High Stakes Cash Game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

getting feed back. looking to hold a highstakes poker game eighter 50/100 limit or 50/100 NL need feed back from everyone as well as if anyone is interested in attending. it will be a 10 person table so looking for 9 people (myself took a spo). minium buyin will be 5000-6000 and maximun will be 20,000. there will be 4 gorillas 2 at the main door as well as 2 in the cage. its a guest list entry so full name will have to be provided with drivers licence number which will have to be shown again at the door before entry is granted. there will be food and snacks provided. Professional dealer. there is no rakes but there is a $20 session fee and hour. covers rental of place, organization, food and drinks.

Dealer Tips not needed but remember he is there on his/her own time and is appreciated.

Looking forward to the feedback and suggestions guys PM me or email me at BoyyBlue1@hotmail.com


  • Put me down for two spots. I'll play 2 hands at a time to make it big enough stakes for me. Are the gorrillas provided bananas? Don't want them getting hungry and wandering off looking for peanuts... :D

    P.S. This sounds like a game for you Cory...
  • no they take JagerMister well however its spelt and now that leaves 7 seats opens
  • I think the :D means he was just joking.

  • compuease wrote: »
    Put me down for two spots. I'll play 2 hands at a time to make it big enough stakes for me. Are the gorrillas provided bananas? Don't want them getting hungry and wandering off looking for peanuts... :D

    P.S. This sounds like a game for you Cory...

    Possibly the greatest post I have ever read on here !!!! Personally I would love to play but my bankroll of 200 dollars just went down to 50 with a bad online river beat.. guess I can't play if I can't post a blind. I would love to know what the entrance fee is for railbirds though..I would love to watch this spectacle of dengenerate gambling!!
  • [QUOTE=

    P.S. This sounds like a game for you Cory...[/QUOTE]

    Just another guy Jeff acting like some big stakes hero. I am sure there are many on a free forum where we post for CPF dollars that are looking to play 50/100 NL. He may want to consider having 2 tables with 8 gorillas.

    The list should start now. Jeff if your playing two spots, I'll take two too! BoyBlue, when I see you posting your big blind on poker stars at .25/.50 limit, I'll ask you how your list is coming.
  • you know just because you dont have a bankroll doesn't mean you need to rag on all other players that like to play high stakes. Second of all i dont play online poker i dont like it cause i cant see the people i am playing. Third of all if your not going to join (since you dont have that kind of bankroll) then dont post here.

    Go ahead take a look at all my posts and you will see that this is not for some fing CPF bucks.

    You had no right on the personal attack.
  • There are 3 seats open guys. Due to the feed back it is going to be 50/100 NL. Pm or email me if you want a seat
  • BoyBlue wrote: »
    you know just because you dont have a bankroll doesn't mean you need to rag on all other players that like to play high stakes. Second of all i dont play online poker i dont like it cause i cant see the people i am playing. Third of all if your not going to join (since you dont have that kind of bankroll) then dont post here.

    Go ahead take a look at all my posts and you will see that this is not for some fing CPF bucks.

    You had no right on the personal attack.

    Is the same Boy Blue who was going to Brantford to play 5/10 in his orange hoodie the other day. You can't tell me that you want to play 50/100 NL and go to Brantford to play 5/10. At a minimum, your palying 10/20 if not 20/40.

    Lastly, for my bankroll, you have no idea. Good luck on your game.
  • folded wrote: »
    Is the same Boy Blue who was going to Brantford to play 5/10 in his orange hoodie the other day. You can't tell me that you want to play 50/100 NL and go to Brantford to play 5/10. At a minimum, your palying 10/20 if not 20/40.

    Lastly, for my bankroll, you have no idea. Good luck on your game.
    I do believe it is. I'm confused too.

  • do you know the long wait for a 20/40 table. but besids that i was with my buddies and they dont play high stakes, it was just a night out with the boys. You are right i dont know your bankroll so i cant say what it is. but that gos the same for you, you dont know what my roll is. simply put i am no longer gonna defend myself with this. this was just a post ment to get players and thats it. if you want any proof anty up and lets play. i will let you choose this game i am organizing or brantfords 50/100 or niagra. i do not play online so that is not a option. the best way to settle this is lets play some heads up high stakes poker. il even let you set the time and date.
  • It sounds like bull shit to me.
  • It sounds like bull shit to me.

    LOL!! i can't believe i just read all that...
  • I'm in if I can bring the cards!! haha :D
  • thread closed @ OP's request.

    With all due respect, innocent until proven guilty guys. I think there was some rush to judge the legitimacy of Blue's game.
This discussion has been closed.