Season Ending Game

Hey everyone,

I know we have talked about the top 16 but also do you need to play a minimum amount of games as well, because I thought you needed play at least 4 games and be in the top 16 for the final game?


  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Hey everyone,

    I know we have talked about the top 16 but also do you need to play a minimum amount of games as well, because I thought you needed play at least 4 games and be in the top 16 for the final game?

    That was the idea, yes. You still needed to play a minimum amout of games to qualify. Didn't think it would be a problem though, as most if not all in the top 16 will easily cover the minimum.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    That was the idea, yes. You still needed to play a minimum amout of games to qualify. Didn't think it would be a problem though, as most if not all in the top 16 will easily cover the minimum.

    Cool, I just wanted to verify, because some of the video game crew was unsure.
  • Tell them to stop playing with their joysticks and GET OUT TO A REAL GAME!!
  • Playing with your joystick is a REAL game. I guess I gotta get better and get out more. I think I need ONE more REAL game to qualify. Damn you people and your rules.
  • I dont think that is right.. what if you come almost every week and never win or place in the money .. Then you dont get to play in the final.. HOw is that fair.. I think everyone should be able to play the final just like that last one where you pay how ever many games you missed that is your buy in. Or however that worked.

    Or am I just not reading this right ??? and If i am oops.. OR maybe you should explain this to me better.. Please
  • Never mind my last post .. I went and read the rules.. But there is nothing in there about the top 16 players only being able to play in the season ending game.. Still confussed on that one.. ????
    And I wonder if this new rule is there because the season ending had players who didnt finish very high at the final and in the money.. I dont know ... This is why I am asking..

  • Okay, maybe I can explain this abit better.

    Top 16 POINTS players will face off in the Season Ending Tournament. If you come out to MOST games, money finish or not, you would acrue sufficient points to qualify to play naturally. MONEY FINISHES DO NOT MATTER...this is strictly based on the point system.

    You still need to qualify by attending a minimum of four regular season games though. This is to prevent the person from coming out like twice against a large field of 20 players, win both times, and make it to the SET we put in the minimum games played rule.

    Another change made was instead of taking $10 from everyone at every game, we would only take $100 per week from the pot to line the SET payouts with. This would put $1200 in the pot automatically. If all qualified players show up to the SET game, and each pay $50 buyin, this would put the pot to $2000...Top 3 payout...First 50% Second 30% Third 20% ($1000/$600/$400).

    I haven't updated the rules of these new changes yet, and I apologize. Good intentions, never followed through on however.

    Please review this post and get back to me on your concerns/issues.

    Also, I have to sit down and think about the yearly TOC game, but we have some time for that right now.
  • Ok I understand now .. But should it really be a TOC... Should we not call it something else . I beleive easy had mentioned that before.. And I agree with her on this matter.. because it really isnt a TOC it is a ending date of the season so sould it not be called the TOS1 or TOS2. and so on .
  • Ok I understand now .. But should it really be a TOC... Should we not call it something else . I beleive easy had mentioned that before.. And I agree with her on this matter.. because it really isnt a TOC it is a ending date of the season so sould it not be called the TOS1 or TOS2. and so on .

    See title of the post....Season Ending Game
  • OK so i cant read lol take it easy on me there Chris ... I will be ok honest
  • OK so i cant read lol take it easy on me there Chris ... I will be ok honest

    Well there always has been debate about the name of the "TOC" or as well call it at work...the Tournament of “Chump”ions
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