flopped me on a k 5 3 rainbow board. NO help on the turn and river and the tourney was over.

    Someone (once again) left some glasses. KRT are you missing some sunglasses? That's the third time in 3 tourney's. I will take them to Shawns on Thursday if they are yours.
  • thanks Joe, it was an early afternoon but still had a good time. Well I guess you can't bluff the nuts. Looking forward to the next one! Can't say I have been to a tournament before with snowmobile parking on the front lawn :)
  • Joe... you lost that massive chip lead? What happened?
  • CanadaDave wrote: »
    Joe... you lost that massive chip lead? What happened?

    To much alcohol.... I don't know..... Got sucked out on???? LOL
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