Guelph Omaha or Pineapple?

Anyone up for a game of Omaha or Pineapple this sunday?
I know i'm in for with your sign up..or whatever....

list is at the bottom!!

Game will start at 7pm, wtih 5000 in chips...omaha will be PL, pineapple will be N/L



  • Dude.. there's a Bristol on Sunday.. make it next Thursday , and I"m 100% there

  • ahh, didn't know there was a bristol st..even tho it's right thursday it is......omaha in guelph....10 + 5 bounty.
  • I'm in..

    There, see how easy that was...

  • Timmeh is in!
  • alright, so this is how this is looking right now..remember, i need at least 8 to run this tourney!
    here we go

    1. Mark
    2. Drtyore Mark
    3. Timmeh
    4. River Mike (confirmed)
    5. Haren
    6. Nadine (tent cuz...well she has to study)
    7. Mir (confirmed)
    8. Sandro ( open)
    9. Susan (confirmed)

    So we have 6 that are probable....2 that aren't sure....anyone who is interested sign up soon!!
    10 + 5 bounty..well worth the good time! :)

  • this game is looking food for tomorrow.....i will send PM's and confirmations tomorrow afternoonish! :)
    if anyone needs directions and doesn't have them by umm..4.....or whatever...PM me and i'll send them out!
    see you tomorrow for pot limit omaha!
  • Hey Mark

    Send me your address again, in case I deleted it.

  • Hey Mark...

    I may be a smidge late, since I generally work until 6:30...

  • all good, as the game starts at 7.....ish.. :)
  • I'm down baby!!

  • well, we had a great turn out (ahem..7 people is great by my standards lately!) and we had a whole lot of fun. Mir took the tourney down...but the star of the night was definatly the wii...
    Thanks to the dr. for bringing that piece of Nintendo magic made me going out before the break that much more bearable.
    And then there was elimination blackjack..thanks mir for staying and showing us how to play...i took down first prize and big mike took second...good time i think were had by all, and i got my workout in from boxing haren!

    anyone in for next week?!
  • Hey Mark

    Great time.. glad to be establishing a base here in guelph for my fix... now let's get the numbers up dammit!

    And Miranda (who apparantly can't read this "too busy" forum)... nice King on the river...

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