BigChris...Always the Bridesmaid!

Even though Chris is on a nice streak, he can't seem to figure out how to beat ACES headsup...

Last hand of the game, Justin and Chris pretty evenly stacked (Justin had him by a few hundred). Flop comes down 559. Chris having the 9 goes all in, and Justin calls him cold, flipping over pocket rockets. Chris again gets no help on the turn or the river, and Justin walks away with the victory. Well played guys.


Eleanor took third place after donating to Justin, leaving her only a few hundred. Next hand, all in, but gets boarded. Still, very nicely done Eleanor. Max was bubble, and I have the dubious honour of this week's CHUMP, after my AKo against Greg's A10o...he hits his 10 on the flop, and I watch the rest of tournament.

Again, great game everyone. Chris, maybe next week, you can write a chapter for Doyle on how to beat Aces headsup! ;)


  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Again, great game everyone. Chris, maybe next week, you can write a chapter for Doyle on how to beat Aces headsup! ;)

    I believe you cold call a raise with 10 2 of spades then hit the full house. That usually beats AA.

    GG again Chris. Congrats Justin.
  • I think of myself as Phil Ivey (not Hellmuth - AJ) on the WPT. ;)

    The final hand I had J-9 off and I had been playing hyper-aggressive for the last hour.

    Justin limped in from the button so I checked I put Justin on a suited medium suited connector (6-7, 7-8 ) or two face cards (A-10, K-J, Q-J).

    Flop came 5-5-9, I checked. Justin bet 600, still thinking he was on the hands stated above I raised an extra 1000 making it 1600 total. Justin re-raised all-in (I figured he was getting frustrated with my constant raising and pushing) so I called.

    My read was right, he did have two face cards, and the same two face cards; Aces, and I was done.

    Congrats to all the final 3, we were all down to less then ½ our stacks early on but we all managed to grind our way back into the money. I had about 250 chips out one point and was quickly racing Justin on the other table to see who could be the chump first.

    When we got down to 6 handed I realized that I didn’t want to finish on the bubble and I didn’t have a lot of chips so I started to kick up the aggression, that aggression carried over to the final 3 and then carried me to second.
  • Congrats Justin!
  • Good going J,

    btw what happened to Easy? I gave her all my chips, and what did she do with it?
  • Good going J,

    btw what happened to Easy? I gave her all my chips, and what did she do with it?

    As she would say Easy comes and Easy goes......
  • Ah all of TO knows now, its "Easy comes, or Easy goes"...

    Your version doesn't draw half the hits as the correct quote.

    Chris, quit letting people take bathroom breaks once heads up and you'll take one of these down.
  • Thanks guys, and great game all! It was fun to be playing such a short stack early on its been awhile. I guess I havent lost my touch when it comes to playing the short stack. Thanks again to AJ for hosting!
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