Amiee's Aces HOLD UP!!

Amiee wins her first league game tonight, after chipping away at Chris's stack almost from the start of headsup play. Chris had the lead for a bit at first, but Amiee's aggression soon had him on the defence, and with Chris getting suddenly card dead, he couldn't make a move.


Last hand, Amiee is dealt pocket aces and slow plays them beautifully, letting Chris hit something on the board. The duece on the river paired Chris up, and with the check/check on the flop and the turn, Chris thought he had the best hand and went all in with them. Aimee insta-called and flipped over her rockets to take the game. Great game both of you, very well played.

Third place goes to EASY tonight, her first money finish in the league. Easy chipped up early in the night, and built up a nice stack on the final table, but again, the cards were not cooperating and she had to settle for third place. Nice game Amanda!! Better than Dan anyway, who went out on BUBBLE!! ;)

Tonights CHUMP was Tony. Tony let the flop hit Amiee's AQ for two pair, and Tony's Cowboys were not able to catch up after that.

Great game tonight everyone. See you next week.


  • Congrats Aimee! You played those Aces beautifully!
  • You totally trapped my ass with those Aces Aimee. I put you on a missed draw, hence I moved all my chips on the middle with only a pair of twos.

  • Thanks you guys..

    Fisrt when I took out Tony, I had A9 suited. I flopped the two pair. I checked, he bet 800, I made it 2400, Thats when he said ALL IN. I did call right away with my two pair. I did not put him on the KK. But the two pair held up..

    I was gettin a little worried going into final table. I went card dead for awhile.
    After getting dealt pockets and AK to A9 all night. Folding some winning hands because I didnt want to donk off my chips. Final table I just waited and waited till I had good cards. I just wanted to make the money for a change.

    Sorry Amanda, that i took most of your big chipstack from. But, I had to do it.. Good game. No one can be more surprise then me... *wink*

    Heads up with Chris. WOW.. I was gettin tired and wanted to go home. After we were just passing blinds back and forth really. I decided to get into fold or allin mode. Which worked out very well for me.. Most of the time I had the cards to back up my all ins. A few times, I had shit but wanted to end the game.

    When I had the AA, I figured ok, I have been going all in whenever he has raised. I could tell he was starting to get a little upset with me doing that. So I totally slow played my aces. THinking in my head how do I get Chris to put all his Chips in the middle. I was hoping he hit the K, But apparently, he thought his 3 2 suited was good. when he bet on the river 2400, I just said like the other times, I am all in. He looked at me thinking he had pulled the wool over my eyes and says I have to call you. I said ok, All I have is pocket aces.. Sorry Chris.. The look on your face was priceless. As you throw down your 2 3 suited and took your second place money..

    It was a great night and great game. Well played Chris, Amanda, and everyone else.. And Thanks Tony for going all in when you did. I used your chips wisely..

    Hopefully, I can make it next week. Depending on how tired I am due to work.
    I am going to be working midnights, So I wil lhave to see how I feel by thursday night..

    :) It was great to finaly win one ... Hopefully, I can win some more.
  • Hey AJ

    Were is the pictures lol..

    Chris Nice picture lol i like that.
  • Hey AJ

    Were is the pictures lol..

    Chris Nice picture lol i like that.

    Well you totally did trap and beat me. I have no excuse as "I was getting cards" or "I got unlucky", you schooled me, good win again.
  • Sorry everyone, I'm having a problem with my Excel spreadsheet, and at this time, can't update the points boards. I will try to get it updated as soon as possible.

    Amiee, I will download the pic shortly.
  • Thanks Chris

    That means alot.. Guess I am learning well. How to play the game..

    Great game to you too again ..

  • Great job Aimee sorry i missed it, had a U.S thanksgiving day party and game I was committed too. Good to see someone's aces hold up against Chris. Again great work!!! talk to you guys later..

  • She's on a roll, placing 2nd in our tournament here. I guess I got to start taking lessons from her soon. That was a very funny pic Chris I think that may end up being her new avatar. LOL.
  • Dear AcidJoesHoe,

    Please bring back the old Aimee, the one that doesn't check raise and slow play,


    Tony and Chris
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Dear AcidJoesHoe,

    Please bring back the old Aimee, the one that doesn't check raise and slow play,


    Tony and Chris

    OMG if that isn't the funniest thing I've read.. I've got a new vote for Thread of the Year.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Dear AcidJoesHoe,

    Please bring back the old Aimee, the one that doesn't check raise and slow play,


    Tony and Chris

    Ummmmmm I thought about it and thought about it.. UMMMMMMMMM
    NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You now never know what I am gonna do.. This my friend is a good thing for me.. Not so good for you guys.. :)

    I hope I am not to tired to come on Thrusday.. I need to defend my win.. *wink* ... And I do agree with Joe on this is the turning out to be the funniest thread...
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