Garry Goes on Holidays...with a WIN!

Garry is leaving for a trip to Cancun this weekend, and he's taking the first place money with him, after knocking out <Guess Who>.


Garry slowly chipped at Chris's huge stack until he finally had the lead. With AQo, Garry limps in the SB and Chris pushes..Garry calls and Chris shows his 10 9 o. Queen on the river was all it took.

Third place went to Tony, who pulled off the most amazing suckouts I have seen in this league to date. He cracked my aces early, and then cracked Justins on the final table to knock him out of the tournament. Tony's QJs was dominating the rest of the night too, and he seemed to hit it every time!! I took down the fourth payout after my pocket fours went up against Chris paint, and he caught the straight on the river.

Tonight's Chump was Terry.

Great game everyone, thanks for coming out. I will try to have the leader board updated by the end of the weekend.


  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Garry is leaving for a trip to Cancun this weekend, and he's taking the first place money with him, after knocking out <Guess Who>.

    I think you know who needs new batteries in his luckbox 2000 (TM) if he can't go on to win given the stacks after he beat Tony, Wyndham and myself on a 4 way all in OMG.

    GG Garry and enjoy Cancun don't drink the water only the tequilla
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I think you know who needs new batteries in his luckbox 2000 (TM) if he can't go on to win given the stacks after he beat Tony, Wyndham and myself on a 4 way all in OMG.

    That was the most amazing hand of the night, and there were ALOT of hands last night that were more than a little remarkable. But that one was the highlight. I think Chris went to the final table with almost 40% of the the chips in the game!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    That was the most amazing hand of the night, and there were ALOT of hands last night that were more than a little remarkable. But that one was the highlight. I think Chris went to the final table with almost 40% of the the chips in the game!

    Having 40% of chips in play and with the player who has about 25% chips in play (AJ) acting after you kind of puts you in a tough spot when you go card dead, can't really use the chips too much with out risking them.

    Heads up I missed my monster draw against Garry when I had 5-7 and the board was A-2-4-8, I put Garry on a 2 or a 4..... (He had 2-4) and the river was another 8. That hand cost me a lot of chips and basically let Garry take the lead which at that point it was downhill for me from there.

    The 4 way all-in I was sure I was a head of Wyndham when he pushed (550 total) and I had Ad-Jd, Joe I wasn't sure and figured he might be pushing any Ace there.

    When I was about to called Wyndham's bet I asked how much Joe had (950 total) and figured I was willing to call an all-in from him so I called Wyndham bet and decided to see how it would play out, AJ folded and that is when Joe pushed.

    When Tony was thinking about it I couldn't figure out what he was thinking about, when he thought for so long and then pushed all-in (about 4500 total) I knew I was ahead of him and at the point with the extra 3000 back knowing I was ahead of Tony of course I called and was only really playing for the side pot.

    Hands flip out and Wyndham had K-10 off, I had Ad-Jd, Joe had A-Q off (when I saw his hand I knew I was only playing for the side) and then Tony showed the Kd-Qd and said he was hoping for a flush.

    I spiked the Jack on the flop and then caught an Ace as well and won the whole thing.

    Good Game Garry, you where pretty short stack there at the end and managed to come back and win it all.
  • Congrats Garry! I hope your winnings buy you lots of margaritas in Cancun - have one for me ;)
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Congrats Garry! I hope your winnings buy you lots of margaritas in Cancun - have one for me ;)

    HELL, bring one BACK for me!
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