Bristol St. H.O.R.S.E. Event - Results!!

18 players gathered around 3 tables to launch the first Bristol Street H.O.R.S.E. event. By the end of the evening, one more person would be win an invite to the Bristol Street GRAND FINAL as well as being crowned the first event, H.O.R.S.E. champion!

With deep stacks and a slow blind schedule there was a lot of crazy play to start the tournament off. Gradually, the blinds increases and "Westside" Wes became the first casualty, four and a half hours into the tournament. It was looking like it was going to be a very long day. Fortunately, players began dropping faster as the blinds went up and less than two hours later, "Big E" Eric was taken out in 10th place to form the Final Table.


Seat 1: "Furfy" Sean ($18,200)
Seat 2: "Metro" Tom ($11,800)
Seat 3: "DataMn" Al ($3,500)
Seat 4: "moose" Rob ($8,400)
Seat 5: "g2" Greg ($13,600)
Seat 6: "waltsfriend" Sandy ($23,900)
Seat 7: "Zithal" Rob ($9,000)
Seat 8: "Quaine" Mark ($19,700)

Please note that I did not take notes for the final table, so all this is from a (beer-filled) memory. If you have more details on your bust out, please post it below and I'll add it to the report.

8th Place - "Metro" Tom - 8:48pm

Tom was appearing in his 6th final table of the year, previously winning Jour de Poker 4. Luck was not on Tom's side as he was retired early to go play more Wii Bowling.

7th Place - "DataMn" Al - 8:51pm

Only minutes later, Al's short stack followed Tom upstairs. This was Al's first final table of the 2006 season. I can't recall how Al busted out.

6th Place - "moose" Rob - 9:20pm

Looking for an unprecedented 4th calender win, and currently the Player of the Year points leader, and going for a third Bristol Street win in a row, Rob busted out in 6th place. Rob is always a dangerous competitor and holds the distinction of being our only 3-Time Bristol Street Champion.

5th Place - "Furfy" Sean - 9:33pm (BUBBLE-BOY)

Commenting that he either bubbles out or takes first place, Sean's prediction came true in a way that the remaining players were hoping for; a Bubble finish in his first Bristol Street event. His early starting stack was decimated by a brutal one-outer (by "Zithal"), followed on the very next hand by a three-outer. Although winning back a nice chunk, he was never able to fully recover and became the H.O.R.S.E. bubble boy.

4th Place - "Quaine" Mark - 9:46pm ($50)

Things looked to be turning around for the short stack at the table as he got all in money in, in Seven-Card Stud hitting Quad Jacks. The very next hand, he got involved in a pot with "Zithal" who had rolled up 9s and a 9 showing. All the money, once again, went into the pot, but this time it was Rob's turn to hit quads and put the final nail in Mark's coffin.

3rd Place - "g2" Greg - 10:20pm ($80)

With three players remaining, Greg had roughly 60% of the chips in play, with Sandy and Rob evenly splitting the rest. A huge confrontation with Sandy put a solid dent into Greg's stack and the chips kept flowing to Sandy's stack as Rob tredded water. Eventually, Sandy eliminated Greg and we were now Heads-Up...


"waltsfriend" Sandy ($92,000)
"Zithal" Rob ($16,000)

With nearly a 6-1 chip lead and limits of 4000-8000, things looked bad for the Bristol Street host. After a few lucky pots, Rob's stack started approaching Sandy's as they headed into the Omaha8, 5000-10000 level. A key hand saw Rob with Ad4dxx scoop a monster pot as his flush hit as well as his low, decimating Sandy's stack. Two all-in hands in a row built Sandy back up, and once again made her a threat. Another big pot was won by Rob and a third all-in hand wasn't to be as Rob took the pot, $270 for first place, an invitation to the Grand Final and the title of Bristol Street H.O.R.S.E. Champion! Rob, now a two time Bristol Champion, (with his previous win being Bristol Street Classic I.) has finally put to rest a long dry spell in his own home games.

Sandy played a great tournament and, though dead tired by the end, earned $135 for her performance.


1. "Zithal" Rob - 10:45pm ($270) - 42 points
2. "waltsfriend" Sandy - 10:45pm ($135) - 30 points
3. "g2" Greg - 10:20pm ($80) - 24 points
4. "Quaine" Mark - 9:46pm ($50) - 21 points
5. "Furfy" Sean - 9:33pm (BUBBLE-BOY) - 19 points
6. "moose" Rob - 9:20pm - 17 points
7. "DataMn" Al - 8:51pm - 16 points
8. "Metro" Tom - 8:48pm - 15 points
9. "Big E" Eric - 8:28pm - 14 points
10. "morty" Sean - 8:27pm - 13 points
11. "8Ball" Tye - 7:53pm - 13 points
12. "ItsaMe" Mario - 7:44pm - 12 points
13. "stpboy" Shannon - 7:35pm - 12 points
14. "DirtyWhore" Mark - 7:24pm - 11 points
15. "Ranger" Mike - 7:18pm - 11 points
16. "JohnnieH" Johnnie H - 7:08pm - 11 points
17. "Quaine+1" Haren - 6:57pm - 10 points
18. "Westside" Wes - 6:47pm - 10 points


  • Rob took the pot, $270 for first place, an invitation to the Grand Final and the title of Bristol Street H.O.R.S.E. Champion! Rob, now a two time Bristol Champion, (with his previous win being Bristol Street Classic I.) has finally put to rest a long dry spell in his own home games.

    Wow, that is one long dry spell Rob...I hope you do not repeat it (the dry spell not the win!!!)!!!

    The monkey is off your back now and likely upstairs bowling on the Wii, it was a fun night!

    Congratz to all the money winners.
  • Apparently you have to have a first name of "Rob" to win a Bristol lately.

    Congrats Zithal, it's long overdue and well deserved.

  • excellent tourney rob! the wii added great excitement, and next time i have 4's, and yer willing to put all your money in, i'll think it through a little longer!

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Apparently you have to have a first name of "Rob" to win a Bristol lately.

    Congrats Zithal, it's long overdue and well deserved.


    lol. Bristol is rigged.
  • Congratulations Rob. I had a great time, and I'm not just saying that because I made the money.

    I know it took a long time, but it was nice to play several rounds of the games I didn't know well at a lower level of blinds.

    I am looking forward to the next event.

  • Nice job Rob!! I know what it's like to have a dry spell at your own home game. Congratulations on breaking it.

    See you next one.

  • Congratulations Rob!!

    Nice run tourney - especially for a HORSE one.

    BTW - This is my second final table - My first tourney there was the Omaha, and I final tabled that one too.
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